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Guitar Hero: Rock Star Dave Navarro Replaces Musician’s Stolen Guitar

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Good News Network Tuesday, November 13, 2012

guitar player in The Marrieds

When an Ontario band asked friends for help in recovering their stolen guitar, they had no idea a rock star would come to their rescue.

Last month Kevin Kennedy experienced a musician's worst nightmare after his white acoustic Yamaha Dave Navarro edition guitar was stolen at a local club. He shared the news on Twitter and Facebook and offered a $1,000 reward for its return.


To view the full article and video see Good News Network

Applebee's Backlash Sparked By Zane Tankel's Obamacare Slam

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Huffington Post Posted: Updated: 11/13/2012 4:22 pm EST


Heated comments from an Applebee's franchise owner sparked viral outrage against the giant restaurant chain, marking a new phase in the war over Obamacare.


Over the weekend and on Monday, Applebee's employees and customers expressed their anger over comments made on the Fox Business Network last week by Apple-Metro CEO Zane Tankel, who owns 40 Applebee's franchises in the New York metropolitan area. Tankel said he would not hire any more workers and was considering cutting the hours of current employees because of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.


The rest of the story may be viewed at Huffington Post

Billy Graham Group, Catholic Bishops Come Under Scrutiny For Blurring Election Lines

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Reuters  |  Posted:

Billy Graham Catholic Bishops

By Mary Wisniewski

CHICAGO, Nov 12 (Reuters) - Political watchdog and secularist groups are asking the U.S. government to investigate whether Catholic bishops and a Christian evangelical group headed by preacher Billy Graham should lose tax breaks for telling followers how to vote in this year's election.

Under constitutional protections of free speech and separation of church and state, churches are free to speak on any issue. But they risk losing tax breaks worth $145 billion in the past decade if they violate Internal Revenue Service rules by promoting or opposing any particular candidate. Other non-profits also have special tax status.


To read the rest of the story view Huffington Post

Jill Kelley FBI Contact Who Launched Petraeus Investigation Was Reportedly Dismissed From Case Over Conflict Of Interest

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The Huffington Post  |  By Peter Finocchiaro

Posted: 11/13/2012 12:09 am EST Updated: 11/13/2012 12:20 pm EST



The David Petraeus scandal took another strange turn Monday night, this one involving topless photos.


The Wall Street Journal reports that the FBI agent who initially launched the investigation that led to the downfall of the former CIA director was removed from the case when the bureau became concerned that he was "obsessed with the matter."


To read the rest of the story visit Huffington Post

Emails on 'coming and goings' of Petraeus, other military officials escalated FBI concerns

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By Michael Isikoff and Bob Sullivan, NBC News, November 13, 2012

The FBI discovered that emails received by Jill Kelley, a close friend of the Petraeus family, were sent by Paula Broadwell. And as they dug deeper, the affair between Broadwell and Petraeus came to light. NBC's Andrea Mitchell reports.


New in this version: FBI search Paula Broadwell's home Monday night; officials say the FBI agent who worked with Jill Kelley, the Tampa, Fla. woman who received anonymous emails from Broadwell, was dismissed from case because he became obsessed with Kelley.


To watch the videos and read the rest of the story visit NBC News

Football Players Defend Special-needs Student from Bullying

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Good News Network Tuesday, November 06, 2012

special needs girl w/ HS football angel -CNNvid

In the scrub-brush desert town of Queen Creek, Ariz., high school bullies were throwing trash at sophomore Chy Johnson. Calling her "stupid." Pushing her in the halls.


Chy's brain works at only a third-grade level because of a genetic birth defect, but she knew enough to feel hate.

For the rest of the story visit Good New Network

Hero NY Waiter Risked Life to Save Taxi Driver Swept Away in Storm Waters

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Good News Network Sunday, November 04, 2012

flood rescue NYC driver drowning

Jon Candelaria is being hailed as a hero for pulling a man out of rushing floodwaters during Superstorm Sandy. He did what most hope to have the courage to do in a life or death emergency.

The 25-year-old father was in his family’s Upper East Side apartment on Monday night when he looked out the window and saw an SUV taxi lifted by the powerful force of water beneath it.

For the rest of the story visit Good News Network

Alec Baldwin Helps Neighbors, Lifts Spirits of NYU Dorm Evacuees

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Good News Network Sunday, November 04, 2012

Alec Baldwin wife post-storm NBCvideo

New York University alum Alec Baldwin, whose home in the Lower Manhattan neighborhood also lost power on Tuesday, walked room-to-room visiting students who had been evacuated from their dorms earlier that day. Wandering among rows of cots, he chatted with thousands of displaced students, many of whose spirits were raised to see the famous New Yorker at their door.

In the wake of super-storm Sandy, the 30 Rock star, along with his wife, has been quietly helping his neighbors, like elderly people in his high-rise building who couldn't walk down the 12 flights of stairs to get food and supplies.

For the rest of the story visit Good News Network


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