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Lava Dome on Top of Mount Merapi Collapses

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Jakarta Globe - SP/Imron Rosyid Taufikur, 10/19/12

Mount Merapi erupting in 2010. (JG Photo/Boy T Harjanto).

Mount Merapi erupting in 2010. (JG Photo/Boy T Harjanto)

Solo, Central Java. A lava dome that formed on top of Mount Merapi following its 2010 eruption has collapsed, prompting volcanology officials to issue a warning on Friday of a possible deadly cold lava stream on the mountain slope.

Tri Mujianto, from the Merapi mountain observatory in Jrakah, in the Selo subdistrict of Boyolali, said the lava dome had disappeared but he could not say precisely when.

To read the rest of this story, visit JakartaGlobe.com.

Master Bank's License Under Threat

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The Moscow Times - 10/15/12

Master Bank is the 69th-largest bank in Russia by assets and counts the cousin of President Vladimir Putin, Igor Putin, among its directors.

Master Bank is the 69th-largest bank in Russia by assets and counts the cousin of President Vladimir Putin, Igor Putin, among its directors. Sergei Porter / Vedomosti

The Central Bank could revoke Master Bank's operating license amid an ongoing investigation into a huge money-laundering scheme, the Interior Ministry announced.

Several senior executives have been arrested, and the former vice president for corporate banking, Yevgeny Rogachev, was arrested Friday for violating the conditions of his house arrest. Rogachev is suspected of illegally turning 2 billion rubles ($64 million) into cash.

Spain considering ban on photographing, filming police on duty

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Press TV - 10/20/12
Protesters clash with riot policemen during a demonstration in Madrid, Spain. (File photo)

Protesters clash with riot policemen during a demonstration in Madrid, Spain. (File photo)
Spain is considering a law that aims to ban photographing, filming or reproducing images of the country’s members of police and state security forces while they are on duty, officials say.

Spain’s Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz said that the government is considering the ban on capturing, playing back and processing of images, sounds or data of Spanish security forces who are “in the exercise of their functions.”

To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.ir.

Large Cash Transactions Banned In Mexico

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Forbes - Jon Matonis, 10/17/12

English: part of $207 million confiscated duri...

$207 million from largest cash seizure in Mexico. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Outgoing Mexican President Felipe Calderon has signed into law a ban on large cash transactions. The ban will take effect in about 90 days and it is part of a broader effort to control monetary flows within the country.

Under the law, a Specialized Unit in Financial Analysis operating within the Attorney General’s Office will be created to investigate financial operations “that are related to resources of unknown origin.”

Rothschild who crashed to earth: How the bank dynasty heir's City reputation is in tatters after a £700m investment scheme blew up in his face

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Daily Mail - Geoffrey Levy and Richard Kay, 10/19/12

Living the high life: Nat Rothschild, pictured with L'Wren Scott at a partu during the Cannes Film Festival, has seen his City reputation destroyed after a deal to invest in an Indonesian coal mining company turned sour

Living the high life: Nat Rothschild, pictured with L'Wren Scott at a partu during the Cannes Film Festival, has seen his City reputation destroyed after a deal to invest in an Indonesian coal mining company turned sour

Even at 76, with untold wealth and the holder of a rare Order of Merit from the Queen, Lord Rothschild has continued to dream. It is a father’s dream: that his only son Nat might one day lead the world’s most enduring banking dynasty to new heights, repairing an old family schism and burnishing its blue-chip image to even greater brilliance.

Today Jacob Rothschild is a bitterly disappointed, even angry man, as his son and heir fights to save his own dwindling reputation and, with it, the first soiling of the proud Rothschild name in centuries.

Large Portions Of MN Under Extreme Drought

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CBS Minnestota - Rachel Slavik, 10/18/12

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — The lack of rain in Minnesota has left most of the state under extreme drought conditions, according to the Department of Natural Resources.

According to a drought condition map, large portions of the northwest, west central, southwest and south central areas of Minnesota are in the extreme drought category. Nearly half of Minnesota is under extreme or severe drought.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Minnesota.CBSLocal.com.

Latest Volcanic Activity - October 20, 2012

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Source: VolcanoDiscovery.com


Unrest at Raung volcano (East-Java, Indonesia)

Friday Oct 19, 2012, BY: VOLCANOBULLETIN


Raung volcano (not to be confused with Ruang volcano in the Sangihe islands), Eastern Java began to show increased seismicity since the 17 September. Small white plumes were seen rising to heights between 50-75 M above the crater.

The Alert Level was raised to 2 on a scale of 1-4 be the VSI on 18 September.


 Oct 18, 2012

U.S. officials turn attention to the possibility of volcanic eruptions in southwest

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Source: The Extinction Protocol, 10/20/12

 Experts in volcano hazards and public safety have started a conversation about volcanoes in the southwestern United States, and how best to prepare for future activity. Prior to this meeting, emergency response planning for volcanic unrest in the region had received little attention by federal or state agencies.


Though volcanic eruptions are comparatively rare in the American Southwest, the states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah host geologically-recent volcanic eruption deposits and are vulnerable to future volcanic activity. Compared with other parts of the western U.S., comparatively little research has been focused on this area, and eruption probabilities are poorly understood.



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