3D News

Dinosaur Embryos Discovered In Egg Clutch In Portugal Called Most Primitive Ever Found

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Huffington Post - May 31, 2013

Dinosaur Embryos

By: Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer
Published: 05/30/2013 09:02 AM EDT on LiveScience

A dinosaur nest discovery has revealed the most primitive known dinosaur embryos, which are among the oldest ever found.

The eggs belong to Torvosaurus, a T. rex-like predator that stalked the late Jurassic some 150 million years ago. Torvosaurus grew to be around 30 feet (9 meters) long, but the fragmented embryos discovered in Portugal were probably only about 6 inches (15 centimeters) in length.

"This is shedding some light on the early stages of the development of these types of dinosaurs," said Ricardo Araújo, a doctoral candidate in paleontology at Southern Methodist University in Texas. [See Photos of Dinosaur Embryos and Hatchlings].


Article: Ancient Egyptians Crafted Jewelry From Meteorites

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LiveScience - Megan Gannon, News Editor - May 31, 2013

An analysis of this Gerzeh bead showed it was crafted from a space rock.
CREDIT: Open University



An ancient Egyptian iron bead found inside a 5,000-year-old tomb was crafted from a meteorite, new research shows.

The tube-shaped piece of jewelry was first discovered in 1911 at the Gerzeh cemetery, roughly 40 miles (70 kilometers) south of Cairo. Dating between 3350 B.C. and 3600 B.C., beads found at the burial site represent the first known examples of iron use in ancient Egypt, thousands of years before Egypt's Iron Age. And their cosmic origins were suspected from the start.

Ordering the Heavens: A Visual History of Mapping the Universe

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 Humanity’s long history of visual sensemaking is as much a source of timeless inspiration as a living record of how our collective understanding of the universe and our place in it evolved. It seems like the farther from the known mapmakers’ imaginations traveled, the more fascinating their maps became. And hardly does the unknown glimmer with more alluring sparkle than the cosmos. Explaining and Ordering the Heavens is a fantastic online exhibition fromThe Library of Congress, examining over 8 centuries of humanity’s evolving views of the universe, from ancient Buddhist cosmological maps to Galileo’s seminal work in astronomy to Persian celestial globes and more. Gathered here is a curated selection of images from the exhibition, alongside the original caption text accompanying them.

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Underwater Birth and Dolphins

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Some 20 years ago, after developing and confirming the benefits of water birth, Igor Tscharkofsy began to birth human babies in the Black Sea with the dolphins.  Some of the reported occurrences include a mother and a baby playing with the dolphins within 45 minutes of the birth, another instance of a free dolphin escorting a newborn human baby to the surface for its first breath.  According to Igor Smirnoff, their research director, water babies develop six months faster over their first two years and development of waking, talking etc. occur earlier.  According to Elena Tonetti, who managed the Black Sea birth project for several years, the children are also ambidextrous.


Late Season Snowfall Strikes New England & Upstate New York

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Wunderground.com-5/26/2013, Christopher C Burt


Heavy snow has fallen over the higher elevations (and valleys as well) this Memorial Day weekend in Upsate New York and New England. UPDATE: Whiteface Mountain in New York’s Adirondack Mountains (elev 4,867’) has reported an incredible 24-34” of snow since Friday and Greensboro, Vermont, located at just 904’ of elevation 4.5”. How unusual is this?

Latest Snowfall Totals

It would appear that snowflakes were observed in upstate New York and New England as low as 750’ on May 24-26 with general measurable accumulations at elevations from 1,500’ and up. Above 4,000’ heavy snowfall in the 6-24” range has fallen in the Adirondack Mountains of New York and Vermont. Here is a review of some of the snow reports (official and unofficial) but keep in mind these are not final totals or verified yet:


For more information go to wunderground.com



Texas teen's heroics during fire 'saved six lives'

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Credit: Courtesy

Jessica Gallegos, an Ennis High School senior, is being credited with saving the lives of six of her friends.

The 18-year-old raced through a burning house Sunday morning, helping everyone escape while the house was being swallowed by flames.

A photograph shows the terrifying scene of a house that quickly became an inferno, with thick, black smoke and flames reaching to the sky. ~Story~

American Bridges Falling Down

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GFP Note: America's bridges are collapsing and the U.S. has received a grade of D+ for Infrastructure. This is representative of what's happening right now; it's a metaphor for the collapse of the illusion and the Truth of all that is not real coming to the surface. As our steel bridges fall, it makes room for grander structures, like the Rainbow Bridge, to take their place.



Published on May 24, 2013 by RTAmerica



Obama to view Oklahoma devastation Sunday

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moore-tornadoDavid Jackson, USA TODAY

President Obama will travel to the Oklahoma City area on Sunday to visit with victims and survivors of this week's deadly storms, aides said Wednesday.


Obama will "see first-hand the response to the devastating tornadoes and severe weather that have impacted the area on Sunday night and Monday," said White House spokesman Jay Carney.


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