
Heavenletter #4522 A Cartoon Representation of Love

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Heaven Letters

God said:

Hello, dear ones. Let’s take a spin around the Universe today, a tour, in a convertible, or on a bicycle, or on an amble by foot. We can cover the whole Universe in no time at all, for the spin We take is not subject to time. We say, “Let’s go!” And then, off We go, hightailing it out of what you presently call here when, in actuality, there is no here and there is no there. We are in the no-time zone of Eternity, and We are in the no-place zone of Infinity. We embrace, and the Universe is within Our clasp.

What do you think it means when We say no time and no place? It means exactly that. We are on a different plane altogether. We are speedless when time does not enter, and there is no where for space to obstruct, for neither place nor space nor time nor delay exist.

Heavenletter #4521 - Truth and Illusion

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Heaven Letters


God said:

What can the purpose of sadness be? Sadness seems to be like a blanket you pull over yourself when you feel cold. In its way, sadness is like a salve you put over a wound. It heals. It helps to heal.

As distressful as sadness is to you, it is also like a sweet candy that you hold in your mouth. It is a palliative in that it soothes something in you. There is undeniably some sweetness in sadness. How can that be, and yet it is. Even in the going over a loss so great to you, that you keep weeping over it, either overtly with tears or silently without tears, your thoughts become like worry beads. With each bead, you keep counting the loss that is so dear to you, as if you were stroking your very loss, as if you came closer to that which has disappeared from your life in the world.

Heavenletter #4519 - Majesty Is within Your Reach

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Heaven Letters

God said:

Blessed are you who search for Me, and blessed are you who do not search for Me. Blessed are you who seek, and blessed are you who run away. Each of you is an innocent. No matter how sophisticated you may be in terms of the world, you are an innocent. All are innocents. The clever are innocent, for they think cleverness is a great feat. The naïve are no more innocent than anyone else, for the naïve are also unaware of the heights they climb and what it means to be a child of God. No one knows more than another no matter how much they seem to know. Everything is new under the sun when you look up.

No one wears armor. A storm assails the wealthy as well as the poor. Storms assail the sheep of the world, and storms assail the wolves alike. It matters not your title nor anything about you. You are all innocents at sea, pulled by a tide beyond your ken.

Heavenletter #4518 - What Can It Be?

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Heaven Letters

God said:

You know there is something you want, something you crave, and you don’t quite know what it is. It is a longing. It is more than a yen. It is a deep longing for you know not what. It is easy to say that it is a longing for Me, and, yet, in full honesty, you are not sure that I quite fit the bill. What can I give you really? If I really could, why haven’t I already given it to you? You wonder if you missed the opportunity or, somehow, I passed you by, or you passed Me by without your being wide awake. What is it you want? All you can answer is: “Somethin’.”

You understand that you have had Me fully right along, and, yet, here you are, longing for something, craving something, and what you have doesn’t seem to be enough. You haven’t distinguished what it is yet that is almost within your reach. There is a vague emptiness, a vague emptiness that cannot be content until it is filled, or fulfilled, and, yet, what it is exactly, you don’t know. Maybe nobody knows.

Heavenletter #4517 - Your Greatest World Happiness

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Heaven Letters

God said:

The day will come, and come soon, when it comes true in your awareness of heart that it is blessed to give. Giving will be your greatest happiness. True giving is when it is your greatest happiness.

A mother knows this when she nurses her baby. It’s mutual, the mother’s giving and the baby’s receiving. They serve each other. They are both recipients.

Everyone has experienced true giving, and everyone is going to experience more and more of true giving. Suddenly, you will be there, wanting to give with all your might. Suddenly, this will be true for you. Suddenly, you won’t be counting how much or when or why to give. You will give. Giving will be your happiness.

Heavenletter #4516 - The Golden Gifts of Your Life

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Heaven Letters

God said:

There is a good thing about dwelling in the past, and that is you may well come to feel that your life wasn’t so bad after all!

In fact, you see now that your life was good. From this distance of time and space, you begin to perceive just how good your life has been. You begin to see that you were perhaps a bit fussy in what you had expected from life. At the time, you may not have seen yourself as a lucky one, and now you begin to see.

You now may well see that you were buoyed by life, and, indeed, you may well see now that you were one of the fortunate ones, one of the very fortunate ones. You would have indeed had greater fortune if only you had appreciated what life was bestowing upon you at the time.

Heavenletter #4515 The Reality of You

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Heaven Letters

God said:

You, My Children, to Me, are like a field of buttercups! Your faces bob up to the sun. You dance in the breeze. You swing and sway.

Or, you are like a chorus of baby birds opening up their mouths, ready to receive their food and swallow it down the hatch.

You are something beautiful that has come into My life -- waved by My hand, rushing to Me by your own motion and, even so, you are propelled along by a Silence that lies in wait for you and takes you in its grasp.

Heavenletter #4514 - The Courage of Love

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Heaven Letters

God said:

Your conscious experience of love has been a fragment. You have caught fragments of love and have not put love together in its wholeness yet. That is all right. You will. You have a lot more awareness of love to behold. There is a lot more of love to come to your awareness of, your capability of, your setting love before you, your full realization of love inside and outside you, your familiarity with love, the depth and extent of the reach of your love.

There are no borders to love. Your cup is full.


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