Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

US government has betrayed the Internet

Rain's picture 9/07/13

Government and industry have betrayed the internet, and us.

But this is also an engineering problem, and there are several things engineers can - and should - do.

One, we should expose. If you do not have a security clearance, and if you have not received a National Security Letter, you are not bound by a federal confidentially requirements or a gag order. If you have been contacted by the NSA to subvert a product or protocol, you need to come forward with your story. Your employer obligations don't cover illegal or unethical activity. If you work with classified data and are truly brave, expose what you know. We need whistleblowers.


35 Things the Ruling Cabal Does Not Want You to Know

Lia's picture

by Preston James

Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ For Your Awareness Only! 3d will Self destruct everyone just an FYI! You cannot save any part of 3d! Love The Earth Allies



For almost 100 years there has been a Secret Ruling Cabal of Banksters and Industrialists from the City of London Financial District that has been running the USG and setting the policies of America which are based on Big Lies and Major Deceptions.

This cabal has spent many billions of hard earned American dollars which they have confiscated through a crooked tax system to pay “talking-head” major mass media “newscasters” to limit what you can know and to make sure almost everything the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) is lies and dispensed propaganda, which helps keep this super-elite deviant Ruling Cabal in power and keeps important truths from the public.

ET enthusiast Rihanna is paying to receive UFO updates

Rain's picture

Source: OpenMinds.TV - 9/03/13, Jason McClellan


ET enthusiast Rihanna is paying to receive UFO updates


Image credit: Eva Rinaldi


Pop singer Rihanna’s UFO-watching past received attention in March 2012 as she was promoting the film Battleship. Rihanna explained in an interview, “My dad used to make me sit outside on the steps all night long looking for UFOs flying by, and I had to do that for years.”

Although her celebrity schedule keeps her too busy to watch the skies for UFOs now, she apparently pays someone to do it for her. An unnamed source, someone allegedly close to Rihanna, revealed to the Daily Star:


Australia’s UFO Files – Your Need to Know

Rain's picture

Source: OpenMinds.TV - 8/30/13

The next episode in our series is Australia’s UFO Files. The National Archives of Australia holds a number of records relating to UFOs, flying saucers and other unidentified aerial phenomena. The documents became available in August 2012 under Australia’s 30-year rule. This rule orders the release of government documents 30 years after they were created. Most of these records date from the 1950’s to the 70’s, when public interest in UFOs was high and many sightings were reported to Commonwealth authorities.



NSA can break Internet encryption, documents say

Rain's picture - 9/05/13, Joseph Menn of Reuters

NSA has the ability to crack encryption: NSA campus signs: The sign outside the National Security Agency campus in Fort Meade, Md.

The sign outside the National Security Agency campus in Fort Meade, Md. AP Photo: Patrick Semansky


SAN FRANCISCO — U.S. National Security Agency has secretly developed the ability to crack or circumvent commonplace Internet encryption used to protect everything from email to financial transactions, according to media reports citing documents obtained by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

The Guardian, The New York Times and journalistic nonprofit ProPublica reported on Thursday that the U.S. intelligence agency used a variety of means, ranging from the insertion of "back doors" in popular tech products and services, to supercomputers, secret court orders and the manipulation of international processes for setting encryption standards.

Mystery of Shambhala

Rain's picture


Waking Times - 2/25/13

Flickr – mountains – U.S. Pacific Air Forces

Jason Jeffrey, New Dawn
Waking Times

I believe the idea of Shambhala has not yet come to full flower, but that when it does it will have enormous power to reshape civilisation. It is the sign of the future. The search for a new unifying principle that our civilisation must now undertake will, I am convinced, lead it to this source of higher energies, and Shambhala will become the great icon of the new millennium. – Victoria LePage, Shambhala

South African gold miners strike over ‘slave wages in white man’s economy’

Rain's picture


The Raw Story - 9/04/13, David Smith, The Guardian


Striking S. African Gold Fields mine workers march on September 11 file photo via AFP

80,000 miners walk out in industrial action that will cost country £22m a day as government admits it can only plead for solution


About 80,000 gold miners in South Africa walked out on strike on Tuesday night, raising fears of renewed violence in the crisis-hit industry and underlining the government’s dwindling authority.

President Jacob Zuma admitted that he could only plead with companies and unions to find a peaceful solution and avoid seriously damaging the economy, already hit by sluggish growth and a contagion of strikes in other sectors.

How Steve Jobs Turned Technology — And Apple — Into Religion

Rain's picture


Red Ice Creations - 9/03/13, by Red Ice Creations


A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.

~John F. Kennedy

Steve Jobs being dead hasn’t diminished the power of his name, or the Apple brand. In fact, it has only reinforced the ’spirituality’ of the company he left behind - the company, many can demonstrate, has been deliberately honed into a cult-like religious orthodoxy.

Brett T. Robinson, author of Appletopia: Media Technology and the Religious Imagination of Steve Jobs describes in several articles how Jobs crafted a business model that makes products and a brand a ’gateway to enlightenment’, how brick-and-mortar storefronts act as cathedrals, and how Jobs transformed modern western culture to have faith that "technology always means human progress".

Following, Red Ice TV goes into the occult origins of the Apple logo in Symbolism In Logos, and how it is used to reinforce ideas of religiosity in consumer products.


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