3D News

Michael Hastings, 'Rolling Stone' Contributor, Dead at 33

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GFP Note: The GFP notes that the circumstances of Michael Hasting's death could be considered "suspicious."

RollingStone.com - 6/18/13, Tim Dickinson


Hastings' hallmark as reporter was his refusal to cozy up to power. While other embedded reporters were charmed by McChrystal's bad-boy bravado and might have excused his insubordination as a joke, Hastings was determined to expose the recklessness of a man leading what Hastings believed to be a reckless war. "Runaway General" was a finalist for a National Magazine Award, won the 2010 Polk award for magazine reporting, and was the basis for Hastings' book, The Operators: The Wild and Terrifying Inside Story of America's War in Afghanistan.  

Girl, 5, Collects Hundreds Of Dollars For Peace Selling Lemonade Outside Westboro Baptist Church

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Huffington Post - , 6/15/13

westboro baptist church lemonade

"As we all know, the Westboro Baptist Church puts a lot of hate into the world," Jackson told HuffPost in an email Friday. "Since we cannot stop them, the next best thing is to smother it with love. That is what 5-year-old Jayden accomplished today! Jayden set up a lemonade stand in front of the church. Not only did she quench the thirst of a lot of loving supporters, the money she raised was donated to Planting Peace so she could help Planting Peace promote a more peaceful world."

Home Remedies For Skin Tags

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findhomeremedy.com, by Jamie June 9, 2012

Skin tags or polyps or papillomas as they are generally referred to as are benign growths on the skin surface that occur mostly on the neck, chest, face, nose, armpits, inner thighs etc. Though they are generally harmless, they can also be the underlying medical conditions that require rigorous treatment.

They can also be extremely unsightly and cause a lot of cosmetic issues in women. Thankfully, apart from surgery, which is mostly recommended, there are many safe and effective methods that can be employed at home for treating this condition.

For more of this story visit http://www.findhomeremedy.com/home-remedies-for-skin-tags/


Walking Through the Wall

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Patheos.com, By Paul Selig June 12, 2012

The following is the transcript of a channeled lecture conducted by Paul Selig in New York City on June 6, 2013.)

Word I am Word.  Why do you know yourselves in certain ways?  Why do you claim identity in your history?  Why can’t you see yourself as you truly are?  This is your teaching for tonight.  We want you to walk through the walls today in the understanding that the walls were never really there, that the obstacles that you use to protect yourself from what you say you want were created by you and for you and are illusory.

There is no one in this room who is not free to choose the life she wants.  When you know the life you want is your inheritance you are claiming the kingdom.  But the kingdom, as we see it, has very little to do with what you were taught to want.  So you must understand the difference here – the life that you have chosen so far has been in agreement with your teachings:  your father’s teaching, your lover’s teaching, your mother’s and son’s, those around you who taught you who you were.  And you said, “OK, that is who I am and I go about my way in agreement with these teachings.”

For more of this story visit: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/thepsychicprofessor/2013/06/walking-through-the-wall/


Settlement expected in Birch School probe

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PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) – R.I. Education Commissioner Deborah Gist said Wednesday a settlement is expected shortly in response to a federal investigation which found a Providence school violated students' civil rights.

A U.S. Department of Justice probe found disabled students at Providence's Birch Vocational School worked long hours for low wages and were given few, if any, opportunities to integrate into the actual workforce.

The scathing report indicates the closest experience some Birch students were offered to transitioning into the workforce was helping to empty the school’s trash.


To read the rest of the story, please visit


Sales of herbal and homeopathic remedies top $6.4 billion

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NaturalNews.com, By Anna Bragga 6/11/2013


(NaturalNews) It used to be called alternative medicine, but herbal and homeopathic remedies have gone mainstream as new research by Mintel indicates approximately a third of Americans are swapping OTC medicines for natural products to overcome common ailments. Wider availability and a more holistic, proactive approach to personal healthcare are key reasons behind the trend which saw retail sales reach an all time high of $6.4 billion in 2012, up almost 3 percent in 2011, a growth of 16 percent over the past five years.

With Americans increasingly likely to suffer from more than one chronic health problem, greater numbers are taking matters into their own hands and doing their own research. Mintel health analyst Emily Krol says: The sector is primed for continued success as US consumers increasingly seek products that are natural and organic, particularly as it relates to healthcare. This is especially true for families with small children as many OTC medications are unsafe for children under the age of two.

The fact that so many users of homeopathic remedies are confident about them relieving their symptoms suggests that once people have used these products and experienced the effectiveness, they may be more inclined to use them in the future.

What is Happenning in Istanbul?

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What is Happenning in Istanbul?





To my friends who live outside of Turkey:

I am writing to let you know what is going on in Istanbul for the last five days. I personally have to write this because most of the media sources are shut down by the government and the word of mouth and the internet are the only ways left for us to explain ourselves and call for help and support.

Four days ago a group of people who did not belong to any specific organization or ideology got together in Istanbul’s Gezi Park. Among them there were many of my friends and students.  Their reason was simple: To prevent and protest the upcoming demolishing of the park for the sake of building yet another shopping mall at very center of the city. There are numerous shopping malls in Istanbul, at least one in every neighborhood! The tearing down of the trees was supposed to begin early Thursday morning. People went to the park with their blankets, books and children. They put their tents down and spent the night under the trees.  Early in the morning when the bulldozers started to pull the hundred-year-old trees out of the ground, they stood up against them to stop the operation.



To read the rest of the story, please go to





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