Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Monmouth site is Bronze Age - archaeologist in row with minister

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GFP Note: Could this be an attempt by the government of Wales to hide our true history?

South Wales Argus
By David Deans
August 15, 2012

DISCOVERY:The site at Rockfield near Monmouth

A MAN who is leading a dig at a site in Monmouth says he's found evidence to dispute claims by a minister who claimed remains there were not Bronze Age.

Steve Clarke of Monmouth Archaeology says latest scientific results from the Parc Glyndwr site shows the area was teeming with prehistoric activity, especially during the bronze ages.

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They Produce Water From The Air! An Amazing Invention For Those Who Really Need It!

Phil Rowen's picture - "How can we help someone so powerful they can create water out of thin air?" an astonished Jabin yells in Star Trek's Caretaker.

If you are a Star Trek fan you will remember how the Kazons try to aquire technology that can create water our of thin air.

This technology is no longer in the realms of science fiction. Today we can really create water out of thin air!

Global water crisis is growing. 
There are companies aware of this critical situation finding ways to generate water almost from… nothing!

A world unique machine will provide the poorest regions on Earth with clean drinking water and electricity.

And this is an ingenious design of the French company Eole Water, which is the inventor of the first wind turbine able to produce of drinking water by condensing the air.

The car that can fold itself up to fit a parking space - and it goes on sale next year

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MailOnline - news, sport, celebrity, science and health stories 



PUBLISHED: 14:00, 16 August 2012 UPDATED: 15:14, 16 August 2012 

 City dwellers know the most difficult part of urban driving isn't the mental minicab drivers or suicidal cyclists, but finding a space to park the car once you have safely arrived at your destination.

But now a solution is at hand in the form of a revolutionary new car that can actually fold up to fit itself into the tiniest of gaps.

Grow your own steak: Paypal billionaire aims to make 3D printed meat a reality

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MailOnline - news, sport, celebrity, science and health stories 


  • Co-founder awards up to £220,000 to Modern Meadow
  • American company aims to make meat more environmentally friendly 
  • PUBLISHED: 09:52, 17 August 2012 UPDATED: 10:43, 17 August 2012   
  •  Artificial, lab-grown steaks that taste and feel just like the real thing could be round the corner thanks to a generous grant from Paypal's co-founder.

    Billionaire investor Peter Thiel has backed an American startup to develop its 3D bioprinting technique and create a juicy steak.

Delaying a eurozone breakup could make the endgame much worse

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The Guardian home 

Nouriel Roubini

Thursday 16 August 2012 13.48 BST 

 European politics won't consider an orderly divorce at an early stage, but it is preferable to a messy split down the line 

Leaders of the four top eurozone countries


Whether the eurozone is viable or not remains an open question. But what if a breakup can only be postponed, not avoided? If so, delaying the inevitable would merely make the endgame worse – much worse.

Cosmic Rays Still Mysterious 100 Years After Discovery

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By Staff,Date: 01 August 2012 Time: 07:01 AM ET

Little is know about the ultra high-energy cosmic rays that regularly penetrate the atmosphere. Recent IceCube results challenge one of the leading theories, that they come from gamma ray bursts. CREDIT: NSF/J. Yang

Cosmic rays continue to puzzle scientists a century after the fast-moving particles were discovered.

Austrian scientist Victor Hess first cottoned on to the existence of cosmic rays after a high-altitude balloon flight on Aug. 7, 1912. In the 100 years since, researchers have learned a lot about these highly energetic particles, which constantly bombard Earth from outer space. But important questions remain, including where exactly they come from.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Interplanetary hacking: Is Anonymous planning to hijack Nasa's Curiosity rover?

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MailOnline - news, sport, celebrity, science and health stories 



PUBLISHED: 09:39, 15 August 2012 UPDATED: 16:57, 15 August 2012 

 The Curiosity mars rover could be the next target for the Anonymous group of hackers, it has been claimed.

The group shot to fame when it brought down numerous websites including Visa and several US Government sites as a protest against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's arrest.

More headaches for UK banks as lawsuits linked to US housing collapse and Bernard Madoff could cost them billions

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MailOnline - news, sport, celebrity, science and health stories 



PUBLISHED: 22:27, 16 August 2012 UPDATED: 22:27, 16 August 2012 

 British banks face multi-billion dollar bills from a host of lawsuits linked to the US housing market collapse and dealings with fraudster Bernard Madoff, adding to their money-laundering and Libor headaches.

The interim financial results season revealed a litany of potential costs facing lenders with divisions in the notoriously litigious US.

More than £100bn could be wiped off the UK economy if crisis in Greece shatters eurozone

Phil Rowen's picture

MailOnline - news, sport, celebrity, science and health stories 



PUBLISHED: 01:35, 16 August 2012 UPDATED: 01:35, 16 August 2012 

 More than £100billion would be wiped off the value of the British economy if the crisis in Greece led to the breakup of the eurozone.

Senior government sources say secret Treasury estimates have calculated that the UK’s output would drop by 7 per cent if the single currency plunged into fresh chaos as a result of a Greek exit from the euro.


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