3D News

Pictures add to ‘UFO’ mystery

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Berwick-Advertiser.co.uk - 3/09/13, Phil Johnson

This is one of four pictures taken by Paul Taylor that features the blue object.

NEW pictures of the strange blue object spotted in the Berwickshire night sky last month have added another layer of intrigue to what some say is a UFO mystery.

Paul Taylor was driving home from Berwick to Duns on February 1 when an unusual patch of light in the dark sky caught his attention.

To read the rest of this story, visit berwick-advertiser.co.uk.

7 Homes That Look Like UFOs, From A Quirky Florida Landmark To Naomi Campbell's 'Spaceship' House (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

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The Huffington Post - 2/25/13, Rain Embuscado

In the late 1950s, following the launch of the Soviet Union's rocket Sputnik and the U.S.'s desire to beat them in the space race, pop culture took on a deep fascination with all things extraterrestrial. Formally known as the Space Age, this movement touched virtually everything, including architecture, while simultaneously poking fun of the anxieties brought on by the exploration of the unknown.

As a result, homes such as the Futuro were designed and built based on that growing interest, but from the looks of more recent projects like Naomi Campbell's spaceship-inspired home, the craze over space hasn't died out.

Red tide continues to kill SWFL manatees

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Fox4Now.com - Katie Jones, 3/08/13


NAPLES, Fla.- It is wiping out fish populations, causing breathing problems and red tide is killing the Florida Manatee. It is tough to see up close, but natural resource specialist Amber Crooks said red tide algae attacks with a vengeance.

" SWFL is one of the more threatened areas for the manatee, populations are more at risk so the fact we're having a lot of deaths to red tide is very concerning." Crooks said.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Fox4Now.com.


Second salt cavern near sinkhole raises concerns

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KSLA.com - 3/08/13, Kelsey Davis

BAYOU CORNE, LA (WAFB) - The latest news looks worse for the sinkhole in Assumption Parish.  Everyone involved is now eyeing a second cavern that may be too close to the Texas Brine salt dome well. But Texas Brine reps say no one should jump to any conclusion until seismic testing is complete.

"We need to complete the 3D seismic data collection and marry that image with the vertical seismic profiling data," said Texas Brine spokesperson Sonny Cranch.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit KSLA.com.

Russian Satellite Hit by Debris from Chinese Anti-Satellite Test

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Space.com - 3/08/13, Leonard David

On Jan. 22, 2013, debris from a Chinese anti-satellite program test hit a Russian satellite. CREDIT: Courtesy of Analytical Graphics, Inc.

A small Russian spacecraft in orbit appears to have been struck by Chinese space junk from a 2007 anti-satellite test, likely damaging the Russian craft, possibly severely, SPACE.com has learned.

The space collision appears to have occurred on Jan. 22, when a chunk of China's Fengyun 1C satellite, which was intentionally destroyed by that country in a 2007 anti-satellite demonstration, struck the Russian spacecraft, according to an analysis by the Center for Space Standards & Innovation (CSSI) in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

To watch the videos and read the rest of this story, visit Space.com

Conclave To Choose New Pope Will Start Tuesday

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Source: NPR.org - Mark Memmott, 3/08/13

Roman Catholic cardinals have been meeting at the Vatican to get to know each other better and to set a date for the start of the conclave that will choose the next pope. On Thursday, this cardinal was walking to one of those meetings.

Roman Catholic cardinals have been meeting at the Vatican to get to know each other better and to set a date for the start of the conclave that will choose the next pope. On Thursday, this cardinal was walking to one of those meetings.

Vincenzo Pinto /AFP/Getty Images

Update at 11:36 a.m. ET. Starts Tuesday:

PROOF of 700+ ELITE resignations, mass arrests, retirements

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What an open mind can learn - 2/24/13

This list seriously never ends.  But, humanity, here you go.  My service to you at this point in time....

It will be updated, the number will go up as I (and others-- anyone's welcome, please no duplicate data, search before you add, also please no false data) research more and as more elite leave their posts.

My primary reason for starting this huge list was to see whether the galactic federation really are credible, and I saw this as one way to do that.  Over the last two years, they've been claiming that elite are leaving their posts.... and I wasn't seeing proof.  Well.  I found proof.
But, galactic federation "believer" or not, you should really look at this document.  It'll open your eyes and leave you questioning... is this normal?  so many elite leaving their posts?

Here's the public, editable, excel sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtlIBlpkz-aPdGhQbXNmT0hXb0tHWWF5a0FIV2dXVlE&usp=sharing
Please read my notes before editing or sorting it.


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