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Factbox: 662,000 still without power in East due to Sandy

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Reuters.com - 11/08/12

New York Air National Guardsmen guard downed power lines in Westchester County, New York in the aftermath of severe storm damage caused by Hurricane Sandy in this November 7, 2012 handout released by the New York National Guard November 8, 2012. REUTERS/ Capt.Jasmine Candelario/NY National Guard/Handout

New York Air National Guardsmen guard downed power lines in Westchester County, New York in the aftermath of severe storm damage caused by Hurricane Sandy in this November 7, 2012 handout released by the New York National Guard November 8, 2012. Credit: Reuters/ Capt.Jasmine Candelario/NY National Guard/Handout

(Reuters) - More customers in New York and New Jersey were without power Thursday morning than Wednesday due to a nor'easter that knocked out over 300,000 customers and slowed utilities' efforts to restore power outages from Hurricane Sandy.

Watch for Venus and moon this weekend, plus find Great Square

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Source: EarthSky.org - 11/08/12

Look for the waning crescent moon and the dazzling planet Venus on the mornings of November 9, 10 and 11

Tonight for November 8, 2012

Predawn sky first. The moon is now moving through the part of the heavens where the planet Venus also resides. You can’t miss them if you look east before dawn in the next few mornings. Venus is the brightest planet. They will be an awesome sight!

The chart at the top of this post shows you how they’ll look Friday morning, November 9.

This November brings total solar eclipse and penumbral lunar eclipse

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Source: The Watchers, By Chillymanjaro, 11/09/12

The Watchers Tweet Tweet November brings us two eclipses in the month. Total solar eclipse will occur on November 13 and penumbral lunar eclipse on November 28, 2012. On November 13, residents of northeastern Australia will see the sun fully obscured by the moon, whose shadow will darken the sky for 2 minutes there on November 13. The only visible part of the sun during the total eclipse will be its glowing corona, or outer atmosphere, protruding around...

November brings us two eclipses in the month. Total solar eclipse will occur on November 13 and penumbral lunar eclipse on November 28, 2012. On November 13, residents of northeastern Australia will see the sun fully obscured by the moon, whose shadow will darken the sky for 2 minutes there on November 13. The only visible part of the sun during the total eclipse will be its glowing corona, or outer atmosphere, protruding around the moon’s silhouette. Parts of New Zealand and Chile will see the sun partially obscured as the moon crosses the sky.

Successful “No on 37″ campaign was laced with lies, all documented

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Commentary from  Ann Kreilkamp

I’d call Prop 37 in California — which sought to label GMOs in our food — the most important ballot initiative to be defeated in the 2012 election. And now, there might be blowback. Let’s hope so.

This article was written just before the election. In a related article, written just after the election, Ethan A. Huff noted: 

“The good news, however, is that more than 4.2 million Californians saw through the lies of Monsanto, and voted in favor of Prop. 37 despite the propaganda campaign. And the long-term momentum the Yes on 37 campaign generated about the presence of GMOs in the food supply means it is only a matter of time before GMOs are eventually on the radar of all Americans.

Massive protest in Greece

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SouthCoast Today - 11/08/12, AP


Backdropped by tear gas thrown by police, protesters throw stones towards the direction of riot police officers, near the parliament during clashes in Athens on Wednesday. Petros Giannakouris/The Associated Press

ATHENS, Greece — An anti-austerity demonstration by more than 80,000 people in Athens degenerated into violence Wednesday as hundreds of protesters clashed with riot police ahead of a crucial parliamentary vote on new spending cuts.

The vote is the toughest test yet for the country's fragile four month-old coalition government, which must pass the 13.5 billion euro ($17 billion) package of measures to ensure Greece continues receiving bailout loans and avoids bankruptcy.

Hundreds of pigeons mysteriously die in India

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 11/08/12

November 8, 2012 – PATNA, India - More than five hundred pigeons have dropped dead at a village in Bihar’s Bhagalpur district over the last four days, causing residents, some of them pigeon-keepers, to fear that something was amiss. District officials are still to visit the site and conduct an inquiry. “We were shocked, and we cannot understand why it happened,” Subodh Kumar Singh, a keeper of pigeons who lost 250 birds in two days, said.


Another pigeon keeper, Mohan Singh, said, “We need some manner of inquiry into this. Why did such a large number of pigeons drop dead in a matter of days?” Other pigeon keepers like Subhit Singh, Radhe Singh and Bhumeshwar Singh said that the government ought to investigate the deaths.


Powerful 7.4 magnitude earthquakes strikes Guatemala killing at least 48

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 11/08/12

November 8, 2012 – GUATEMALA – A magnitude 7.4 earthquake struck Guatemala on Wednesday, killing at least 48 people, injuring about 150 and leaving 23 unaccounted for, government officials said. They warned that the official toll was preliminary and could rise.  “This is the largest earthquake we have had since the one in 1976,” President Otto Pérez Molina said at a news conference, recalling the temblor that killed about 23,000 people.


No reports of damage after magnitude 6.3 earthquake off Vancouver Island

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Oregon Live - AP, 11/07/12

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake has struck off the west coast of Canada but no damages have been reported and no tsunami warning has been issued.

Natural Resources Canada said the tremor occurred Wednesday night off Vancouver Island in the Pacific ocean, 85 miles (137 kilometers) southwest of Port Alice, British Columbia.

To read the rest of this story, visit OregonLive.com.

US geologists say East Coast earthquakes travel farther, do more damage than thought before

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The Washington Post - AP, 11/07/12

RICHMOND, Va. — Data from the 2011 earthquake centered in Virginia shows East Coast tremors can travel much farther and cause damage over larger areas than previously thought, the U.S. Geological Survey said Tuesday.

The agency estimated about one-third of the U.S. population could have felt the magnitude 5.8 tremor centered about 50 miles northwest of Richmond, which would mean more people were affected than any earthquake in U.S. history. Scientists also found the quake that caused more than $200 million in damage triggered landslides at distances four times farther and over an area 20 times larger than research from previous quakes has shown.

To read the rest of this story, visit WashingtonPost.com.


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