Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Henry Kissinger: A diplomatic colossus who is still a key influence in US amid Syria crisis

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The Independent - 9/13/13, Sean O'Grady


At the age of 90, Kissinger is currently advising the Obama administration on dealing with Russia


For Kissinger’s critics, though, the Kissinger realpolitik has yielded much that was little short of evil. Christopher Hitchens, in 2001, claimed to have amassed sufficient evidence to secure prosecutions for “war crimes, for crimes against humanity, and for offences against common or customary or international law, including conspiracy to commit murder, kidnap, and torture”. This is somewhat more than hyperbole; the experience of General Pinochet has made the travels of Dr Kissinger a little more risky.

Donal Macintyre Investigation: 'Spies taped Diana's crash and bugged her phone'

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Express - Donal Macintyre, 9/15/13



Diana using her mobile phone while in Sardinia in August 1997, the month she died


BRITISH spies would have recorded the last moments of ­Princess Diana and her boyfriend Dodi Fayed by bugging their mobile phones, it is claimed.

If made public, the phone recordings could help throw light on sensational claims by former SAS serviceman ­Soldier N that Diana was murdered by an SAS assassination squad.



How David Cameron knew of Princess Diana 'murder plot'

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Express - John Twomey, 9/14/13


Speculation-over-Diana-s-death-continues-GETTY- Speculation over Diana's death continues [GETTY]


DAVID CAMERON and the head of the Army knew the SAS were allegedly responsible for the murder of Princess Diana – but failed to tell police.

The Prime Minister and General Sir Peter Wall were sent copies of a letter claiming members of the elite regiment killed the princess.



Catalans form human chain for independence from Spain

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BBC News - 9/11/13


Catalan flag in in Alcanar. 11 Sept 2013

The Catalan pro-independence flag was much in evidence during the day, including here in in Alcanar


Supporters of Catalonia's independence from Spain have joined hands to form a 400km (250-mile) human chain across the region in support of their cause.

Hundreds of thousands of people took part in the event, which comes on Catalonia's national day.

Video and more:


Former Presidents Warn About the “Invisible Government” Running the United States

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Waking Times - 9/13/13, Ross Pittman, Guest

“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”- George Santayana

Past presidents of the United States and other high profile political leaders have repeatedly issued warnings over the last 214 years that the U.S. government is under the control of an “invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”

From resistance to transformation. It begins. YES!

Rain's picture

Source: Exopermaculture - 9/14/13,  Ann Kreilkamp



I put up a post early this morning in which I stated that I googled “swords into ploughshares” and came up with nothing. I (foolishly) equated that to nothing is being done to re-tool our society. A reader kindly sent me a list of “anti-war” organizations.

WRL…War Resister’s League;
WILPF; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom;

Holland apologizes for Indonesia killings

Rain's picture - 9/13/13

A mural depicting the 1947 massacre by Dutch troops of Indonesians is displayed at the Rawagede monument in West Java province.

A  mural depicting the 1947 massacre by Dutch troops of Indonesians is displayed at the Rawagede monument in West Java province.

The Netherlands has publicly apologized for mass killings carried out by Dutch troops in its former colony of Indonesia.

Dutch ambassador to Indonesia Tjeerd de Zwaan offered a state apology during a ceremony held at the Netherlands's embassy in Jakarta on Thursday for the "excesses committed by Dutch forces" in the 1940s war of independence.




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