Mother Mary:
My dear ones, the peace in your hearts is palpable and growing, as you progress through your ascension process and your opening of your beautiful hearts for yourselves and all mankind. It is a beautiful sight to see and I stand before you to tell you that you are so loved and cherished.
You are learning to love and cherish yourselves on an even greater level and magnitude, dear ones, and for that and from that you will see much expansion. For it indeed does start with yourselves. Oneness begins from there. Peace begins from there. Expansion begins from there, and from there, all else is affected and nourished on out to infinity.
My dear ones, you have come so far. Your progress is measured in the quantity and quality of Love and Light that you hold in your Hearts, and by now you have an inkling of the expansion and magnitude of it. You are as big as the universe and as illuminated as the stars and so you can feel the potential of You, the potential of how far-reaching your energy is and can be.
Allow your energy now to expand as big as the universe, even the multiverses, and as bright as the stars. For you are all stars, and in your stellar nature, you possess so much potential for love and growth as you encompass your original blueprint of Divinity.
My dear ones, herald the coming of your magnificent stature in the coming days. Allow yourselves to be as big in your energy as you can muster. For the time is nigh to quit denying your essential nature and your essential potential.