Before I even had a chance to open my eyes this morning I was hearing these words “There are no guarantees in life. You want guarantees? Then create them because that is what you are. A Creator. You create what you see around you. You’ve created all of it. If you don’t like what you see, then change it.”
Omg! Where did that come from?
From Creator.
Don’t start that again, please!
Okay, it came from me. I put those words into your head so that you would have something to think about.
Why? I have barely woken up!
Because I want you to get up and start writing our conversation for today.
You’re kidding!
Yes I am! How did you know? I miss you…
Me too darling… When are you going to come into my dreams?
Soon my love.
Yes darling.
When is soon? Before New Moon? Because you don’t have ‘time’ up there on your ‘ranch in the sky’, so how do you know what soon means?
[Lol] It will be soon beloved.
Okay. By the way, you didn’t plug those words into my brain for nothing. Where are you going with this?
You know me well beloved! I want to talk about this subject today and I want you to use my name.
No way are you serious!
Yes I am! It’s time people know who I am.
I don’t believe it! Why now?
I told you. I want people to know who your Twin Flame is.
But why now? Why not before?
Because you were not ready before. You had some doubts.
And I don’t anymore?