3D News

Increased Volcanic Activity at Four Locations

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Tavurvur volcano (Rabaul, PNG): new eruption
Source: Volcano Discovery, 1/21/13, By T

Explosion from Tavurvur on 21 Jan 2013 (photo: user komnairima on youtube)

Explosion from Tavurvur on 21 Jan 2013 (photo: user komnairima on youtube)
Tavurvur volcano has erupted today after having been almost completely quiet since August 2011.
The following youtube video shows the eruption generating an ash plume rising a few hundreds of meters above the cone:

'Quadruple helix' DNA seen in human cells

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BBC News - 1/20/13, Johnathan Amos

A representation of the four-stranded structure (L) and fluorescent markers reveal its presence inside cells (R)
A representation of the four-stranded structure (L) with fluorescent markers revealing its presence inside cells (R)


Cambridge University scientists say they have seen four-stranded DNA at work in human cells for the first time.

The famous "molecule of life", which carries our genetic code, is more familiar to us as a double helix.

To read the rest of this story, visit BBC.co.UK.

Volcanic activity at Chilean Villarrica resumed after 6 months

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Source: The Watchers - 1/21/13, By Nix

After six months of inactivity, Chilean stratovolcano Villarrica seems to have woken again. Weak explosive activity deep within the summit crater has resumed during last 2 weeks as evident in terrestrial and satellite observations. Observations also indicate that magma might have begun to rise again within the volcano. Villarrica rises above the resort town of Pucón. It is expected that in the coming weeks or months incandescence will be visible again at the crater during the nights. The activity levels are so low, that without the help of satellites it would not have been possible to detect the increase in heat from the crater....

After six months of inactivity, Chilean stratovolcano Villarrica seems to have woken again. Weak explosive activity deep within the summit crater has resumed during last 2 weeks as evident in terrestrial and satellite observations. Observations also indicate that magma might have begun to rise again within the volcano. Villarrica rises above the resort town of Pucón.

Global volcanic activity report for January 19, 2013

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/19/13

January 19, 2013 – GEOLOGY – A low-level earthquake swarm continues beneath Mammoth Mountain volcano (CA) (station MMS), with a M1.3 event recorded earlier today. Dilatometer data from instruments located within Long Valley Caldera show an inflection in trend at the swarm onset on or around 15 January 2013. A series of small explosions (green signals) followed a very subtle increase in volcanic seismicity in the past day at the Colima volcano (Mexico).  Exhalations of gas and ash have increased slightly during the past 24 hours at Popocatepetl volcano. A mixture of wind noise, and small local and larger regional earthquakes dot seismograms at Guatemalan volcanoes Fuego (station FG3), Santa Maria (station STG6) and Pacaya (station PCG) today. 


Obama Oath Of Office: President Has Quiet Swearing-In Ceremony At White House (VIDEO)

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Huffington Post Posted:   |  Updated: 01/20/2013 1:12 pm EST



President Barack Obama has been sworn in to his second term in office.


During a quiet ceremony in the Blue Room of the White House, Obama took the official oath of office at approximately 11:55 a.m. Obama's family attended, along with several members of the media.


Upon completing the swearing in, Obama hugged his family members and said to his daughter, Sasha, "I did it."



Published on Jan 20, 2013

Pope orders RFID chipping in the Vatican (Video)

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Exopermaculture  Posted on

To follow up on the last post, I find this article very instructive. Here we have the Roman Catholic Church turning on its own priests in the Vatican! Talk about distrust! And it reminds me of the German Central Bank turning on its fellows (and see this), not trusting that the New York Fed has the gold it claims to have, so calling its bluff by asking to repatriate its physical gold.

It appears that the cabal begins to undergo the inevitable process of cannabalization that attends attitudes and actions that serve only the few at the expense of the many.

Thanks to americankabuki for the pointer.

Published on Jan 18, 2013


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