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Ben Fulford: The New World Order has been defeated but the Old World Order is still fighting, December 24, 2012

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Source: 2012 - What's the 'real' Truth? - 12/24/12

There are growing signs that the Bush/Nazi New World Order Nazi faction has been defeated but that the Rockefellers and their allies in the Old World Order faction are still fighting to preserve their power. It has also now been confirmed that the new Japanese government headed by Shinzo Abe and the Liberal Democratic Party was put in place via a disguised military coup d’etat, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. This implies the Rockefellers and their minions are being forced out of Japan, a CIA source added. This means 66 years of hostile foreign occupation of Japan may be about to end. There is still secret fighting going on though.

The gnostic illuminati faction in the West, for its part, is claiming victory and saying that “President Obama will leave the White House hanging by his neck from a helicopter.”

Too-Cute Tuesday: 8 Animals That Love Opening Up Christmas Gifts (Videos)

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Your Tango.com By Amanda Green. Posted on

Dec 18th 2012


A puppy and a present

These animals made the nice list this year!

Can't wait to find out what's under the Christmas tree? Neither could these dogs, cats, elephants, and other animals. They were good all year, so they loved what Santa brought them. And these funny videos of them opening presents are the gift that keeps on giving.


"Oh, you shouldn't have!" Watch this dog get a kitten for Christmas.

Wales Ape and Monkey Sanctuary: Pair give refuge to unwanted primates

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BBC News 25 December 2012 Last updated at 01:48 ET

Wales Ape and Monkey Sanctuary

The Wales Ape and Monkey Sanctuary opened 14 years ago to house seven unwanted chimpanzees

As most people tuck into their Christmas dinner, Jan and Graham Garen will be too busy to feast on turkey - they will be feeding around 80 hungry apes and monkeys.

Christmas Day will be business as usual for the husband and wife team who 14 years ago took in seven chimpanzees that nobody wanted when the Penscynor Wildlife Park near Neath closed.

As a teacher and engineer they had no experience of looking after primates, but they could not bear the thought of the chimps being shot, which would have been their fate.

Western Antarctica Warming Confirmed

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Weather.com - 12/24/12, Dan Vergana/USA Today

Antarctic Ice Waves

Antarctic Ice Waves.Though they appear to be frozen ocean waves, these blue ice towers in Antarctica are created when ice compresses, forcing trapped air bubbles out. When sunlight passes through this thick frozen ice, blue light waves are visible but the red light is absorbed. (Photo credit: Tony Travouillon)

Western Antarctica has warmed unexpectedly fast over the last five decades, weather records confirm, adding to sea-level rise concerns in a warming world.

Temperatures in West Antarctica have increased at a rate nearly twice as large as the global average, a 4.3 degree Fahrenheit increase since 1958, conclude meteorologists in the journal, Nature Geoscience, out Sunday. The finding adds Western Antarctica to the list of hot spots most affected by global warming, the century-long increase in global average temperatures largely driven by greenhouse gas emissions from burning oil, gas and coal.

When the ice melts, the Earth spews fire

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Space Daily - 12/24/12

File image: Volcano Pinatubo.

It has long been known that volcanic activity can cause short-term variations in climate. Now, researchers at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Germany), together with colleagues from Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA) have found evidence that the reverse process also occurs: Climate affects volcanic activity. Their study is now online in the international journal "Geology".

In 1991, it was a disaster for the villages nearby the erupting Philippine volcano Pinatubo. But the effects were felt even as far away as Europe. The volcano threw up many tons of ash and other particles into the atmosphere causing less sunlight than usual to reach the Earth's surface. For the first few years after the eruption, global temperatures dropped by half a degree. In general, volcanic eruptions can have a strong short-term impact on climate.

Chile issues red alert over eruption of Copahue volcano

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Press TV - 12/25/12

Chile has issued a red alert for the Copahue volcano, which is spewing hot ash and gas on the Andean border with Argentina.

The Copahue volcano spews ashes above Caviahue, in Neuquen province, Argentina, some 1500 km southwest of Buenos Aires, December 24, 2012.

View of the Copahue volcano spewing ashes from Caviahue, Neuquen province, Argentina, some 1500 km southwest of Buenos Aires, December 22, 2012.

Chile’s National Office for Emergency of the Interior Ministry (ONEMI) raised the official yellow and orange alerts to red on Sunday after a mile-high cloud of ash billowed out of the Copahue volcano.

"Authorities have over flown the volcano area and the alert is still red," said Gilda Grandon of ONEMI's Biobio unit.

To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.ir.

Dancing policeman delights US drivers and pedestrians (Video)

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Tony Lepore

A traffic policeman's dance moves have become a Christmas holiday tradition in the largest city in Rhode Island in the US.

Tony Lepore, 65, has been entertaining drivers and pedestrians in downtown Providence with his dancing since 1984.

To view the video visit BBC News


Santa Claus Uses Sign Language With Boy, Makes Family's Christmas Special (VIDEO)

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Huffington Post By Hayley Hudson



The parents of a hearing-disabled boy received a heartwarming holiday gift from a mall Santa Claus who unexpectedly managed to communicate with their son.

Cameron Sylvester, 3, requires two hearing aids due to auditory neuropathy, his father told WCVB. The family recently went to a mall southwest of Boston so he and his sister, Arianna, could visit Santa Claus.

In the WCVB video above, the man who played Santa says he noticed Cameron's condition and, using a gesture similar to adjusting a baseball cap, asked in American Sign Language if the boy had been good this year.


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