Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Monsanto Found Guilty In France For Chemical Poisoning : French Court Rules Against Monsanto

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Politcal Vel Craft – Monsanto Found Guilty In France For Chemical Poisoning : French Court Rules Against Monsanto 







French courtrules against Monsanto in a groundbreaking, chemical poisoning case:

Monsanto Guilty! And this time it’s not a public verdict, it’s a legal verdict! Is this possible? Well, you can see for yourself.

  1. Monsanto Declared Worst Company of 2011

And the winner is an ordinary French farmer who suffered the consequences of inhaling “Lasso” Pesticide. A small win but it isn’t bad for a start because getting a pharma giant like Monsanto to answer for their wrongs can be a pretty herculean task for the naïve farmers.

Looking into the details of the case, the farmer who  moved against Monsanto for LIFELONG neurological damage caused after inhaling the
pesticide Lasso was able to prove the adverse effects it had on him after continuously being exposed to the pesticide for a certain period of time. He  inhaled the active ingredient alachlor present in the pesticide way back in  2004 and started experiencing side effects which slowly manifested themselves in the form of persistent memory loss, headaches and stuttering

In Greece, anti-austerity protesters attack German consul

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PressTV Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:45AM GMT

A Greek police officer intervenes to rescue Germany’s Consul to Thessaloniki Wolfgang Hoelscher-Obermaier (blue shirt on far right) from angry protesters opposing civil service layoffs, November 15, 2012.

A Greek police officer intervenes to rescue Germany’s Consul to Thessaloniki Wolfgang Hoelscher-Obermaier (blue shirt on far right) from angry protesters opposing civil service layoffs, November 15, 2012.

Police in northern Greece have clashed with anti-austerity demonstrators protesting against German Deputy Labor Minister Hans Joachim Fuchtel.

On Wednesday, Fuchtel made comments on the quality of the Greek labor force.

To read the rest of this story visit PressTV

100s stage demo in Argentina to support anti-austerity European protesters

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Press TV,Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:3AM GMT

Riot police officers face protesters at the end of a demonstration outside the Portuguese Parliament in Lisbon during a general strike on November 14, 2012.

Riot police officers face potesters at the end of a demonstration outside the Portuguese Parliament in Lisbon during a general strike on November 14, 2012.

Hundreds of people have taken to streets in Argentina to show solidarity with anti-austerity protesters across Europe.

The demonstrators gathered outside the Greek embassy and the Spanish consulate in the capital Buenos Aires on Wednesday to express their support to European workers.

Occupy Wall Street campaigners buy-up debt to abolish it

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Occupy Wall Street campaigners buy-up debt to abolish it

A group of campaigners linked to the Occupy Wall Street movement is buying-up distressed loans for pennies in the pound and cancelling them to "liberate debtors at random".


A bank clerk works behind twenty-dollar bills piled at a bank in Seoul

As a test run the group spent $500 on distressed debt, buying $14,000 worth of outstanding loans Photo: Reuters

 09 Nov 2012


The Rolling Jubilee project is seeking donations to help it buy-up distressed debts, including student loans and outstanding medical bills, and then wipe the slate clean by writing them off.

Individuals or companies can buy distressed debt from lenders at knock-down prices if it the borrower is in default or behind with payments and are then free to do with it as they see fit, including cancelling it free of charge.

read more:

Anonymous movement sends emails to UK police, seeking solidarity with hacktivist campaign

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The Washington Post - AP, 10/25/12

LONDON — The online movement known as Anonymous has made an unusual appeal to British police: “Stand with us.”

Authorities said Thursday that the cyber rebels apparently broke into a forum called UKPoliceOnline to steal officers’ email addresses, which they used to distribute a manifesto to current and former members of British law enforcement.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Lu Lobello, Iraq War Veteran, Tracks Down Kachadoorian Family And Apologizes For Shooting Incident In 2003

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GFP Note: I am filing this under "Freedom Project" because it's a story about Forgiveness. Forgiving yourself and others is a step on the road to Freedom.


The Huffington Post - 10/25/12, Ryan Grenoble

Lu Lobello Iraq

How do you go about apologizing for an act that could so easily have been lost in the fog of war?

In a powerful article published in this month's New Yorker, Dexter Filkins examines that question through the tale of Lu Lobello, an Iraq war veteran who was part of a unit that mistakenly killed three civilians in a family of nine.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit

World Renowned Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease

Phil Rowen's picture

My Science Academy




We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong.. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries,today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact.

I trained for many years with other prominent physicians labelled “opinion makers.”  Bombarded with scientific literature, continually attending education seminars, we opinion makers insisted heart disease resulted from the simple fact of elevated blood cholesterol.

The only accepted therapy was prescribing medications to lower cholesterol and a diet that severely restricted fat intake. The latter of course we insisted would lower cholesterol and heart disease. Deviations from these recommendations were considered heresy and could quite possibly result in malpractice.

It Is Not Working!


Spain police protest austerity measures in Madrid

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Press TV - 10/27/12

Hundreds of Spanish police officers have taken to the streets to protest against harsh austerity measures imposed by the government.

File photo showing Spaniards protesting against austerity measures.

File photo showing Spaniards protesting against austerity measures.

Protesters held the Saturday demonstration outside the Interior Ministry in the capital Madrid to express their discontent with the budget cuts and removal of benefits.

"We came to express our anger at the way the government treats us, not only because they have removed Christmas bonuses, but also because they are eliminating our rights," said Fran Estacio, a 33-year-old officer from Spain’s eastern city of Valencia.

Protesters were carrying banners that read, “Police officers can no longer take it.”

Anti-austerity protesters urge Spain government to resign in Madrid rally

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The Raw Story - Agence Presse-France, 10/27/12

Spain protest 072112 via afp

Thousands of anti-austerity demonstrators marched in the Spanish capital Saturday calling for the conservative government to resign because of its severe budget cuts.

“They don’t represent us”, “More education fewer police”, demonstrators shouted as dozens of police vehicles followed the march to near the parliament building which was cordoned off.

To read the rest of this story, visit

"No War By Any Nation in Any Age Has Ever Been Declared By the People"

Phil Rowen's picture



By Arlen Grossman 

HISTORY LESSONS AND HEROES WE SHOULDN'T FORGETSocialist Party leader Eugene V. Debs spoke out against World War I, and all wars, in a speech on June 16, 1918 in Canton, Ohio. Because of this speech, Debs was arrested two weeks later, charged with ten counts of sedition, and sentenced to ten years in prison under the Espionage Act of 1917. While in prison, Debs ran for president in 1921 and received nearly one million votes. He served two years, eight months in prison before having his sentence commuted (for health reasons) by President Harding in 1921.


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