
Heavenletter #4454 - God Created All Manner of Wondrous Things

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Heaven Letters

God said:

When I created the cosmos I created all manner of wondrous things, not the least of which is you. And, do you want to know one of the great things about you that I created? Of all the marvels I created when I created you, I created a sense of humor. Now how is that for thinking of everything! What a God am I! And what a human being I created. One who can even laugh at himself. Congratulations. You have a sense of humor to pull out when you can most use it, and you will do well to use it often. Keep your sense of humor at the ready. Keep it out where you can grab it. Grab your sense of humor over a gun. Grab your sense of humor over everything but love.

A sense of humor restores your good nature. O to be good-natured. O to be in good humor. O to be a delight.

Sense of humor comes in very handy.

Heavenletter #4453 - Life Just Streams Along

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Heaven Letters

God said:

You do know that you live life on Earth on many levels. Your thoughts visit many places, and you go through many things, and all on varying levels. There can be joy and sorrow at the same moment. You need not choose one or the other. And, all of it, the depth of sorrow and the heights of joy, they are all fleeting, and, when all is said and done, no matter how deep and important to you, they won’t always be.

It may be hard for you to acknowledge that you won’t always feel as you do, for you might feel that you are slighting major participants in your life. How can you, for instance, you might say to yourself, how can you give up caring about this one or that one? You may feel: “How can I give up my special memories?” You may feel that you are throwing out all the love the memories represent.

Whether in memory or not, what has been impressed upon you stays at the same time as it will no longer leave its mark on you.

Heavenletter #4452 - New Music Is About to Begin

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Heaven Letters

God said:

If I were to ask you this minute what you most want in the world right now, would you hesitate to ask? Would you be wanting to be sure you were asking for what you wanted most and not something less than optimum? Of course, you wouldn’t want to waste this wish.

I have a feeling that if I were to ask you this right now, you wouldn’t be so sure what to ask. Much of the time, you are so certain, yet, when put to the test, you might be more cautious.

If I gave you three choices, that would be easier, yet not necessarily a shoe-in.

Of course, if you had a sick child, you might well know without hesitation.

Heavenletter #4450 - Life Is Coming Up Roses

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Heaven Letters

God said:

Life is coming up roses! Do you feel it? Do you feel roses rife in life right around the corner? This thought makes you happy, doesn’t it? Well, then, keep thinking it. Who can feel down-hearted thinking of life coming up roses? And love coming up roses, too! The whole world, personal and universal, is coming up roses! A special delivery is on its way to you and to the person next to you and across from you. This is a universal special delivery.

Get ready! Get your arms ready to enfold all the blessings coming your way. All the roses are well on their way. Pay attention to where you’re walking so that you don’t trip over the roses. Actually, it would be fine to trip over all the roses that are ready to cascade on you. You will love lying down among the roses. As you would make angel wings in the snow, so will you make angel wings on the roses, or you will look just like an angel. You will have the fullness of heart of an angel and, so, be an angel.

Heavenletter #4449 - Wonder of Wonders

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Heaven Letters

God said:

I have assigned My heart to you. I have assigned My Will to you. What else is left for Me to assign to you?

I assigned Heaven to you, and I assigned Earth. Do you struggle against your God-given assignments? Truly, would you refuse Me? Truly, would you say to Me: “Well, God, perhaps another time.” Would you say, “God, I’m not quite ready. This isn’t the most convenient time for me.” Would you say to Me: “God, it’s too hard to be alive on Earth. There are things like difficulties, and I would prefer to be in pure bliss.”

I would smile at you and laugh. I would say: “Beloved, you are in mid-stream. Would you quit in the middle? Look at how far you have come. Look at all the people you know. Look at how you have grown. Look at how much you have learned and how much you have accomplished.”

Heavenletter #4447 Your Annoyance Quotient

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Heaven Letters

God said:

Troubles come in different sizes, and yet your response is often more dire than the size of the trouble. When you are fit-to-be-tied, you are fit-to-be-tied in an extra large size! Is this not true? The tiny upsets seemingly upset you as much as the big upsets. Upset is upset. What are We going to do about your having One Size Fits All?

So many of your upsets are about tiny things that don’t matter a hoot, and yet your being upset has made a little thing into a catastrophe. It is as if you have one slot to insert any-sized trouble. This is a form of smallness, beloveds, when you make a little thing big. Sometimes it seems that you have an annoyance quotient that you feel you must fill. What would you do, beloveds, without your flare-ups? What would you do with all your energy if nothing got to you? Yet annoyances, big or small, get to you. They rub you the wrong way. Annoyances are intolerable to you, even when they are about nothing at all.

Heavenletter #4446 What’s Next

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Heaven Letters

God said:

When you are working through turmoil, don’t stir the pot with your attention. As much as you can, let go of the turmoil. You don’t have to have it. You certainly don’t want to moil your situation, going over it again and again in your harried mind. Let it go, beloveds. What is, is. What is not, is not. That you thunder the situation in your mind over and over again is not in your best interest. Let it go. Let your attachment to your rightness go. And if you should feel that you made an error, let that go too. Let your recollections of your turmoil go.


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