3D News

An extremely brief reversal of the geomagnetic field, climate variability and a super volcano

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Source: Science Codex, 10/16/12

An extremely brief reversal of the geomagnetic field, climate variability and a super volcano

41,000 years ago, a complete and rapid reversal of the geomagnetic field occured. Magnetic studies of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences on sediment cores from the Black Sea show that during this period, during the last ice age, a compass at the Black Sea would have pointed to the south instead of north. Moreover, data obtained by the research team formed around GFZ researchers Dr. Norbert Nowaczyk and Prof. Helge Arz, together with additional data from other studies in the North Atlantic, the South Pacific and Hawaii, prove that this polarity reversal was a global event. Their results are published in the latest issue of the scientific journal "Earth and Planetary Science Letters".

6.0-magnitude quake hits eastern Indonesia

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Zee News - 10/17/12

Jakarta: An earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter scale jolted off North Sulawesi province in eastern Indonesia on Wednesday but neither tsunami alert was triggered nor casualties or damages were reported.

Indonesian Meteorology and Geophysics Agency said that the quake happened at 11:42 a.m. Jakarta time (04:42 GMT) with epicenter at 113 km northwest of Kepulauan Sangihe in the province at the depth of 308 km under sea bed.

To read the rest of this story, visit ZeeNews.India.com.

4.0 earthquake rattles residents in New England states

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 10/17/12

October 17, 2012 - PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — An earthquake in southern Maine has rattled nearby New England states. The U.S. Geological Survey said the epicenter of the 4.0 magnitude quake was about 3 miles west of Hollis Center, Maine, and about 3 miles deep. That location is about 20 miles west of Portland. The quake was felt in Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, including Boston, and as far south as Rhode Island and Connecticut.


The Maine Emergency Management Agency had no immediate reports of damage. The York County Communications Center near the epicenter was inundated with emergency calls, and dispatchers were too busy to talk. -Whdh



Earth-sized planet found just outside solar system

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Phys.org - Seth Borenstein, 10/16/12

This artist’s impression shows the planet orbiting the star Alpha Centauri B, a member of the triple star system that is the closest to Earth. Alpha Centauri B is the most brilliant object in the sky and the other dazzling object is Alpha Centauri A. Our own Sun is visible to the upper right. The tiny signal of the planet was found with the HARPS spectrograph on the 3.6-metre telescope at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada

European astronomers have discovered a planet with about the mass of the Earth orbiting a star in the Alpha Centauri system—the nearest to Earth. It is also the lightest exoplanet ever discovered around a star like the Sun. The planet was detected using the HARPS instrument on the 3.6-metre telescope at ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile. The results will appear online in the journal Nature on 17 October 2012.

A Massive and Illegal Geoengineering Project has been Detected off Canada’s West Coast

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Source: 2012thebigpicture.com - 10/16/12

A massive and illegal geoengineering project has been detected off Canada's west coast


A private company backed by a controversial U.S. businessman has unilaterally conducted the world’s most significant geoengineering project to date.

Russ George, in conjunction with a First Nations village on Haida Gwaii, has dumped around 100 tonnes of iron sulphate into the Pacific Ocean in a technique known as ocean fertilization. The experiment, which is in violation of two United Nations moratoria, has outraged environmental, legal, and civic groups.

Paul Ryan's Bogus Soup Kitchen Photo Op

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Rolling Stone - Tim Dickinson, 10/16/12

Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan and his wife Janna wash pots at St. Vincent DePaul soup kitchen in Youngstown, Ohio.
AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

Jesus washed the feet of the poor. The Republican vice presidential nominee re-washed their clean pots and pans.

To read the rest of this story, visit RollingStone.com.

Mitt Romney’s Tax Dodge

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Rolling Stone - Tim Dicknson, 10/12/12

Mitt Romney illustration

Illustration by Robert Grossman

How does a private-equity kingpin worth at least $250 million pay a lower tax rate – just 14 percent – than many teachers and firemen? By exploiting tax loopholes that favor the rich and hiding his money in the world's most notorious havens for tax cheats. That's what Mitt Romney has done, according to his 2010 and 2011 tax returns, a trove of secret Bain Capital documents unearthed by Gawker, and exposés by Bloomberg and Vanity Fair. "The bottom line," says Rebecca Wilkins, senior counsel at Citizens for Tax Justice, "is that these are ways to reduce your taxes that are only available to rich people."


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