
Preparedness ~ Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos

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Lord Adama via Meleriessee speaking about mid 2013 as we face a transitional phase individually and collectively. Excerpted from the weekly New Earth Consciousness Teaching by the Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery(sm).

Lord Adama mentions the Unified Whole Update:

Mother Mary: You Are Such Precious Jewels of Eternity ~ as Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 7, 2013

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Mother Mary:

Hello my dear illustrious Beings. I come to you on yet another auspicious day. Energy is accumulating for ever more shifts within each of you and I am here to tell you to be as open as you can, be as expanded as you can and as fluid as you can be.

By now you are experiencing more of your gifts, more of your hearts that are opening to the divine within you. Grasp and behold the beauty within them as you embark on your continuing journey back to Oneness.

I and all the Ascended Masters of the Company of Heaven hold the space for you to enter further into your Wholeness, into your majesty, into your Beingness - your Divine Beingness.

There are so many pockets of energy opening within you now. Go easy with yourselves as you explore them and enjoy them and be in the wonder of them, dear ones.

Above and Beyond you is so much to encompass Into you and Of you. You are in the process of melding into this vast energy as you awaken the same within you. And it is glorious and magnificent and so full of possibilities. Expand dear ones; encompass, and enjoy.

Giselle Koy - It's Never Too Late: A Message from Krishna

Giselle Koy's picture

I am one of the members of the celestial management team. I have epochs of popularity and for some I am a guiding and original force. For those that resonate with me are the passionate Sirians – the blue people and galactic romantics.

For I represent the romance with God.
Christ is for salvation.
Buddha is for equanimity and peace.
Krishna is for falling in love with God.

My habitat is one of beauty with flowers from Venus and of course the Gopi Goddesses who represent beauty, the divine feminine as they flow rivers of devotion.

For many centuries, these rivers off devotion were the only thing to ride on to God – the energy was dense here but these waters were magnetized so that you could put your life raft on them and be carried by truth and faith. For many, what was once these great rivers of connection would now be considered merely drops because the energies now are far greater and a million times more potent.

But what does that say about mankind? It says that his spark of God within himself cannot be extinguished. For merely drops of divine flow were enough for him to devote his life to the calling.

Giselle Koy - It's Never Too Late: A Message from Krishna

Giselle Koy's picture

I am one of the members of the celestial management team. I have epochs of popularity and for some I am a guiding and original force. For those that resonate with me are the passionate Sirians – the blue people and galactic romantics.

For I represent the romance with God.
Christ is for salvation.
Buddha is for equanimity and peace.
Krishna is for falling in love with God.

My habitat is one of beauty with flowers from Venus and of course the Gopi Goddesses who represent beauty, the divine feminine as they flow rivers of devotion.

For many centuries, these rivers off devotion were the only thing to ride on to God – the energy was dense here but these waters were magnetized so that you could put your life raft on them and be carried by truth and faith. For many, what was once these great rivers of connection would now be considered merely drops because the energies now are far greater and a million times more potent.

But what does that say about mankind? It says that his spark of God within himself cannot be extinguished. For merely drops of divine flow were enough for him to devote his life to the calling.

Yeshua: You Have Reached Yet Another Marker In Your Development ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ July 5, 2013

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Hello my dear beloveds. I gaze upon your magnificence, your increasing brilliance of light and sparkling divinity. I am in awe of your power and your resiliency and your commitment. It is to be commended and admired for this was not an easy road you chose to embark on.

But in the truth of that is also the startling revelation that within you is everything that you need to allow this mission to come to fruition. For in the struggle comes strength and an opportunity to gather and tap more strength and resources.

It is the secret of creation, to be able to tap that power within, to meld with Source and allow for Light and Love to prevail in everything you focus on. It is in allowing for that God Spark within you to grow and morph at will. And to allow your essence to grow and prosper in the moment of Now.

For you are discovering that your essence comes into fruition not by trying but by allowing. To revel in your capacity to glow and spread your Love Light to all around you is a privilege and a right you have and are discovering with each passing day.


MomT's picture

Blossom Goodchild Jul 3, 2013

I keep thinking I must do a blog … yet I really have no idea as to what topic.  Enthusiasm wains these days … yet clearly not for everyone. Others seem to be completely inspired and carrying on better than ever.

It’s not that I am despondent … or perhaps it is … It’s not for the want of trying … yet everything … practically everything this year that I have put time and effort into … and enthusiasm … seems to either change course or get cancelled all together. If I didn’t find it all so funny … I’d cry!

People talk about spending more and more time in the 5th.

Nup! Not me … I’m struggling to cope with the 3rd. Yes I can feel changes yet nothing that makes me go WOW … This is it! Apparently it’s a gradual thing this Ascension lark … so very very gradual!

Pallas Athena: You Are a Pristine Ball of Brilliant Light ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ July 1, 2013

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Pallas Athena:


Greetings, I AM Pallas Athena, Ascended Master and protector of all mankind, here to impart information for your great awakening. I come to you in Peace and Love for all mankind, you human Angels of the Great Awakening.

My beloveds, human Angels that you are, you step into a world now full of promises and miracles, for as you awaken and enfold yourselves into your Divine Essence, you will be discovering so much is afoot, so much is possible, so much is emerging.

Bubbling below the surface of your consciousness now is so much light and information just waiting to burst open, and I say this knowing it may be an understatement, for if you only knew what you were capable of, if you only knew what you were made of, the world would be bursting with so much light now, even more than yesterday, which, my dears, has been immense.

And so I bring you great assurances of your power, I bring you great assurances of your progress, and I bring you great assurances of your impending emergence into your rightful place with Creator of All-That-Is.

The doors are opening, dear ones, the light is unmistakable, and the happiness you are praying for is waiting there just beckoning your awareness. You are discovering your true nature and within that is the Universe filled with all you could ever hope for, dear ones. It is there, and the veils to your awareness of it are so thin right now, you can already touch and taste it.

Let down your guard further, dear ones. Go back to that purity you know is what you are, filled with innocence and curiosity, for all is laid out before you by opening that door again.

Lady Nada: All The Signs Are There ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June 28, 2013

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LadyMasterNada13Lady Nada:


Hello dear ones. The time has come to assess your abilities and capabilities, as they are many. Some are under the surface waiting to be discovered and elicited by a need or request, and others are being put to use as we speak. Some of these you may not even know you are utilizing, for you may still be using them in dreamtime or in your meditations but not be consciously aware of them as yet.

But the whole point, dear ones, is that many new abilities and capabilities are waiting for you to discover and utilize. As you become accustomed to your new perspective and view of things, many new things will become clear to you. In some cases you are just waiting for the last wisps of fog to clear for you to realize what is “right in front of your noses”, so to speak.

And it brings you into a whole new world as you access and get acquainted with your essence and your status – as you welcome your orientation into a new phase of your life, your complete orientation into a new way of seeing and acting and being. And it is looming before you and within you now, dear ones. You are accessing complete areas of knowing and truths that have never been visible up until now. And from this you are already greatly changed.

Where do we go from here?

nerdalicious's picture

million bucks

Greetings lovebots,

One thing we can all agree on is that we are in interesting times. All around us it seems that the world we knew is collapsing: scandal after scandal are finally reaching the surface and the 100th monkey syndrome has finally reached the threshold. We are at the beginning of the beginning of our new golden age. How does it feel for you dear reader? I can only speak to myself and those immediately surrounding me. My wife certainly feels exhausted all the time, sleeps more than usual and is suffering from some ascension symptoms. Too bad she thinks I’m nuts. She married me!

As far as my feeling, I can definitely feel achy all over my joints and have had tons of energy depletion episodes multiple times a day for the most recent few weeks. I’m not worried about the NSA in particular. Heck, if they are up to no good, then I can only imagine how painful ascension symptoms feel for those lurking in the darkness! My biggest complaint would be intestinal and joints if I had to pick. I’ll live. Love is flowing all over the place: I just need it in a salve to negate those aches!

There have been a couple posts recently (I can’t remember where, I think here) that have gotten me thinking: “Where do we go from here?” There will always be those among us who look at the calendar and scoff at delays and shoot the messengers. It doesn’t dilute the message, just the timing. Our ascension is event-based, not calendar -based and this continues to befuddle many people. Nonetheless, the thoughts in the link above still apply: “What would you do if you were free?”


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