3D News

Chiron – Shaman of the Skies

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Waking Times February 11, 2013 | By admin

Linda George, Contributing Writer
Waking Times 

I talked in ‘Living in an Ensouled Universe’ about the energetic imprint we each receive from the stars (shorthand for Sun, Moon and planets) at our birth, by way of electromagnetic energy affecting our energy fields. As well as our unique natal pattern of cosmic energy, we are each participants in the moving feast of energies impacting our Earth’s field – and thus experiencing life here, now, as a collective. We are all, our planet and ourselves involved in an evolutionary journey – and it is an evolution of consciousness.

5 Foods That Kill Cancer And Help The Body Destroy Tumours Without Any Drugs

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Waking Times February 11, 2013 | By admin

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

Certain proteins within our immune system hold the precise instructions needed to destroy cancerous tumours. In a healthy body, this inherent ability is always present and always effective without the use of drugs. However, these proteins can be rendered ineffective if cells experience uncontrolled growth though damage or mutations to DNA or if toxins through food and chemical pollution override the immune system’s natural function. Researchers from Pennsylvania State University have finally helped identify and support previous evidence which demonstrated how foods suppresses tumour development during immune surveillance, the immune system‘s process of patrolling the body for cancer cells.

Is The Earth Cooking Up Another Super Volcano?

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NPR.org - Christopher Joyce, 2/10/13

A hot spring at Yellowstone National Park. The super volcano that lurks below Yellowstone has blown its top three times in the past 2 million years.

A hot spring at Yellowstone National Park. The super volcano that lurks below Yellowstone has blown its top three times in the past 2 million years. Jason Maehl

Every few million years or so, the Earth burps up a gargantuan volcano.

These aren't like volcanoes in our lifetimes; these "super volcanoes" can erupt continuously for thousands of years. While they might be rare, you'd best look out when one hits.

To read the rest of this story, visit NPR.org.

Change is definitely underway…

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One World Rising Posted on

While mainstream media will play up the Pope’s resignation being health oriented, I tend to believe this is a sure sign that the changing of the guard has begun in earnest. We are on our way folks. The new world I believe is in full construction mode. Hang on tight.


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