3D News

Lake Michigan Level Touches Record Low for Month

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Weather.com - Dan Egan, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel/Updated 10/17/12


Marine One helicopter and a decoy helicopter fly over Lake Michigan on June 2, 2012 en route back to Washington, D.C. An official said the Lake Michigan/Huron surface level last week was measured at 175.70 meters above sea level, about equal to the record low average in October 1964.

Lake Michigan kissed its record low water level for October on one day last week, and federal officials now predict the world's fifth largest lake is likely going to plunge into never-seen-before levels in the coming months.

Quake prompts 'unusual event' at Seabrook nuke plant

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Seacoast Online - John Breneman, 10/17/12

SEABROOK — An “unusual event” indeed. The 4.0 magnitude earthquake that rumbled across the Seacoast and beyond Tuesday evening triggered normal safety protocols at the Seabrook Station nuclear power plant.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission declared an “unusual event” — NRC-speak for the lowest of its four levels of emergency classifications — at 7:20 p.m. Tuesday. The declaration was prompted by on-site ground motion resulting from an earthquake centered near Hollis, Maine — about 50 miles from the plant.

To read the rest of this story, visit SeacoastOnline.com.

A third earthquake rattles Dominican Republic’s south region

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Source: The Extinction Protocol, 10/18/12

October 18, 2012 – DOMINCIAN REPUBLIC – A 4.7 magnitude  quake rattled the Central Mountain towns of Padre las Casas and Constanza Tuesday night, panicking residents. It’s the third moderate tremor in as many days in the country’s south-central region, felt in several towns in the area.

According to the United States Geodetic Survey, the quake occurred at 11:30pm, at a depth of 12.7 kilometers (around 8 miles). Inhabitants of the villages of Guayabal and Sabana Yegua also felt the shake and another, less intense aftershock minutes later. No damages have been reported thus far. –Dominican Today


RBS suspends senior trader in Libor probe: source

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Baltimore Sun -Matt Scuffham and Anjuli Davies Reuters, 10/15/12

A logo of an Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) is seen at a branch in London

A logo of an Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) is seen at a branch in London (STEFAN WERMUTH, REUTERS / October 15, 2012)

LONDON (Reuters) - Royal Bank of Scotland has suspended a senior rates trader as part of an internal probe into the setting of Libor and other interest rates, a person familiar with the matter told Reuters.

The part-nationalized British bank suspended Jezri Mohideen, head of rates trading for Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, on October 12, the source said on Monday.


To read the rest of this story, visit BaltimoreSun.com.

Banks accused of defrauding homeowners by rigging Libor

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CNN - James O'Toole, 10/16/12

The London headquarters of Barclays Bank, which has been fined for manipulating the Libor inter-bank lending rate.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Add one more to the list of alleged victims of Libor manipulation: homeowners.

A class action complaint filed earlier this month in New York federal court claims borrowers with adjustable-rate mortgages based on the London Interbank Offered Rate, or Libor, paid more than they rightfully should have due to the rate's manipulation by the global banks involved in setting it.

To read the rest of this story, visit CNN.com.

Koch to Employees: Vote Romney or Bad Things Will Happen (Maybe to Your Job)

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Alternet.org - Adele M. Stan, 10/15/12

The boss wants you to know he thinks it's a very bad idea for you to vote for Barack Obama.

David Koch, executive vice president of Koch Industries, mingling with guests at a party arranged in his honor by Americans for Prosperity in Tampa, Fla., on the final day of the 2012 Republican National Convention. Photo Credit: A.M. Stan


Leaving no stone unturned in foraging votes for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Charles and David Koch, the sole principals of the privately-held Koch Industries, are making sure that their employees and retirees know who the bosses are supporting in this year’s presidential election.


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