
Heavenletter #4466 Even as a Story Is Told …

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Heaven Letters

God said:

Loved ones are never parted. There is a reunion of hearts. There is no parting forever or a day. There is a reunion of joy, and happiness regained.

On one level, you receive a final answer. Someone has died. On another level, there is an entirely different answer, and the answer is: There is no finality. Never, ever.

Eternity means no finality.

Heavenletter #4465 How Can a Worthwhile Desire Not Come True?

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Heaven Letters

God said:

To everything, there is an answer. It may not be an answer you want, yet it is the answer you get. You may not want to hear that answer, yet it is your answer. You wanted a different answer. And you yearn to know why that answer. Why a no to a sweet desire of your heart, and you want to know why, as if God has to answer you the way you would like as well.

When your heart’s desire is not fulfilled, all is not lost. Consider for a moment, no matter how heartbreaking the answer is to you, the answer you receive is the right one. How can it be, you ask and ask again and again.

It positively absolutely is the right answer. Sure, you don’t understand it. How can you understand why on earth that your true love did not come to you?

Heavenletter #4463 - On the Cellular Level

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Heaven Letters

God said:

This is the moment of Truth, when you sit down to hear what I have to say. This applies whether you are the one hearing what I say or reading what is written that I say. You hear or read My love translated into words. There is no distance in between. Distance does not exist. In any case, My words, My thinking, My love enter your cells. Beloveds, We are working on the cellular level. This is not a pastime that We engage in. We are beyond the realm of imagined time.

Thought is not separate from your atoms. You didn’t think I was just another Speaker or Writer, did you? The difference is that I am not watered down. The difference is that I am bare-boned honesty. I am not clever. I do not deliberate. Every word from My breath is forthright and spontaneous. I do not prepare My thoughts to present to you in words.

Heavenletter #4462 The Sun, Moon, and Stars Have Their Own Paths

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Heaven Letters

God said:

You can love someone even when the person doesn’t love you, or doesn’t love you any longer or love you enough. You can love. Of course, loving someone doesn’t mean hounding or stalking. Loving someone may mean leaving him or her alone even when you want to be together. You can love someone and let him go his way and you go yours. Boundaries are not the governance of love.

This is the case with your children, is it not? You are constantly with your baby. As the child grows, you are with him less. He is off somewhere. He may even move far away. Your love is intact, only it isn’t full time any longer. Your child is ever your child, and yet he belongs more to himself now than he belongs to you. It is not farewell. It is the child’s leave-taking, however. He has miles to go. And you have to wave goodbye with a smile.

Heavenletter #4461 ~ Oneness Is Not Loneliness

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Heaven Letters

God said:

Loneliness is from the past. You were in a big city and thought you were on a deserted island. All sense of desolation is an idea. You adopted the idea of loneliness, and you have supported it ever since. You have held loneliness on your lap for too long. You have squeezed loneliness tight. Loneliness has been like a steam kettle on the stove when you forget to turn the gas off. You have kept loneliness lit long and often. Loneliness is something you snatched onto. You caught it.

The idea of loneliness is something like a virus that you carry in your bloodstream. Any time you get run down, the loneliness virus starts up. It can be a thought, a word, a look, any kind of slight, and the loneliness virus has you in its grip.

Heavenletter #4459 ~ The Worth of a Dandelion

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Heaven Letters

God said:

What more do you want, beloveds? You always want something you don’t have or feel that you don’t have. It’s a good idea to give your attention to what you do have. Recognize the blessings you do have, for I have given them to you. Accept them, and attract more to you. There is always more and more and more aspiring and more to come.

As it is, you may not always feel that life in the world is a great blessing. This is because life in the world challenges you. That you are challenged is a great blessing. Challenges help you to grow. Whether you like it or not, challenges help you to grow. Challenges stretch you, don’t they? Consider challenges like good exercise at the gym.

Heavenletter #4458 - Everyone on Earth Is A Messenger of God

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Heaven Letters

God said:

You were not made from a crucible nor a cauldron. You were not made of coal. You were made from light. The Light I AM, you ARE. The Breath of Life is the Light of My Love, and you are secured in My Light. You are My Light, only you don’t bank on it. You may think it’s a story and that you are supposed to believe this story that seems far-fetched to you. Why don’t you want to hear this true story I tell? Why do you insist in believing that this is a fairy tale I tell?

You believe in anything and everything. You believe in advertisements, as if something you buy will be the answer to your dreams. You believe in false promises. You believe in anything and everything except what I tell you. I, Who can only speak Truth, you deny the Truth of which I speak. You allow perhaps 10% of Truth in and 90% of fallacy.

Heavenletter #4457 - A Perfect Ripening Season

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Heaven Letters


God said:

The road is winding, the road you take to Me. You may speed down it. You may stroll down it. You may turn your face from it. You may walk backwards down it. You may run away from it, yet this road is what you are here for. It may seem like a lot of trouble to go to.

You might ask: “Why, God, don’t you make the path straight and get it done and over with? Why a whole lifetime or more to take for my shoe to fit?”

I understand what you are asking. You see the distance as too great. “Why can’t You make it shorter or straighter? Why all the getting lost and off-target? Why all the detours? Why not a straight line?”

Heavenletter #4455 - Lights Are Going On All over the World

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Heaven Letters

God said:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God. Each sound contains its own vibration. What distance is there between sound and meaning? Does the sound of a word come first, or does the meaning come first, or do they come simultaneously? Can there be meaning without vibration? Even thoughts have vibration. Even light has a vibration.

We can say that life began with a jiggling of a vibration. We can say that life began with a twang.

There are a lot of things We can say. We can say that life began with a bang. We can say that life always was, yet, nevertheless, it would appear that there was a moment before the match of life was lit, a moment on the verge, the way there is a moment when the conductor holds up the baton.


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