
How to watch the November 3 total solar eclipse online (video)

Desert Gypsy's picture - 11/2/2013, Deborah Byrd

Composite total solar eclipse Aug. 1999 by Fred Espenak.

There will be a hybrid solar eclipse – part annular, part total, part partial – on Sunday November 3, 2013. To see the annular or total eclipse, you’ll need to be standing within a narrow pathway on Earth’s surface, and, in fact, the best place to be is Africa. But what about those of us who will be clouded out, or who are not in the right place to view the eclipse? No worries … you can watch online via Slooh from Kenya, Gabon, and the Canary Islands.

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New Earth Frequency Update ~ As Above, So Below

WTC Mel and Mike's picture

Planetary ~ Shared By Meleriessee

This week we are in the state of balance to prepare for more acceleration within GAIA which means we will be experiencing another transitional phase.  The New Moon with a Solar Eclipse occurs on November 3rd, 2013, 4:49 AM Pacific, 7:49 AM Eastern, 15:49 GMT.

How do we stay in the flow between accelerations which is happening to us consistently?  The Equinox proved to be the most powerful surge of light within the planet; in fact, it was the event that was supposed to occur 12-21-12.  By the sources of the Spiritual Hierarchy, it was delayed until the God Force felt that all humans could handle the change that it would create on the planet.  GAIA is now infused with the Blue Ray of Will and Power which means that the elements of control we have been under can be harnessed through our hard work and diligence.  This is only the beginning as it will take some time for others to acknowledge this essence within them, but as Light Workers it is our responsibility to utilize the frequency within ourselves and within the world around us.

The Blue Ray represents the qualities of strength, courage, leadership, and strong convictions but within the essence of patience, love, protection, and strong faith.  Utilize this essence to help bring peace and love in all areas of the lands upon GAIA.  This all occurred during the Fall Equinox on September 22nd, 2013.

We then were hit with the Lunar Eclipse during the full moon in October.  This took us into a deeper level of ourselves.  We were asked by the essence of the energies to purge yet once again another part of our existence as our shadow side is not being ignited to be blessed with the Light.

To Be Free Again

Desert Gypsy's picture

To Be Free Again

Who are you? Do you remember? You are that essence and spirit; the one which came before the given name. You are the one, the Self, that was before thought, before the teachings of this thing we were told is reality. You are divine, beautiful and eternal; part of a universe that cannot exist without your awareness; that is how divine you are. There is no other. There is no separation. What separates you is a thought. What separates you is fear. What unites you with who you really are and all that is divine, is love. The love that sees life in all that your eyes behold. She that beholds beauty in the other until it overflows with so much love, that she at last sees it in herself. He who feels the pulse of life and knows in his heart, there is more than merely...this.  

Yet, you wonder, where is this illusory thing you long for that would quicken your heart once more for just a breath of it; for just a drop of it’s living replenishment. What is it that would triumphantly proclaim you are there at last? Oh, for just one moment to realize what it is that makes you feel lost and separated. To be at that place you feel you knew long ago, where you feel wholly loved and once again, there is peace in every atom swirling about you in joyous welcome. Where has it gone?

Such Joy Is In The Air!

Desert Gypsy's picture

This afternoon, I stepped out into the warm sunlight to take a short walk. As I headed down my driveway, I received a message, "There is such Joy in the Air." And indeed, I felt loving energy as I looked up to see an huge angel cloud hovering above me. The energies of love and harmony are here!

Monday night I dreamed of a liberty bell surrounded by many loving hearts. Freedom is at hand! The bell in my dream, however, was not cracked, but solid and whole, as we are becoming through this process of freeing ourselves from ego and programming.

Last night I dreamed of people participating in a peaceful parade. Everyone laughing, smiling, and holding hands. The words on the banner at the lead of the parade read:

Samhain Blessings

yourgypsysoul's picture

Well we’ve reached the end of October, and although this year may not have been what we expected in terms of Ascension and planetary changes, I hope we can all agree that we are not the same person we were at the beginning of the year, let alone the beginning of the season.  Samhain is the time of year when the veil is known to be the thinnest. That is, the world we live in and the spiritual world are at their closest of the year, with the boundaries between the two worlds lowered so that it is more easily accessible. We are also approaching an eclipse that will happen on November 3rd. Eclipses offer a great time for us to tune inward and be aware of ourselves completely. Eclipses, and especially Mercury retrograde, which we are experiencing until November 10th, can cause issues in communication, travel, electronics and more so it is essential for us to stay centered and grounded. They can also be viewed as a symbol of change and rebirth.


How appropriate then, that during this time of enhanced Spiritual connection that I received my first channeling from the faerie realm! And even more appropriate for the theme of rebirth is the message they gave!

Unity Beyond Drama: Accelerated Awakening and a game of Dimensional Hopscotch

Astara's picture

(Shared from )

There is no “cabal”.
There is only us.
This is the next step of realization.
It is a dramatization of truth but not the last layer of truth we will see. It is a stepping stone in awakening.
I believe that it is a phase that can be skipped.
Some would choose it some would not, if given the option.
It is not of the 5th dimension.
It is a further leap to take. (To skip passed. Dimensional hopscotch.)
It is eyes open but not fully ¹.

Seeing light by way of dark, a reflection, indirect. The method of using the poison as the remedy. But not the final state of vitality.

Acknowledgement of a “cabal” causes people to form together and begin to feel as though they are on the same team – a unifying.
But it is not seeing the way in which the story is playing out.
It is a gentle transition for consciousness – from oppressed, to less oppressed, to not oppressed – but is still in the transition.

What do you do with naughty children? You monitor them… and tickle them so that they too can open their eyes.
Eyes do not close and pretend nothing is amiss.
But eyes also do not close to the only real option being love, not opposition ².

Opposition is a momentary step… it is the “no no” one says to themselves before the onset of the real work, the tickling.
The redirection of energy, of movement.
To light.


Meeting of the Minds ~ Ashtar Command

WTC Mel and Mike's picture

Ashtar Command on the new Light Frequency and how we connect to the Galactic forces in response.

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Yeshua: You Are The Strongest of the Strong ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ October 15, 2013

franheal's picture



Hello my dearest ones, my beautiful friends. I come before you today with so much love in my heart for you and so much hope in my heart for you, and I see so much promise in you. You are the elite of the stars – starlight, every one of you. Your mission continues and it proceeds in ever-illuminated glory.

You may be experiencing a lull right now in what you deem as your purpose, in what you deem as your mission, in what you deem as your path. But do not forget dear ones, that you are ever-solid in your endeavors, and are ever-solid in your missions.

As you envelop and enfold the energies coming to you, you may feel a difference in your perspectives, in the feel of your bodies. You may not be able to equate it to anything that you are familiar with. Now is the time to just go with it. For in the ever-winding road you are traveling, it is sure to come out into a beautiful meadow of your destination, so to speak, complete with fragrant flowers and lushness.

Just because you cannot quantify your new feelings and experiences based on past measures and markers, it doesn’t mean you are not going full-speed-ahead into what you have always seen as your destination, into full embodiment of your divinity, into full completion of your mission.

And it is not easy right now dear ones, for as we have warned you, or as we have prepared you – would be a better way of putting it – many things do seem to you to be in chaos and unexplainable premise. But as you trust your inner guidance, you are leading yourselves out of the fog and into blue skies of clarity, replete with new shining bodies of crystalline nature and complete with new wiring that will enable you to proceed into a new scenario of abundance and love-filled experiences.

Top Ten Ascension Symptom Remedies

WTC Mel and Mike's picture

There are so many that have questions on what they are feeling.

+Physical Anomalies/Sensations in specific areas
+Feeling Dizzy/Spacy/Unsteady
+Diet Strangeness/Foods that worked before don’t all of a sudden
+Over Fatigued/Over Energized
+Mental Lapse of Recall/ Deja vu flashes

All of these are totally unexplained as to the root cause by medical professionals if you go see them (yes it is always advised to check in with them first so the establishment does not feel left out…we do not offer any medical advice ever so you must see them to get that.)

Why this is happening is because the human body is taking in more light frequencies. Think of it as growing pains when you were young. Everything has to shift and make room. Often this means that what is there must go. Here are the top 10 things we advise:

1. If you are not already doing so, remove artificial and chemical food/drink. Your body can no longer handle them like it did. Simpler and purer does better now.

2. Drink much more clean water daily. This can go beyond the good ole 8 glasses a day up to a gallon. But ease into it as your body adjust, don’t just go and force drink a gallon. In general most folks are dehydrated anyway so more will help.

3. Go for gentle remedies, over the counter and pharma solutions are getting too harsh. Use homeopathy, natural herbs for teas or extracts. Extracts that have no or little alcohol are better. Use Caster Oil for muscle and body pain, coconut oil, use Arnica,

New Earth Frequency Update ~ Integrating the Equinox Energies

WTC Mel and Mike's picture

Planetary ~ Shared by Meleriessee

There is no mistake about it ~ the Autumn Equinox was a very powerful event upon this planet.  The equinox itself was not the surge of power, but with the Harvest Moon just a few days ahead, it helped to bring waves of light into the atmosphere of GAIA for each individual to experience it within their consciousness.

We have to remember that it was orchestrated through many months of activations and trial and error of being on the Mastery Pathway.  Without the preparation stages that occurred in December 2012 and the ensuing energies of New Moons, Full Moons, Eclipses, the Lion’s Gate, and the Star of David that occurred three times, we would not truly understand the full effect of the present energies that we are feeling.

At this time, it is important to reflect how far we have come within this journey.  We are going to be challenged even more deeply as time goes by.  REFLECTION is very important at this time so there is a settling down of receiving the higher energies within the physical structure as we start to change into the Crystalline essence we have been desiring to be.  We all know that this can be quite a challenge with our lifestyle and how it can change dramatically from moment-to-moment.

Some of the changes we can be feeling are:


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