3D News

New York Subway Repairs Border ‘on the Edge of Magic’

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Inside a sprawling Manhattan command center, a board that detects subway activity by sensor had gone quiet. No trains were running; the Metropolitan Transportation Authority had shut the system down as Hurricane Sandy approached.

Suddenly, the screens inexplicably crackled to life.


To read the rest of the story visit The New York Times


Hero Dog Awards: Host Kristin Chenoweth happily goes to the dogs

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By Jacqueline Cutler Zaptoit November 8, 2012 2:00 PM ET


This awards show has the usual -- red carpet, stars and a glamorous Beverly Hills setting. But it's also one of the few where people know who won before it airs, and no one bothers whispering that some honorees are bitches.
Hallmark Channel's American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards, airing Thursday, Nov. 8, were held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel Oct. 6, with Kristin Chenoweth hosting.
To view the rest of the story visit Zap To It

These Skyscrapers Are Designed To Make You Happy If You Work In Them

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Just because a new building has super-clean and energy-efficient guts doesn’t mean it’s pleasant to work in. Trying to make buildings a pleasant environment for the people inside them makes them more sustainable, too.

For about a decade the words “sustainable” and “skyscraper” have been conjoined in American architecture. And we’ve actually been building them, not just talking about them.

To read the rest of the story visit Fastcoexist

Kitten Taken in by Baboon at Israeli Zoo

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By Kevin Dolak abc News Nov 8, 2012 4:16pm

ht baboon adopts kitten mi 121108 wblog Kitten Taken in by Baboon at Israeli Zoo

At a petting zoo in Israel, a baboon has adopted a tiny kitten who recently strayed into its cage and then refused to leave.

The baboon now cares for the kitten, rarely letting the feline out of her sight. Footage shot at the zoo shows that the baboon even checks the kitty for fleas, according to The Associated Press.


To view the complete story visit abc News

Belieb it! Girls give Bieber tix to ailing fan

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Whoops! Study Accidentally Finds Chemotherapy Makes Cancer Far Worse

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2012thebigpicture November 15, 2012


A team of researchers looking into why cancer cells are so resilient accidentally stumbled upon a far more important discovery. While conducting their research, the team discovered that chemotherapy actually heavily damages healthy cells and subsequently triggers them to release a protein that sustains and fuels tumor growth. Beyond that, it even makes the tumor highly resistant to future treatment.

Reporting their findings in the journal Nature Medicine, the scientists report that the findings were ‘completely unexpected’. Finding evidence of significant DNA damage when examining the effects of chemotherapy on tissue derived from men with prostate cancer, the writings are a big slap in the face to mainstream medical organizations who have been pushing chemotherapy as the only option to cancer patients for years.

Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

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Green tea is a natural remedy and it is beneficial for pain and other medical problems. The history of green tea can be traced down since ages. People used to have green tea during the ancient times; it is still as valuable and good as in ancient times. Numerous wonders are hidden in this herbal drink.

During my research I found out many benefits of green tea which are completely different from black tea.

Image Source: Arabiaweddings

'What Is Wrong with Me?': Deepak Chopra on How to Overcome Negativity

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Huffington Post Posted: Updated: 11/14/2012 8:27 am EST

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Deepak Chopra, co-founder of the Chopra Foundation and the author of God: A Story of Revelation, shows us how to bring lasting joy back into our lives.

Every day unwanted thoughts enter our minds: "What's wrong with me?" "I keep doing this to myself," "I'm stupid," "I'm all alone," "I never get a break" and "How will I ever get out of this?" Our minds are vulnerable to negative thoughts, causing us doubt, worry, anxiety -- and frequently, it's the same negative thoughts that return over and over.


To read the rest of the story view Huffington Post


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