
A Light in the Darkness, Ascension For All Souls, Part 5: Caroline Aguiar

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By: Caroline Aguiar, 02/15/2014


Its possible this topic hasn’t been addressed yet, but if it has, I’d like to voice my opinion on it if I may.  The point of this article is really a question for each of you who read these words.


Will All Souls Ascend?


I’m sure some one out there can give a better definition of ascension that I can, but I see it like this:  Ascension is the return to our natural state of being with our consciousness fully expanded, and encompassed within the truth of who we are.  It’s the end of dualistic consciousness, and the beginning of unity consciousness, global peace, and harmony as one unified body.


You Are The Universe: Transcending The Separate Self

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By:, 02/12/2014


I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the people that I have met, all the women that I have loved; all the cities I have visited.
―Jorge Luis Borges

A recognition of alliance is growing among people in diverse arenas of activism, whether political, social, or spiritual. The holistic acupuncturist and the sea turtle rescuer may not be able to explain the feeling, “We are serving the same thing,” but they are. Both are in service to an emerging Story of the People that is the defining mythology of a new kind of civilization.

I will call it the Story of Interbeing, the Age of Reunion, the ecological age, the world of the gift. It offers an entirely different set of answers to the defining questions of life. Here are some of the principles of the new story:

Mythology's Guide to Ascension

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The Voice - A Mythological Guide to Mankind's Ascension

Still available for Free Preview on Goodreads until February 10, 2014:


A Message from The Voice

My fellow travelers,

Once in a while you are awakened to new insights that shake up your status quo.  You get so rattled your whole world goes topsy-turvy.

Is this a bad thing?  No, not at all!  Is it a good thing?  By all means, yes!  How else can you get a good night’s sleep unless you are tired?  How else can you wake up to new realities unless your old world view is shattered?

Positive disintegration is what this is, a chance at a new start.  A world view changes as you are ready to receive the new.  It unfolds through you.  All life does this.

It’s your reality after all that needs awakening, not mine!  Ascension is clear.  From where I stand I can see you there trying your hardest.  But you are stumbling all over the place.  There’s no truth anymore to the old world order.  It has to die.  That’s how a new age  is born.  The old goes first, because it doesn’t work anymore.  It fails to meet your needs.

It’s beyond you to comprehend this fully, but it’s true nevertheless.  Old world orders disappear all the time.  Your world history holds many examples of this.

In this book, we are examining such prospects.  We are viewing change from a unique point of view, as something happening in fantasy land, but it is actually happening to you as we speak.

You are living this dream as I have described it.  You are witnessing for yourselves the power of change.  Old world orders come and go, as you please, but certain constants remain the same.

Giselle Koy - This Unique Window of Time - 2014

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Remember to Walk as Royalty of the Light. In this Royal Procession of Ascension, we walk calmly and regally for the glory is pervasive throughout all life forms and planetary systems.

Grace has been the secret ingredient for so long, the catapult for each and every victory that brought us out of our sleep and into the full light of consciousness.

Yes, we are in the sites of the Holy Beam, locked on to our destinies and ready to take the steps into fully inhabiting our missions.

This year, 2014, holds the door open for all those ready to fully inhabit their planetary mission work. But look not for a grandiose role to step into but that which you already know and is truly unique to you. We are not all speaking on the platforms but we are all emissaries of the light, so let the light shine through your work. Let love and kindness be the way, helpful to humanity.

Ask that your gifts be open like a present and shared with the world in their highest format.

Expect the Unexpected ~ 12:12 Energies

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A Special Edition of New Earth Frequency Update ~ Unified Whole Command of Oneness reflects on the energies of 12:12 ~

Due to the changes that we are experiencing in December 2012, we would like to share some vibrational energies to help create an understanding within the physical mind.  We are the Unified Whole representing the Source of Creation from the 144th dimension.

We come today as a group consciousness so to speak as we want each of you to sit and breathe deeply by allowing your Higher Essence to come into your physical being.  Do not read the words without perceiving the energies.  We do this for one reason:  12:12 is not about understanding the process but going through the doorway without an expectations.

Due to the advancement of your world there is so much information available for each individual soul.  It is for this reason that we want you to feel our essence which in truth is your essence as We are One.  If you can have that experience, then the resulting moment will be acceptance, because you will not receive all of this information we share.  You will bring into yourself the aspects of your Self that are awaiting to be acknowledged.

Discovering the Higher Vibrations of Reality via 12:12

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There is a great challenge in sharing something new with others. I am talking about something really new; new for everyone, not something that you have never tried before but something that didn’t even exist before.

If your friend goes to see a movie and tells you it was really special, you already understand what a movie is, how it works and what to expect. You won’t know what makes it special but you have a context of what you will experience.

But what about something like skydiving or visiting a remote Caribbean island paradise that you have never experienced? Well even then, you have a context of skydiving from stories, movies or the YouTube experiences of others. You understand the beauty and exhilaration that you might experience. You have a context of expectation.

When it comes to something completely new, something only a very few have a context for, like the feeling and magical wonder of being weightless, that is something you can’t easily share.  Any astronaut will tell you that it is not just the weightlessness but that moment when you see that majestic “blue ball” of planet Earth floating in the middle of the universe; that is the moment when your entire context for your life drastically alters forever.

At that timeless moment you come face to face with how infinitesimal you are compared to such magnificence; and yet you are also powerless against coming to a deep realization that you feel so magnetically connected to that blue ball of wonderment; that you are so much a part of it within each bone of your body. Even more mind blowing is that there is something else you begin to understand.

New Earth Frequency Update ~ A New Paradigm of Light

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PLANETARY AS SHARED BY MELERIESSEE ~ This last month in 2013 is going to prove to be the lightning being shown by many levels of creation.  We have gone through so many planetary accelerations through this year that the changes each of us is going through is representative of the changes it has brought into our lives.

We are now in the midst of the Comet Ison spinning its essence through the hemisphere into the Sun approximately on November 28th, 2013 and then hopefully, it will survive and move into the Earth’s skies.  What does this mean for us?

It all started with the Portal of Light with Uranus Pluto Square that allowed for the integration of the Galactic forces of light merging into the Solar level and within the planet’s surface.  This alignment represents all that we have experienced in 2013 with the changes, the purification that we needed to do, to allow for the intermingling of energies from the 24th dimensional level to spin into the 4th of Earth’s current status.  All of this could not be possible without the previous activations that we experienced of each moon cycle, eclipse, with the Solstice and Equinox experiences to be felt by the human race into the core of GAIA.  We are definitely experiencing energies that have never been before accepted into GAIA’s field, but yet it is happening.


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