
Urgent! Cleansing Energies Coming In! SUN / EARTH / WATERS *GALACTIC LOVE MEDITATION* from ASHTAR for the NEXT 7 DAYS, at least 15 MINUTES PER DAY -- In English, Chinese, Korean, and Russian

JTariah's picture
SUN / EARTH / WATERS *GALACTIC LOVE MEDITATION* from ASHTAR for the NEXT 7 DAYS, at least 15 MINUTES PER DAY -- In English, Chinese, Korean, and Russian





The Galactic Surge of Light Within GAIA

WTC Mel and Mike's picture

Lord Great Bear is the Logos of Sirius within the Universal Level (24th dimension through the 35th) that oversees the Christed Intergalactics and work within his essence.  Some of planets that he works with are the Arcturus, Pleiades, Andromedea, and Sirian-B.  He oversees these planetary systems to stay in alignment with the Divine Guidance of the Cosmic Level.  He works directly with the Ashtar Command and Lord Sananda on communication of the Galactic forces within the Universal Structures including the Solar Level of Earth.

The following message was conveyed from the perspective of the Galactic forces as it represents our alignment with our Star Brothers and Sisters in a more powerful way.  As each of the Christed Planets becomes aligned within Oneness of the 144th dimension, they are releasing the old elements that have kept them separate from the Earth’s energies.  We look to them for help and many of us feel at HOME with their essence.  This is the first part of understanding the changes through Uranus-Pluto Square on November 23, 2013 and continuing with Comet ISON.

This means that we are bringing the energies of the Galactic timelines into our present timeline for them to be healed and to help GAIA ascend.  It must come from a vibrational rate at first and this is what ISON is presenting to us.  We have the power to make this a positive experience but we must work within our own consciousness to release anything that does not serve the higher purpose.  This means that there could be havoc upon the planet within certain individuals and geographic areas.

Giselle Koy ~ The Reign of God ~ November Update

Giselle Koy's picture

The Reign of God is upon us, showering us, surrounding us, penetrating us in every way.

After the transformative November 3 eclipse, there is a clear pulse. One not littered with disharmonic frequencies but here for all individuals to know and feel their spiritual evolution, their place within divine order and their role in the Ascension Plan.

Sit in Your Holy Beam Daily.

Declare Your Presence On the Ascension Team.

Roll Up the Safety Net and Go For It! You are ready!

Eons of evolution are culminating in this moment. The transforming eclipse helped put some finishing touches on many especially in the area of ego attachments and disruptions. It was a shaking loose of all energies needing to be shaken of.

Diamond Heart Chakra Cleanse Class

WTC Mel and Mike's picture

We are holding our innovative Diamond Heart Essence Training which will cleanse the Advanced Chakra Grid on the 3rd, 4th and 5th levels of dimension on Thursday November 14, 2013 at 5 PM

Many are aware of the Hindu system of the 7 chakras that consist of the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root. These are energy centers that Western medicine does not recognize as real, much like the mythical meridians in Chinese medicine they can’t seem to locate on their modern equipment. However to much of the non-western world, and to many now within it, these energy vortexes and lines are not only real but the proper functioning and balance of them is considered as essential as breathing.

Most healers doing chakra balancing or cleansing typically work on the physical level of the 3rd dimensional body to assist healing. The Diamond Heart Essence uses spiritual Light Diamond technology on the chakras themselves but also for all the joints of the body. Using your own Light Diamonds works on the higher dimensions of the 5th and beyond to actualize those higher frequencies by giving you a new direct pathway to your I AM Presence connecting that essence to your physical body using the etheric body as the bridge.

Love Can't Be Stopped

Desert Gypsy's picture

The waves of energy  are coming in now at an ever increasing rate bringing us more fully into the unity consciousness field. No longer are we experiencing week long periods of clearing or even day to day clearing cycles; this pattern has changed to moments. Indeed we are in a vibrating field of energy now as the intensity of the November energetic flow increases.

One cannot stress enough the importance of staying in the moment of NOW. There is no past and no future and no worries in the moment of NOW.

Focusing on gratitude for each and everything in your life will assist you in staying balanced and whole and feeling the love that you are...Know that you are surrounded and lifted up by your angels. You are completely loved and cared for. Each moment spent allowing the pain of old traumas and issues to clear, will only lift you higher on your journey. Breakdown = Breakthrough!

Natural World Organization or New World Order?

jen2le's picture

Today, I read the Manifesto for a perfect world.  It's created by Humanitad, a non governmental organization founded by Sacha Stone.  They have an amazing portfolio of administrators and spiritual support.

The premise is promising, filling the minds and hearts of all of us who are tired of the war machine, and the 3D energetic world.  Their "New Earth" promises everything that our high vibrating selves could want.  Just read it for yourself here:  The larger picture can be found at

My intuitive self started vibrating...and despite the seeming 'awesomeness', of their promise, something was not feeling right.

I want to know what your thoughts are on this project?  Are you all in?  Am I just being suspicious of something that seems 'too good to be true'?  Or, am I right to hold back?  And, why do they call it NWO?

Well, these are my thoughts.  I'm curious to know your well thought out comments.

Another this the "New Earth" that we will ascend to?  Something is just not feeling right about this.



We See You

Astara's picture

Many of us get concerned, whether we say it or not, that we will remain alone, that others are not aware that we feel that way. We ARE aware of it. Particularly many people on the leading front of the higher frequency path, do not have a community or family or people to relate with, even among others on the path.



We are also in… a holding period as others join us in holding at higher frequencies. As more and more let go of the collapsing of the old world that appears before them, the illusion.

All of the issues, we do see them. And they will fall the more we let go of them.

They are a tree without roots.



annamerkaba's picture

…What we are trying to say to you is the fear that many of you are experiencing at this moment in time, is nothing more than the remnants of civilizations past, the remnants of you bodies remembrance, and the celebration of your hearts’ knowing.

All of this is but a normal reaction to the universal truth that your bodies are being bombarded with at this very moment in time. The universal truth of Freedom, Self Power and Self Reliance. The universal truth of Love, Light and Peace. The universal truth of ONENESS with each other, the universe and the eternal OM. The energies that your bodies were and still are affected with are such as to allow the rapid transformation of your psyche for more and more of us, your galactic brothers and sisters are entering GAIA’s planetary system. And so, another massive awakening of the sleeping souls and the penetration of the outer layers of the atmospheric convergence is about to be experienced by you all…


Cobra Interview Synopsis with Alexandra Meadors

Desert Gypsy's picture - 11/3/13, Therese Zumi Sumner

KingCobra1 e1341438837838 Cobra Interview Synopsis with Alexandra Meadors


Cobra Interview from October 29th now available. The Following are some of the areas discussed; Regarding the factions within the Cabal – if we look at the world scene {not countries} it is now the USA and Israel against the rest of the world. The Cabal are simply very crazy people {beings} – no more – no less and you have to tread carefully with them. Some examples of their madness are;

Becoming One with your Highest Essence - The Cosmic Great Central Sun

WTC Mel and Mike's picture

Channeled Message from Divine Mother and Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun, Clarion Temple of Oneness Teaching, October 28, 2013

The Solar Eclipse of November 3rd provides a gateway of light for humanity to connect with their Higher Essence whether it be Higher Self, Monad, or I AM Presence for a 3-day period.  This will help humanity to bring Peace within the Earth.  Each lightworker is requested to utilize the Ray of Inner Devotion on the Cosmic level of the Ruby Red with Gold to balance their energies and receive serenity and peace within.


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