
Jesus through John - What purpose could be more important than to experience once more the utter joy of being your true selves

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Humanity is racing towards the moment of awakening and your momentum is unstoppable.  Many of you feel that nothing of note is going on as you watch or listen to the daily news from the mass media and hear more of the same kinds of stories that you have been hearing for years.  But beneath the level of your conscious awareness much is happening, and you are aware of it at a deep inner level.  It is apparent in your daily lives, either as stuff coming up for attention and release or as a sense that something of significance, of considerable importance, but you know not what, is in the offing.  It is unsettling because you are looking for indications or signs from the media that would validate your inner sense of expectancy, but that cannot occur.  What will happen is that changes, which will be shocking for many, will take place and be reported, and then you will have your “aha” moment as the physical events that are reported align and resonate with your feelings of expectancy.

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Glow In Your Own Unique Divinity ~ Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~July 12, 2013

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Yeshua.glowuniquedivinity.imagesCAF21XM9Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Greetings from afar, as they say, but really from not so far away, at least Now in your perception, as it has always been that we of the Celestial and Galactic Realms have been very close to you.

It is now your perception that brings us very close and we revel in the delight and opportunity to have this closeness, and opportunity to impart our wisdom and support for all of you hardworking Lightworkers; and yes, you are Celestial and Galactic Beings as well. You are beginning to accept this and realize it more and more, dear ones.

I beseech you to realize it more every day, to be in the cognizance of it, to be in the joy of it, to place yourselves in your rightful places, down deep within your divinity, with all the powers and clarity it provides for you. The more you acknowledge this quality and identity in you, the more revelations and beautiful opportunities and experiences you will have.

Yes, we have talked about this many, many times with you, but you see that we refine it more and more each time and bring you back more and more to this realization so you finally get it and live within it, dear ones.

Not so long ago, eons to you, but really only a blink of an eye away, you prospered and reveled in this milieu of divine identity; you played within it and you thrived within it. Please know you are approaching that same presence and reality again. The more you let go and surrender to the truth of it, the more you can enjoy it and realize it.

Jesus through John - A marvelous clarity is developing in your minds

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John Smallman


This is an absolutely amazing moment in humanity’s evolving collective consciousness as it moves ever more into alignment with that of our Father.  It has been divinely planned and intended since the point at which you apparently went into the illusion to separate yourselves from God and attempt to live without His loving guidance and support.  That was not possible, but you were able to pretend that you had separated yourselves from Him, and then build an environment from which Love was excluded.  In truth It could only be hidden – It could not be excluded because there is nothing else – and only for as long as the vast majority of you wanted It to remain hidden.  Now the collective has changed its mind and is choosing to remove the imaginary veil which has kept Love hidden from you.  As the veil is rolled back, letting in the Light, a marvelous clarity is developing in your minds as you recognize the insanity of so many of your long-accepted and basically traditional common attitudes and behaviors which encouraged mistrust, division, and conflict, and that you now realize were utterly unnecessary and extremely damaging for you all.

Yeshua: You Have Reached Yet Another Marker In Your Development ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ July 5, 2013

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Hello my dear beloveds. I gaze upon your magnificence, your increasing brilliance of light and sparkling divinity. I am in awe of your power and your resiliency and your commitment. It is to be commended and admired for this was not an easy road you chose to embark on.

But in the truth of that is also the startling revelation that within you is everything that you need to allow this mission to come to fruition. For in the struggle comes strength and an opportunity to gather and tap more strength and resources.

It is the secret of creation, to be able to tap that power within, to meld with Source and allow for Light and Love to prevail in everything you focus on. It is in allowing for that God Spark within you to grow and morph at will. And to allow your essence to grow and prosper in the moment of Now.

For you are discovering that your essence comes into fruition not by trying but by allowing. To revel in your capacity to glow and spread your Love Light to all around you is a privilege and a right you have and are discovering with each passing day.

Jesus through John - Fully conscious living is your destiny and it cannot be avoided

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Jesus through John June 30, 2013 by John Smallman

John Smallman


Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday June 30th

Humanity cannot avoid waking because eternal sleep is impossible!  You can only dream when you are asleep, and the illusion is humanity’s collective dream from which you are in the process of awakening.  In fact, as must be apparent to you, sleeping is also an aspect of the illusion.  In Reality there is absolutely no need and no desire to sleep because in Reality you are constantly vital, fully alive, and fully immersed in the wonder of God and His creation.  Sleep is an aspect of the illusion that you added to it to enable you to experience periods when you experience nothing, and if you do not dream then you have no memories when you wake up.  It really is a very strange concept – an imaginary death if you like.

Jesus through John - The children of God are entitled to and deserve only the best

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Jesus through John June 23, 2013 by John Smallman

John Smallman

Humanity’s journey homeward to God has been long and fraught with confusion as you attempted to discern wisely between conflicting opinions about the best strategy to follow to ensure your arrival at your planned destination.  But you really had very little understanding of what the journey entailed or what the true destination was because of the severe limitations you had imposed on yourselves when you chose to separate from your Father and enter the illusion that you had constructed.  Clear thought, wisdom, and knowledge are not available to you within the illusion because it is but an unreal dreamlike world, a place in which you have hidden from Reality and the infinite abundance of wisdom and knowledge that that offers you.  And of course your return to Reality is guaranteed by God.  You have only to make the collective intent to return, and you will.

Yeshua: Embrace Your Multidimensionality ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June 20, 2013

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Hello my dear ones. On this beautiful day I come to you bearing tidings of immense love and promise, for you have reached yet another marker for your development and transformation into the Celestial and Galactic Beings that you are.

Take stock now, dear ones. You are not what you were yesterday and tomorrow you will not be what you were today. And so it goes, as you greet the solstice and super moon energies with sheer openness and courage to not accept the old ways of doing things and to embrace the new once and for all.

You are constantly changing. Behold the promise of ever more change – in that brings immense expansion and for that you can thank yourselves first, for without you we would not be speaking of the immense evolution taking place here and now and always ever-increasing in intensity and value and promise.

My love for you cannot be described adequately and all of the Company of Heaven rejoices in your presence, in your courage and in your perseverance. For you are the saviors of the world – for you are the forerunners and you are the game-changers.

Behold your magnificence. Behold your value. Behold your ability to shape-shift and transform and encompass all parts of yourself simultaneously. For that is becoming easier and easier for you, my dear ones.

Jesus through John - This is indeed a most wonderful time to be on Earth!

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Humanity’s powerful progression along the path to awakening continues.  Despite the apparent delays – because truly there are no delays, ever – all is proceeding apace as more and more of humanity realize that what they have been experiencing as life, riven with disagreements and conflicts, is not what they had intended, not what they had wanted, because love and acceptance is what everyone without exception really desires and is seeking.  This worldwide growth in awareness of the inadequacy of the life experience for most of humanity is causing many to reflect on it and to intend to change it.  Your intent is powerful, and your collective realization of the inadequacy of the human life experience is leading to awareness that the only way that the essential changes to humanity’s way of living can be achieved is if each and every one of you changes your own attitudes and behaviors.  Waiting for others to change cannot, does not, and will not work, and that has finally become apparent to large numbers of you, large enough numbers to change the collective intent.  That is what is happening, and that is quite fantastic progress.

Jesus through John - You are bringing in enormous evolutionary change of a most essential nature

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Jesus through John June 13, 2013 by John Smallman

John Smallman

Here in the spiritual realms we, in every moment, are pouring out our love and our assistance to help you in your awakening process.  To many of you it seems that your progress has stalled, but we can assure you with the utmost confidence that this is most definitely not the case.  Your progress is proceeding, as perfectly and divinely intended, and will continue ceaselessly until you awaken.  And we are your spiritual guides and mentors who contracted to be with you at all times throughout this period of intense spiritual evolution that you chose to undergo.

Yeshua: We Are Creating a Heaven on Earth, One Glowing Step at a Time ~ Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ May 26, 2013

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Hello my dear ones of eternal bliss. Yes you know, have known, and will know much more deeply the meaning of Bliss, my dear travelers of the dimensions and purveyors of Peace and Love.

I come today to offer my congratulations for a job well done negotiating yet more inundating floods of energy. It has served you well, and thus you serve others with it. And don’t forget yourselves, dear ones. Look into your hearts and see what subtle and not so subtle nuances and evidence of deeper love and transformation you have brought upon yourselves simply with the openness with which you have received the steady barrage of energy.

For you are getting very good at utilizing it to expand your own energy and to fill the world with light and to support the higher vibration for yourselves and others – to fill the world with yet more light in the deepest corners there and in your own hearts. You are getting quite good at this, and as you look back at your energy over the last year, you will see such a gradation and elevation of frequency and purpose.


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