
John Smallman ~ Each and every sentient being has an unbreakable connection to God

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By: John Smallman, 11/24/2013

The excited anticipation as we wait enthusiastically for humanity’s imminent awakening is intensifying, moment by moment.  Yes, we can and do get excited here, especially when what we are looking forward to is of such enormous significance.  Emotions in the spiritual realms are always happy, but their intensity varies with the importance of the occasion that arouses them.  We encourage you to hold on to your enthusiasm and your excited anticipation as you too look forward to your inevitable and exhilarating moment of awakening.


Excited enthusiasm is a powerful intent, and it intensifies your strength of purpose, so do not dismiss it, embrace it.  Your disappointment because it seems to you that there is no real sign that your awakening is imminent is quite understandable, but do not engage with it because it weakens your intent for it to come to pass.  Your awakening is divinely assured, so when you go within, to your quiet inner space where you can connect more easily with those of us in the spiritual realms, be enthusiastic, light-hearted, and joyful, in the certain knowledge that your moment for awakening is close at hand.


John Smallman ~ Your magnificent and most wondrous awakening was divinely planned.

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By: John Smallman, 11/21/2013

In the spiritual realms all is prepared for humanity’s grand awakening.  Nothing can prevent it.  Many of you worry about the seemingly vast numbers of humans who remain totally unaware of their spiritual origin and who, it would appear to you, cannot therefore possibly be awakened, especially those who are consumed with hate, bitterness, resentment, and mistrust.


Well, what you Light bearers, wayshowers, and loving souls have been doing is preparing them, all of them for this fantastic moment of spiritual enlightenment.  You have all been powerfully and constantly intending for them to awaken into an awareness of their divine and spiritual roots, and that loving intent is extremely effective because, of course, it is fully and mightily supported by God, the loving Source in Whose embrace all are permanently upheld.  Lack of awareness of this embrace in no way reduces its power or effectiveness.  Humanity’s awakening is going to happen, and your joy will not be surreal, it will be Real!  Amazing, astounding, and glorious.


John Smallman ~ Do not downplay or underestimate the power of your loving intent.

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By: John Smallman, 11/11/2013

Humanity is awakening, the signs of this marvelous advance in your spiritual evolution are to be clearly seen wherever you choose to cast your glance.  Be aware of the suffering that many are undergoing, but focus your intent on sending love, healing, and compassion to them rather than joining sympathetically in their misery and fear.  They need a lot of help and there are many people and organizations doing their utmost to provide it, but those of you far removed from the physical scene of these ongoing trials and crises can assist enormously just by intending to send love to those in need.


You are spiritual beings and as such you have the power to send healing, loving, and compassionate energy to whomsoever you choose.  Focus on those areas of the world where you think that energy is most needed and intend to send it to those who are suffering and in need there, and your Father will mightily honor that intent, enormously amplifying the power of your individual intents.


John Smallman ~ Your true nature is Love, so make a point of being Love in every moment

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By: John Smallman, 11/03/2013

The enthusiasm to awaken and to know God is intensifying daily as more and more of you add your intent to the human collective intent that God be known and honored all across the planet.  You are going to achieve this by living lovingly and compassionately and by cooperating peacefully and harmoniously to change yourselves, thus letting go of any egoic self-serving agendas to which you may have been attached, and by so doing changing the world into a place of holy joy.  This is not a pipe dream, this is an environment that you are working constantly and most effectively to bring into being, and success in your divine venture is inevitable, because it is the divine Will.


How much longer can you ignore that ear-splitting noise calling for you to awaken?

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By: John Smallman, 10/29/2013

The Oneness of all of creation is the underlying truth that supports all that exists, and for you, embodied as individual human beings with many different beliefs and cultures, that is an enormous paradox.  And your guide through the paradox, the maze, is your intuition, your guidance from your true Self, and from those on whom you may choose to call in the spiritual realms.  And to make contact with that guidance you have to break away from the distractions with which the illusion constantly presents you – deadlines, responsibilities to others, and various other “shoulds and musts” that you accept as inevitable and unavoidable burdens – and take time out in your peaceful inner space to be quiet and to listen.  And that can be very difficult initially as your daily chores and responsibilities keep popping into your mind with the message “You just don’t have time for this right now.”


John Smallman ~ Love is sounding a clarion call.

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By: John Smallman, 10/24/2013

Humanity has reached the end of the illusory road that it has been following seemingly aimlessly for eons, but what awaits you is not the abyss!  It is as though you have reached your exit on the freeway/interstate/motorway/highway (so many words indicating the same thing, and yet when you really need words to describe spiritual aspects of life you have so few!), you have come to the end of the congestion and road works and are about to enter a new and magnificent scenic thruway.  A new and astounding route leading to the most beautiful vistas and scenery, which you know exists because those who have gone before you have sent (channeled) messages telling you so, lies before you enticing you onwards.  You are ready, you have been hoping and praying for this moment, counting the miles to this junction, and suddenly it is upon you, clearly visible and most welcoming.


Yeshua: You Are The Strongest of the Strong ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ October 15, 2013

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Hello my dearest ones, my beautiful friends. I come before you today with so much love in my heart for you and so much hope in my heart for you, and I see so much promise in you. You are the elite of the stars – starlight, every one of you. Your mission continues and it proceeds in ever-illuminated glory.

You may be experiencing a lull right now in what you deem as your purpose, in what you deem as your mission, in what you deem as your path. But do not forget dear ones, that you are ever-solid in your endeavors, and are ever-solid in your missions.

As you envelop and enfold the energies coming to you, you may feel a difference in your perspectives, in the feel of your bodies. You may not be able to equate it to anything that you are familiar with. Now is the time to just go with it. For in the ever-winding road you are traveling, it is sure to come out into a beautiful meadow of your destination, so to speak, complete with fragrant flowers and lushness.

Just because you cannot quantify your new feelings and experiences based on past measures and markers, it doesn’t mean you are not going full-speed-ahead into what you have always seen as your destination, into full embodiment of your divinity, into full completion of your mission.

And it is not easy right now dear ones, for as we have warned you, or as we have prepared you – would be a better way of putting it – many things do seem to you to be in chaos and unexplainable premise. But as you trust your inner guidance, you are leading yourselves out of the fog and into blue skies of clarity, replete with new shining bodies of crystalline nature and complete with new wiring that will enable you to proceed into a new scenario of abundance and love-filled experiences.

John Smallman ~ Due to the immense Love-flood enveloping your planet denial is being washed away

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By: John Smallman, 10/01/2013

The fact that all are one is becoming ever more apparent to humanity.  This is partly due to the positive pronouncements of your mainstream scientists, specifically physicists, who are unable any longer to refute the evidence for this, but mainly due to humanity’s evolving spirituality which is providing the intuitive knowing that this is so.  This is amazing progress in a very short period and you wayshowers and Light-bearers have helped greatly by holding and strengthening your intent for humanity’s awakening.  Your intentions are far more effective than you can possibly imagine, and because of the limitations of consciousness when it is embodied as a human, you get very little sense of this, very little feedback, although the results are now being seen worldwide.


John Smallman ~ There is no sin

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By: John Smallman, 09/28/2013

Many of you are experiencing emotional turmoil as your unaddressed issues keep bursting into your awareness in ways that seriously unsettle you but which do not seem to have any identifiable cause.  All you need to do is acknowledge them.  There is absolutely no need at all to identify a cause or a lesson that they might be presenting to you which requires you to offer restitution or self-abasement.  By simply accepting them and letting them be – letting them, as it were, rest in your conscious awareness – you release your attachment to them so that they can pass through, as they will, rather like the weather.


Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ The Sky is the Limit ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ September 23, 2013

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