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Cornwall councillor Collin Brewer resigns over saying disabled children should be 'put down'

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The Independent Rob Williams Thursday 28 February 2013

A Cornwall councillor at the centre of a row over comments he made about disabled children has resigned.

Collin Brewer yesterday apologised for saying disabled children should be "put down" because they cost the authority too much money - but had refused to resign.


To read the rest of this story visit The Independent

Mystery of the massacred mobula rays: Just why DID dozens of these bloodied sea creatures wash up on the beach in Gaza?

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Mail Online - 2/27/13, Mark Duell

  • It was the first time the fish had been seen on the beach for six years, according to a local video report
  • Reaching up to 17ft in length, Mobulas are of a similar appearance to the more well-known Manta Rays
  • They can weigh more than 12 stone and sell for around five shekels (£0.90) per pound in local markets
  • Rays expert says blood on their pectoral fins may have come from slapping something such as boats
On the beach: Palestinian fishermen were pictured today with dozens of Mobula Ray fish that were washed up on the beach in Gaza City and carted off to market

On the beach: Palestinian fishermen were pictured with dozens of Mobula Ray fish that were washed up on the beach in Gaza City and carted off to market

Buy your ticket for the new Titanic (no iPads, thanks)

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CNET.com - 2/27/13,by

Titanic II will allegedly be a perfect replica of the original that caused the death of Leonardo DiCaprio. It will have many mod conveniences, but Internet probably will not be one of them.

Icebergs be damned. (Credit: Clive Palmer)

Tempting fate is a very human pastime. We know it will all end badly sooner or later, so why not see whether we can skirt the edge of disaster and experience how it feels?

Such an impulse will surely drive many to book an early ticket on Titanic II.

To read the rest of this story, visit CNET.com.

Comet ISON, Other Comets to Witness in 2013: How and When to View the Spectacle

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International Business Times - 2/27/13, Jenalyn Villamarin

Newly found comet could outshine Moon. (Photo: Reuters)

Comet ISON is currently creating a buzz with its upcoming close approach to the Sun on November 28 and the planet Earth on December 26. This particular comet is included in the special category of comets called the "sungrazers" that makes a very near pass by to the Sun once it entered the inner Solar System.

Astronomers and professional sky surveys often discover new comets yearly and 2013 offers a spectacular comet experience to the sky viewers. Three long-tailed comets are anticipated to brighten up the skies and become visible to the naked eye.

To read the rest of this story, visit au.ibtimes.com.

Fish kills present on Lee Co. beaches

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NBC-2.com - Lauren DiSpirito, 2/26/13


FORT MYERS BEACH - Thousands of dead fish are washing up on beaches on Sanibel and Fort Myers Beach. They're all victims of red tide. The toxic algae bloom has lingered off shore, but the recent winds have pushed red tide and its effects closer to the shore.

On beaches known for their shells and sand, there are conditions unlike anything some visitors say they've seen before.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit nbc-2.com.

Comet PanSTARRS warms up for celestial double feature's first show

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NBC News - Alan Boyle, Updated 2/25/13

Ignacio Diaz Bobillo / Pampaskies.com

Comet PanSTARRS glows with a fanlike tail in this picture from Argentine astrophotographer Ignacio Diaz Bobillo.

The first of two comets expected to make a splash this year is already putting on a good show for Southern Hemisphere skywatchers — and by the time it makes its appearance in northern skies, Comet PanSTARRS should be visible to the naked eye.


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