
Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Step Into Your Glorious New Light-Filled World ~ December 19, 2012

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Yeshua.peacenewselves.3Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Greetings, One and All, my fellow Lightworkers, the Love of my Heart, the Love of our Hearts. We present you today with another offering about your ascension.

For many it is already happening, and as I have said, it will happen in just the right way and time for each of you, if that remains your choice, and for you reading this, I trust it is.

You are approaching the final hours of duality and lifting splendidly. Many are feeling the effects and settling into opening their hearts and beings to the shift. From here on out it is your own unique journey and we see that many of you are embracing it with fresh eyes and open hearts.

Many of you are having a bit of difficulty letting go as you feel yourselves being swept up with the current of rising energies. Trust yourselves and trust your hearts. You are safe and protected, and you are proceeding according to your life plan and the Divine Plan, which is one and the same in many ways.

Letting go is not an easy thing, because you have been locked up in the realm of duality where you felt you had to maintain control at all times for the sake of your survival. It is not an easy thing to trust and surrender, especially now if the old realm is still making its presence known to you in these final hours.

So we ask you to ask yourselves: “Would I want to put my all into this in order to reap the highest and fullest outcome?” If the answer is yes, you know what to do.

The Science of Happiness & Bliss

Gagan Polanki's picture


Hello Friends,


Kindly allow me to share The Most Comprehensive study about Human Body, Mind and Consciousness ever that will help you to embrace Life in its Fullness and unleash your Unlimited Potential.


A movie you will love to watch again and again and show it to all your near and dear ones and make a difference in their lives. Happy watching.


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4 Little Souls - My 11:11 Experience

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Sunday was a good day. I meditated. I rested. I did puzzles. I did a little bit of laundry. Life is good. Nothing particularly out of the ordinary happened for me that day. Although, I am learning a new definition of ordinary each day, so that might be a bad statement. Nothing spiritually significant happened to me that day. I am not complaning. It was a good, restful day. I suppose I would say that I was more in touch with my emotions. I got to thinking about Christmas one year when my dad got my sister and I each a pellet gun. We were not too excited about them. My next present was a gift that my mom picked out - a book about Josh Hartnett. (My teenage years... yes). I freaked out and was super excited. My Dad's feeling were hurt. I felt that again. I cried. I released. I forgive.


Monday morning, I woke up around 4:00 feeling like I was going to get sick. I sat up and ran to the bathroom definitely thinking that I wasn't going to make it. But, by the time I got to the bathroom the feeling had passed. I sat on the floor for a few minutes, just to make sure but it was gone. I went back to bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up a few hours later to get around for work, I felt... not okay. Tired, icky, bogged down... something along those lines. I went in that morning and ended up deciding to take the afternoon off.


I left work close to 1:00 came home where my babies were waiting for me in bed. :) Josh and our dogs, Tonks and Snatch, all snuggling waiting for me to join. Of course, I did. I crawled in between Josh and Tonks and boy I felt good. There was so much LOVE! in that room. I was cradled in a cocoon of Love and I knew everything was perfect. And it was going to stay perfect.


The Science of Happiness

Gagan Polanki's picture


Hello Friends,


Let me share The Most Comprehensive study about Human Body, Mind and Consciousness ever that will help you to embrace Life in its Fullness and unleash your Unlimited Potential.


A movie you will love to watch again and again and show it to all your near and dear ones and make a difference in their lives. Happy watching.

Fran Zepeda ~ Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Be the Vision ~ October 21, 2012

franheal's picture

Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven:



Greetings, Beloveds, Light of the Divine, Light of the Universes, Light of Creator of All-That-Is, that you all are.

We come before you today to speak of the Shift in Consciousness that you are all a part of, that you all play such an important part in.

Behold the changes in your bodies, physical and light bodies alike. You are indeed integrating the two and you are indeed benefiting from the raise in consciousness, ever-present and on-going. You have raised your frequencies and continue to do so. And you are in turn, affecting all around you in doing so.

We stand with you forever and always, and especially during this important time of mass awakening and fulfillment of the Divine Decree. You hold the reins and are the navigators of this most sacred, beautiful movement and nothing can stand in the way of it if you keep to your task.

Your task, of course, is to allow always the beat of the heart of Humanity, of Mother Earth, and of the Multi-verses, and of All Beings to entwine into the one heartbeat of Love and Oneness and Unity.

Waking Up

Rutaka's picture


Greetings in Love to All.


In a nutshell, I always knew there was more to life than meets the eye, and that I was extarordinary.  


I was always searching for a higher purpose, but when my efforts were impeded by half truths, I became cynical.  Started to slack off, a lot.


Then I got caught up in the Program, you know, finish school, find a job, start a family.  My happiness became less and less the more time went by.


I turned to unhealthy ways of having a so-called good time.  Guilt mixed with apathy isn't pretty.


Then in my web-surfing escapism, info about this 2012 phenomenon kept popping up all over Youtube, and I became curious, since it was almost here.  


Plus my inner voices had basically started flat-out telling me that I needed to be more loving to people and also please stop smoking.  


Andromeda and reminiscences of modern physics.

andromeda12's picture


The coverage of art exhibition in P. by one of our editors yesterday produced a rare occasion for interview with professor Ponomaryev from Toledo University.
Here are some extracts from the meeting:
Monika:….bit unusual place to meet professor here. Could you spare few moments for our “Interstellar Radio"?
Prof: …with pleasure.
Monika: is it true that your visit in P. is only private and in no way connected with scientific research?
Prof:…Yes. It’s entirely private visit.
Monika: Can you comment on significance of recent reports on our television about UFO sightings. Many journalists are worried.
Prof: …I’m not aware about matter you are talking about. Generally I wouldn’t worry about the UFO. Humans will become UFO  within 20 years and its useless to draw parallels between let’s say dog and the god - both of them don’t communicate with one another at all, while humans communicate well and follow many noble laws…
Monika: yea, of course press irregularities in reporting UFO don’t help the issue, do they?
Prof:…Irregularities are not unusual for press. Did you say UFO has been spotted around?
Monika: No, I can’t confirm the report.
Prof:…usual, usual. I’m on holidays now and won’t elaborate on UFO now.
Monika: Are you enjoying staying in P.?
Prof:…yes. It’s a beautiful place especially in autumn…enjoy the extension of Andromedan art forms here….they look unconditional and subtle…
Monika: Thank you for interview.

The Science of Happiness & Peace (Your Guide to "HEAVEN" on Earth)

Gagan Polanki's picture


Everything you need to know about Life in a nutshell to help you achieve Lasting Joy, Peace, Success and Happiness through the latest discoveries in Science.


It's the Most Comprehensive study about Human Body, Mind and Consciousness ever that will help you to embrace Life in its Fullness and unleash your Unlimited Potential.


William James had said "The greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." This movie presents Astounding Scientific facts that alter our very perception and attitude towards life and our world giving a whole new meaning to it.


A movie you will love to watch again and again and show it to all your near and dear ones and make a difference in their lives. Happy watching.


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