first contact

Galactic Federation of Light Message - April 8th 2012.

Star Gazer - Cheryl's picture

Greetings Cheryl.

Thank you for your continued support with assisting us to get the word out about what is happening, as your planet progresses forwards on its ascension course.

There is relatively nothing new to share with you at this time, but we still like to offer our continued support, and continue to let the inhabitants of your planet know that we are here. Always observing and always willing to assist in any way that we can. All you ever have to do is ask. As the roundup of the members of the Dark Cabal reaches its end, we can turn our focus now on to what we deem as our next item of importance. That of initiating contact with you all.

Some of you will have by now received messages from us, via some form or another - through dreams, hearing our voices, or the written word - about what we have in store for those of you we wish to initiate first contact with. As we stated in an earlier message, remain alert for our continued communication as to the where and when that first contact will occur. Many of you are growing excited about the possibility of this occurring very soon. We would just like to assure you all now that this possibility will very soon become a reality.

Pleiadian Messages 11/8/11

Greg_ Giles's picture

We wish to communicate with you from the Star Realms. All through your many lives incarnate within the physical vessel and the physical worlds, you were subjected to much trial and tribulation. You suffered many losses and you received little reciprocation for all your hard work. Your freedoms were squeezed from you little by little until only a semblance of your true natural state remained. It was then that you began to awaken. It was then that the light that remained within you began to shine brightly. It was then that you began to recall your sovereignty, and began to once again be the all powerful being that you are, you have always been, and you will always be. Such was the plan, conceived eons ago in your time, to assist you in your growing education and development and to forge powerful wings of gold that would allow you to freely travel the gorgeous multidimensional universes at will, according to your own terms and visions of what you would wish to experience. That day has come. You have made it. You have succeeded in passing all the tests and obstacles put before you. You were pushed to the brink of your collective breaking point, but you never broke. What has injured you so has only served to make you stronger, and stronger you are for the whole universe to see. Your Star Families are not unlike your 3rd dimensional parents who have raised you since birth. In a way, we have worried about you just as your moms or dads may have worried about your safety and future, although we always knew you would make it okay and complete your journey throughout duality unhurt and unscathed. It is now time to reunite with your Star Families from throughout space and throughout time.

Pleiadian Messages 10/25/11

Greg_ Giles's picture

A look forward to events sees humanity finally free from the shackles of tyrannical rule that has kept you locked into lives of slavery and servitude for thousands of years. Slavery has never been abolished. Mankind itself has been slaves to the ruling elite in one form or another for millennia. You are now to be truly freed from your lives that have been filled with toil and struggle. Greener pastures we wish for you, our family, and it is just this that will now be yours. Do you not sense this incredible change sweeping over the horizon dear ones? Do you not feel the changing breeze that promises to set your world free for once and forever? You have so much to look forward to now as the dark rulers of your planet are being removed from power. We, the Galactic Federation, in cooperation with our Earth allies, are in the final stages of the removal of these dark forces and their many scattered minions. Arrests will be made, as there is no other way in some cases to silence the endless planning and scheming of certain individuals who stubbornly have refused to bow out gracefully. We are fully prepared and quite capable of such a task, and look forward to carrying out this operation that will see the last of the cabal’s holdouts incarcerated and relocated to secure areas where they can no longer be any threat to your safety and well being.

Pleiadian Messages 10/11/11

Greg_ Giles's picture

Once the place in the heart is found, all can proceed. The necessary changes are scheduled and will take place, nothing can, or will stop this from happening. The heart is where all these changes derive from, and this must always be remembered. For what good are the changes if the heart is forgotten and the corruption of your society is allowed to transpire once again? We ask of you at this time to take a moment and stand atop all that is and all that shall topple and all that will come, and ask yourself where everything went so wrong, and what is turning everything around at this point in your collective journey. It is your intentions, pure or impure, that are the catalyst for changes either positive or negative in nature to occur. Try to see things from a higher perspective always, and your journey can and will be so much easier without all the need for collapse and rebuilding from the ground up. We, the Galactic Federation fleet, in conjunction with the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchies look at your beautiful world in wonder. How beautiful it once was, and how badly it was destroyed when so many strayed waywardly from the lighted path. We ask you to always be mindful of your footsteps and where you trample, as your world is so vital to the universe in so many ways you cannot possibly understand this at this time. Much is connected throughout the vastness of space, and your planet and all its multitudes of different species is a lynchpin of this great universe. You are appointed stewards of this great world, Sheppard’s to see the flock safely delivered home. Many beings from many different galaxies and star systems have sent representatives here. Earth has been a great experiment in cultural refinement and structuring.

Message from the Pleiadians 9/20/11

Greg_ Giles's picture

You are about to witness events once thought only made for motion pictures. Hollywood could not invent such a compelling story, true in its sincere portrayals of the two competing (yet on another level collaborating), sides in this battle of good versus evil, or dark versus light. In this epic saga, the light will triumph, and all that is good, and all that is love, and all that is light, justice, fairness, which holds integrity & harmonious balance will prevail to shine on your new day and your new way that you will experience God’s most grand theater. Along your journey you have met friends, foes, challenges, triumphs, failures, love, loss, good times and hard times. You danced in lighted ball rooms, you fought on darkened battlefields, you helped and inspired others, and you were picked up when you were downtrodden. All according to your needs, wants, ambitions, and higher calling to mold your wings to one day soar from this reality into a new golden dream that will cater to your hearts most inspired desires to add to God’s incredible creation. All the tools you will ever need or wish for will be at your disposal to add your own colors, your own splash, and your own original vibration to the already gorgeous canvas that is the multi dimensional universes.  Seek out what it is you love, what it is your heart desires, for it is just this that you shall have very soon, my dears. Just as a child gazes through the glass enclosures of a candy shop display, so too shall you be offered such mouth watering choices for your sweet tooth for excitement and adventure. If it is travel that vibrates your heartstrings, to the ends of this and other universes you shall journey.


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