Earth Allies Report

EARTH ALLIES REPORT 8.3.12... Are we just drunk?... or we see media pawns?... or Panneta openly admitting High Treason?... or some Syrian serious ship jumping?... or How Hemp saved the world?... or simply have FORGIVENESS... ~ by Predrag/Saint Germain

AnaShyNa's picture





What a wondrous day for US posting the news... all day long... Started with Solar flares and winds that came like a God's gift to fully initiate all of Humanity in to state of full Grace and Clensing of all the ego's...

What you ar going to find complied together on this small report, is just a beginning of Devine cleansing of all the ego from our existence... This is why the 8.3.12 is the most beautiful day on the planet... Maybe it would look quite intense, from news, from weather status, yet from the view of Love ever present on this Planet, all is perrfect as it should be...


And all is based on our own perception of how we see the events around us... Do we see them as 'bad' or 'good' or simply we see them as Love is here unconditionally... TO STAY...


Who does not want to see and feel this as LOVE, we truly cannot say any more than we are saying for years now... Where MotherFatherGod repeated every day, every post, every moment love is here to stay... LOVE IS HERE NOW....


EARTH ALLIES REPORT 7.3.12... MSMedia and why they are not so crucial for our existence any more...& How Stacy found Max... or How Courage found Truth...~ by Predrag/Saint Germain

AnaShyNa's picture

by Galactic Love Reporter Predrag/Saint Germain


Dear Ones,




day has come when we can literary throw tv through the windows... Not because the Solar winds will wipe out all our technology gadgets and our grid, but we will realize that we do not treat the News like a gospel...

Because we realized there is much better news center... in our hearts, and this one receives information’s with every breath we take...


Simply when you read or watch YouTube videos, you ask your heart what does it feels about this or that story... and let it process it... without any judgment or reaction... Do not get mad when criminals get exposed, do not get judgmental when they take full responsibility for what they have done to You... Simply be, and maybe smile knowing that all is just perfect...




EARTH ALLIES 6.3.12... V for Victory and see Boo Walker shines like a true star... Billy the behind closed Gate's... Greeks and their OHI... ~ by Predrag/Saint Germain

AnaShyNa's picture


GLR Predrag/Saint Germain

[small disclaimer: I am much prettier with no mask...]




Did you watched movie 'V for Vendetta..."?... I would highly recommend, and please, pay attention not on explosions but on words, and complete paradigm shift that our Mr. V [who call himself villain and victim in one...] is so elegantly giving to all the people of this very totalitarian system...

This system is true example where we are in right now, with total controls over our life’s, with media manipulations, with mind controls, with information fabrications, with UFO ignorance...


You can see in the movie quite a lot what is coming in our near future where concepts of numbers and Anonymity will prevail even in this big play that we are all in... yet it will not stop only there... It will become the biggest celebration of Human who just discovered TRUE FREEDOM...


EARTH ALLIES REPORT 5.3.12:.. What is Biggest difference between channeled messages and messages from Galactic Free Press, from Earth Allies... ~ by Predrag/Saint Germain

AnaShyNa's picture


GLR Predrag/Saint Germain



What?... channeling dismissal again?... Channelers no recognition again?...
Why?... oh, Why dear Predrag you are going in to the bees nest?...


Who knows me till now, I love to ask a question and answer in my own words, something that I want to deliver to you all...

You will forgive me change of tone, as till now I was sweet, non-direct, and very light with lot of humor and fairy tale writings...


Now, today something shifted in me, realizing that ignorance is so present all around light workers, fear is so obvious of not fully accepting who we are... [and here I do not refer to me or to MotheFatherGod...]


EARTH ALLIES REPORT 4.3.12:... How is Present Banking collapse linked with FREE ENERGY? and WHY?... and What's cooking in Disclosure pot?... 11-04-20 6:59 PM

AnaShyNa's picture


By GRP Predrag/Saint Germain




I kind of took a brake for a weekend, exploring some caves here in Switzerland and today, Sunday  I was hoping the resignations and white hats took a short pause, till Monday when all the Heaven will be coming down to Earth...

As, well I was hoping to share with you some greatest news, that will topple all the Governments arrests and indictments... Please, take this with a ease and very seriously.... Where, once the governing bodies become clean and flushed from corrupted, and selfish souls, we will bring the Free Energy in to the play...


What I am posting here is only a tip of the really big iceberg, knowing that only thing we have to do is Ask: and it is given to US from Devine Creator... Not that HE/She will be landing his StarShip and give gifts, but He has his truly brave messengers, our courageous scientists, inventors, technicians who jumped out of present paradigm of burning fossil crudes to make some heat, and they are creating future of our civilization...


EARTH ALLIES REPORT 3.3.12:... We are rapidly growing in NUMBERS... Numbers of Resignations, Awakenings, Arrests, tornados, volcanos... Is it always bigger the Better?...

AnaShyNa's picture

EARTH ALLIES REPORT 3.3.12:... We are rapidly growing in NUMBERS... Numbers of Resignations, Awakenings, Arrests, tornados, volcanos... Is it always bigger the Better?... 


by GLR Predrag/Saint Germain





Yes, it is... The Bigger the Better... and not only for resignations or arrests, but for fully awaken souls around this beautiful and powerful soul called Gaia...


EARTH ALLIES REPORT 2.3.12: Gossips, Revelations, Busts and big Money?... Does this has any sense, and why?... and What's cooking in Disclosure pot?...

AnaShyNa's picture



Gossips, Revelations, Busts and big Money?... Does this has any sense, and why?... and What's cooking in Disclosure pot?...


by Predrag/Saint Germain




US again... Dear Brothers and Sisters... what a day for revelations... Some great gossips get fully confirmed, and yet some great 'truths' get busted... such as reasons why EU is so keen to 'HELP' Greece, and why bankers are so eager to fully enslave Greeks... [and some other not so forward countries...]


Lets start from local Universe gossips: as Benjamin [not Franklin, but Ben Fulford...] start spreading this 'gossip' about Geithner being arrested and slapped couple of times, not to start 'singing' but to stop talking as they could not record that fast all the names and wrongdoings that has been done against American people...


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