
John Smallman ~ Your ability to understand and learn is limitless

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By: John Smallman, 09/20/2013

As humanity waits expectantly for an event of great significance – an event that the collective senses is about to happen without having any idea what it might be, or even if anything is about to happen – intensify your intent for the collective to open itself, its massive heart, to the divine field of Love that surrounds and embraces you. It is always with you, offering you infinite Love and acceptance, and all you have to do is to open your hearts and accept the offer.  Many of you have already done so and as a result the collective is feeling increasingly tempted to move fully into Love, thereby abandoning all that is not in harmony with It.


Because of the energies of darkness that still remain many of you are still experiencing doubts and anxieties about the reality of the New Age, but rest assured that it is already fully and irrevocably established; it is just up to you, all of humanity, with boundless assistance from all in the spiritual realms, to open into awareness of it.  You want it.  You are truly burned out from the constant negativity and disharmony of the illusion.  You are ready and increasingly willing to awaken.


John Smallman ~ Time spent in meditation or contemplation is all about relinquishing the ego

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By: John Smallman, 09/08/2013

Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are always happy, content, at peace, and in joy, but now you could describe us as being euphoric as we observe the fantastic progress you are making in releasing the remaining aspects of yourselves that no longer serve you as the moment of your awakening approaches.  That moment truly is far closer than most of you imagine, for you are on course and precisely on your divinely arranged schedule, and joyful euphoria awaits you.


As you take time out for regular and frequent visits to your quiet inner space, continue to focus on intending to be loving in every moment, and to be channels through which the divine field of Love enveloping you all can spread outwards to embrace all of humanity – remember that even just a few seconds of your time spent setting your intent are inordinately effective.  What you intend occurs, always. However, you do not always see your intentions very clearly, and therefore you are quite often surprised by unexpected events.


Everyone you chose to meet on your lifepath will appear at exactly the right moment

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By: John Smallman, 09/02/2013

Much attention is being focused on the troubling situation in the Middle East, and this is understandable because your compassion flows to those who are suffering there. But do not forget to focus also on being Love in action all day every day, while not judging those whom you think are causing those problems, because in truth they too are suffering and are equally deserving of your love and compassion.  Only a constant flow of Love can resolve that situation, and you who are reading this chose to be incarnate on Earth at this time so that you could send your love to those who are suffering anywhere on Earth due to military conflicts, or for any other reason.


Jesus through John ~ You are on schedule for lives of joy and abundance

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Humanity has caught the “ascension wave” and is riding it beautifully!  It really is as though you had been standing in the surf, waiting for that special wave – that electrifyingly large one.  Then it arrived.  You caught it brilliantly, and now you are flying with it towards your most breathtaking and enthralling destination – surfer heaven, your awakening into Reality!

It does seem to many of you, to put it rather graphically, that “all hell is breaking loose” in many places across the planet.  Do not be alarmed.  The old order is merely in the process of disintegrating and pieces are flying every which way, as in an explosion.  When the dust and debris settle, a gentle peace and an uplifting calm, the one for which so many have been hoping and praying, will prevail.

Jesus through John - What humans experience on Earth is a travesty of what you truly are

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Jesus through John August 23, 2013 by John Smallman

The energy levels are rising all across the planet, and this can be seen in the various conflicts – civil disturbances, political disagreements, whistleblowers versus government agencies, relationship issues – many of which are now being reported in the mainstream media.  The energies will continue to rise as more and more of you learn to handle them, leading to far greater understanding of your life purposes and the paths that you are following towards your awakening.  There is no turning back. There will be openness and expansion, transparency and integrity, as honesty uncovers and discloses corruption that has occurred on a vast scale and which will then be eradicated.

Jesus through John - What you may experience in yourselves or others as less than perfect is illusory

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Jesus through John August 16, 2013 by John Smallman

John Smallman

Humans have an interesting but most unfortunate and hurtful habit of attaching themselves rather inflexibly to their beliefs – the beliefs with which they identify and which they use to define themselves, mostly as good and honorable – and then to regulations based on those beliefs, whereupon they set out to impose them on others who have a different and “wrong” set of beliefs.  Each group attempts to disparage and destroy the beliefs of the others, first by means of “reason,” rhetoric and persuasion, and when that fails, as it inevitably does, the decision is frequently made to use force, but always most righteously and sanctimoniously!

You have been doing this for eons, but now, finally, many are aware or are becoming aware that this form of problem resolution just does not work – in fact, it is really not intended to work, just to produce a winner, my side – and that no one has all the right on their side.  You are realizing that you are humans of limited wisdom and intelligence, and for peace to prevail you have to respect all others, communicate openly and honestly together, and then cooperate, not “for the greater good,” but for the good of all.  That is Love in action.

Yeshua ~ You Will Emerge With Your True Selves Intact And Ready To Shine Even Brighter In Your Divinity ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ August 12, 2013

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In all perpetuity it is written that you shall awaken. And shall it be so. And so it is. And this is what you are in the process of and this is what you are destined to do and this is what you are made of. In all intents and purposes you have already done so. The pieces of the puzzle have been laid and you are containing the fabric of your awakening within your consciousness. It hasn’t totally materialized in many ways, but in many ways it has.

Think of it as all the light cells in your body being prepared for a flick of the switch when all conditions are right. You are illuminated so much now, and in a short while all will be readied for that higher beam to be prompted and switched on. You are not used to having that higher illumination yet in your physical bodies and you are being conditioned and readied through all these processes of late to be able to hold the deeper brighter light and sustain it in your bodies. You have gradually been readied and you are so much stronger and able to hold it within you. And to show it to the world.

And so it goes, and so it is. And this is why you feel at times you are at a standstill. But please know that you are building and strengthening to hold this higher light and frequency that will be such a burst and catalyst for immense change once it is able to be sustained within your physical bodies.

Yeshua ~ You Will Emerge With Your True Selves Intact And Ready To Shine Even Brighter In Your Divinity ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ August 12, 2013

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In all perpetuity it is written that you shall awaken. And shall it be so. And so it is. And this is what you are in the process of and this is what you are destined to do and this is what you are made of. In all intents and purposes you have already done so. The pieces of the puzzle have been laid and you are containing the fabric of your awakening within your consciousness. It hasn’t totally materialized in many ways, but in many ways it has.

Think of it as all the light cells in your body being prepared for a flick of the switch when all conditions are right. You are illuminated so much now, and in a short while all will be readied for that higher beam to be prompted and switched on. You are not used to having that higher illumination yet in your physical bodies and you are being conditioned and readied through all these processes of late to be able to hold the deeper brighter light and sustain it in your bodies. You have gradually been readied and you are so much stronger and able to hold it within you. And to show it to the world.


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