ET Genetic Code May Be Found In Human DNA, According To Kazakhstan Scientists' Biological SETI Theory

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Huffington Post- 4/9/13, Lee Speigel


Alien Code Human Genes



For those of us who wonder if earthlings are the only intelligent species in the Milky Way and beyond, try this theory on for size: Two scientists in Kazakhstan believe humans may have an extraterrestrial "stamp" embedded into our genetic code, a mathematical message that would not be explained by Darwin's theory of biological evolution.

The scientists are suggesting that an advanced alien civilization "seeded" our galaxy eons ago with an ET signal that eventually found its way to Earth, implanting a genetic code into humans, reports Discovery.com. Physicist Vladimir I. shCherbak of al-Farabi Kazakh National University of Kazakhstan and astrobiologist Maxim A. Makukov of the Fesenkvo Astrophysical Institute refer to this far-out concept as "biological SETI."


Double Celebratory Message from Yeshua and Sananda

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Double Celebratory Message from Yeshua and Sananda ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ December 12 and 13, 2012


Note from Fran: The following is Yeshua’s Celebratory Message given to me in the late afternoon of 12-12-12, meant to be Part One of a Double Celebratory Message; Part Two, Sananda’s Message of today, 12-13-12, follows Yeshua’s message below. Enjoy! Many Blessings!


Yeshua.lightfilledworld11Celebratory Message from Yeshua on 12-12-12: A Light Filled World


Greetings and salutations to all my beloveds! Today, 12-12-12, marked a glorious day in your history, in your development and in your hearts – and in our hearts, dear ones. You have accomplished so much. Your embarkment on this ascension journey is well underway now, dear ones. You have crossed the threshold of all thresholds. The Light is shining ever brighter and untold adjustments have been made in your Light Bodies, in Gaia’s Light Body and in sacred Unity Consciousness.

Rejoice, dear ones. You are doing beautifully. Please keep up this progress and your meditations, for you are making great headway and more is afoot. The Bliss you are feeling and experiencing is just going to magnify and amplify, dear ones. There are no limits to the depths you can and will feel and experience.

Much expansion has already taken place in your Light Bodies, DNA and frequencies. You are setting precedent for an explosion and a great building of energies from here on out. No one will be left untouched.

Cymatics and The New Age of Miracles

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A Re-Soundingly Successful Experiment


Recently, in Germany, researchers took the DNA of a 17-year-old boy, recorded its sound frequencies, and saved them. The boy was accidentally killed, but the scientists still had his DNA frequency patterns. Later, the DNA frequencies of the 17-year-old were transmitted into the body of a man in his late thirties. And the man almost became the young boy. His skin became youthful, he became slim, his hair went back to its natural color. Today he's in his forties and he still looks like a much younger man.

–Sir Peter Guy Manning, M.D.



Fran Zepeda ~ Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda ~ Open Your New-Born Eyes ~ July 24, 2012

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Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda: Open Your New-Born Eyes ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 24, 2012





Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda:



Greetings, Lightworkers and all Beings of Light. We come before you today, together as a team again to bring you more assistance in your Ascension process.


By now you are feeling and sensing many changes and many new feelings that can only be described as a lightness, as a knowing and as an expansion. You may feel tingling and sensations in your chakras around your head. They may still be giving you headaches or feelings of pressure, but knowing this is part of your ascension process will help you tolerate it more.


Your DNA has received a lot of work over these past days and weeks. The old connections that were once dormant are being re-connected and activated. Memories are also surfacing. Your inner vision is expanded and re-vitalized. You are becoming Galactic Beings in the sense that you are realizing that you are One with us. The Foggy feeling of our connection is diminishing.


Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda ~ Be Your Multi-Dimensional Selves ~ July 18, 2012

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Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda ~ Be Your Multi-Dimensional Selves ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 18, 2012





Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda ~


Greetings, Lightworkers and Light Beings alike.


We come before you today to speak of progress, progress in your Light Bodies and progress on your World, on Mother Earth.


Many facets of your Being are coming alive as we speak. As you plug into the Great Central Sun, many parts of you that were once dormant are coming alive. It may be a little difficult for you to discern completely, but take our word that it is happening.


You are moving away from duality more and more and accepting your Multi-Dimensional Selves as a vital part of your Being.


Take a moment now to ponder these questions, as we pose them to you: What are your priorities? Are you getting pulled into old ways of thinking still? Are you still focused on survival? Or are you learning to let go and trust that you are so much more than your physical bodies in duality and dare to venture out into the unknown?



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