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The Queen's finances to be investigated by powerful Westminster committee

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The Telegraph.co.uk By Richard Alleyne 12:40AM GMT 09 Feb 2013

The Queen is facing a tough inquiry into her finances and expenses by the most powerful watchdog in government, it emerged last night.

Queen sends 'supportive' letters to leaders of church movement that has angered gay campaigners

In April Buckingham Palace will receive £36.1m to fund the Queen’s official duties, a 16 per cent increase on the £31m paid by taxpayers last year. Photo: GETTY

The Public Accounts Committee is expected to launch an investigation into whether the monarch and the Royal Family provide value for money to the taxpayer.

No danger from asteroid 2012 DA14: NASA

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ZeeNews.India.com - 2/09/13


The giant asteroid Vesta is seen in an image taken from the NASA Dawn spacecraft about 3,200 miles above the surface on July 24, 2011. Credit: NASA/JPL

Washington: Asteroid 2012 DA14 will come closer to Earth than any previous object of its size during a Feb 15 fly-by, but the space rock poses no danger to the planet, NASA said.
"No Earth impact is possible," Donald Yeomans, an asteroid expert at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in Pasadena, California, told the media.

To read the rest of this story, visit ZeeNews.India.com.

Ex-President Bush Gets Hacked

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Yahoo News By JONATHAN KARL | ABC OTUS News – 5 hrs ago

Ex-President Bush Gets Hacked (ABC News)

ABC OTUS News - Ex-President Bush Gets Hacked (ABC News)

Former president George H.W. Bush was the victim of a computer hacker who gained access to confidential emails and other electronic correspondence between members of the Bush family and friends, the U.S. Secret Service confirmed to ABC News.

Strandings of dolphin, whales and porpoises 'very unusual'

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IrishTimes.com - 2/08/13, Anne Lucey

The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group says the stranding of high numbers of common dolphins and other species, which has become apparent over the past two weeks here, is “very unusual”.

An apparently otherwise healthy dolphin along with two pilot whales have now been washed up at Cuas Croom near Cahirciveen and there have been continuous strandings of dolphins, particularly in Mayo and Donegal. At the end of January at least eight common dolphins have been found dead on the beaches of Achill Island, Co Mayo.

To read the rest of this story, visit IrishTimes.com.

15 Songs Inspired by Weather, Nature

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Weather.com - 2/08/13, Jess Baker

'Here Comes the Sun'

'Here Comes the Sun' is among the trifecta of George Harrison's Beatles' classics, along with 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps' and 'Something.' (Image: John Pratt/Keystone/Getty Images)

Songwriters explore the world around them, and the power and mystique of weather - and nature - is often something from which our favorite lyricists draw inspiration.





To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


State of disaster declared on Santa Cruz Islands, as earthquake swarm continues

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 2/08/13

February 8, 2013 – SANTA CRUZ, ISLS - The Government today has officially declared a State of Disaster for Santa Cruz Islands in Temotu Province following Wednesday’s deadly 8.0 magnitude quake and subsequent tsunami that claimed lives and property. The Minister for Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology, Hon Bradley Tovusia made the declaration following a decision reached by the National Disaster Council on February 7.


The National Disaster Council has satisfied itself that the logistical challenge inherent in responding to the disaster in Temotu means that support has delayed departing Honiara to reach the affected population. This challenge coupled with the number of dead already reported, the huge disruption to normal functioning in the province and that the capacity at the local, provincial and national levels to deal with it alone has been exceeded there has led to the NDC recommending a declaration of disaster be made. –Scoop


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