
Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ A Whole World Full Of Light ~ 3 February 2012

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Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ A Whole World Full Of Light ~ 3 February 2012



God said:

The world, as you know it, is changing, for you are growing. And so, the world as you know it, changes before your very eyes. The world is a reflection of you. As you change and grow, so goes the world. The world is of your making, and the world is of your perception of it.

As you see a beautiful world, the world becomes more beautiful. And so do you. You become more beautiful to yourself and to others. You have always been beautiful to Me. My perception doesn’t change. My perception has ever been true. I see. I have never not seen. Wherever I look, I see beauty. I have heard that beauty is in the Beholder. That saying holds Great Truth.

It is also true that how the Beholder sees rubs off on the Beheld. The more beauty you see in others, the more beautiful they will actually become.

You have seen this. When people feel loved or are in love, they light up, and they are beautiful. It is beautiful to see, and you have seen it. Be beautiful, and you will have a glow. See beauty, and what you see will have a glow about it. This is how you light up the world!

HEAVEN #4087 ~ THE ANSWER ~ 2.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff

The Answer

Heavenletter #4087 Published on: February 2, 2012

God said:

You are an expert on the seeking of love. Indeed, you may have been a beggar of love. You have paid a lot of attention to your need of love, yet love is not something to be begged for. You don't want to be good at begging for love.


The thing to do with love is to give it. There is no other recourse but for you to give love.


HEAVEN #4084 ~ ALL ARE ONE, AND ALL ARE WORTHY ~ 30.01.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff

All Are One, and All Are Worthy

Heavenletter #4084 Published on: January 30, 2012

God said:

Be a friend first. There is no need to wait for others to extend their hands to you first. When you greet another, you are greeting yourself. By all means, greet yourself. No ands, ifs, and or buts.


For easy understanding, you have made yourself into an I and so have many others, and I give a lesson in grammar that you and I are a We. We like to be We. You like to be We. You like to be We with Me, and you like to be We with others.


HEAVEN #4083 ~ Those Little Red Candy Hearts~ 29.01.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff


Those Little Red Candy Hearts

Heavenletter #4083 Published on: January 29, 2012

God said:

You are in My heart right now. You incubate here. I speak metaphorically. I can only speak metaphorically, you understand. In My Great Love, you are housed. There is no greater than love, Mine, yours, anyone's.

If you want to know how to climb the Golden Ladder to Heaven, I will tell you how to do it. Love. Simply love. Every step of love is a rung up on the ladder. Of course, there is no distance when it comes to love. Love is immediate. It takes no time at all.


HEAVEN #4082 ~ ALL YOU HAVE TO KNOW ~ 28.01.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff & Chief Editor & Love Reporter God




All You Have to Know

Heavenletter #4082 Published on: January 28, 2012

God said:

If I am God, what are you? Are you a Godling? I think We can call you a Godling. Do you like that? I like that. The Reality is far greater than that, and yet you can do well to think of yourself as a Godling. A Godling is a child of God, and you are certainly that. You are more than that, yet Godling will suffice.


Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ Greatness Is Yours ~ 26 January 2012

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Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ Greatness Is Yours ~ 26 January 2012




God said:

When you put aside the little smallnesses that occupy you, in contrast, what Greatness would you then be? I am talking about the thoughts you carry, how this one hurt your feelings, and that one didn’t do right by you, and all the echoes that occupy you so single-mindedly. Beloveds, if you would drop all thoughts like that and think about that which holds value to you and look into the eyes of those whom you are presently peeved at, what Greatness would you be?


What Greatness would the world be? Energy is not lost, and yet you put your energy on small things, little pin-pricks of society that amount to nothing, and yet you let these pin-pricks occupy your thoughts. If they occupy your thoughts, they occupy your life. So what if everything someone says doesn’t suit you? So what if everything some people do doesn’t suit you? So what, this and that? A crowd of thoughts mill around you, and you are surrounded by them, and your life feeds on them. What do you want your life made of? I know you want your life made of Greatness. Let go of those pesky little thoughts, and Greatness will be yours. Great thoughts yield great crops.

HEAVEN #4079 ~ HEARTS ~ 25.01.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ HEARTS ~ 25 January 2012



Heavenletter #4079 Published on: January 25, 2012

God said:


How beautiful are My dreams of you. You come before Me as visions I have had. I see you clearly now, yet you do not see yourself. You may not even see yourself as beautiful. What a pity that is, for you are the apple of My eye. It would be good for you to know this, and to know this as true, that you are beautiful, more than beautiful. You are beauty itself.


This has to be true, for you are made in My image. I do not say this lightly.

~ The Heaven Letters ~ The Heart of God’s ~ 24 January 2012

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Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ The Heart of God’s ~ 24 January 2012


God said:

Dear Heart of Mine, you, who are reading this right now, I speak to you. Life would indeed be bleak if there were no I. Fortunately, I AM and so are you. As One, We exist. We exist in a state of love. That is the whole story of US. Love loves. Love is in the company of love. Love surges and spins and locates itself wherever you are. For, wherever you are, I AM. I am you. If I am I, I am also you. If that were not so, you wouldn’t appear. You are not only the twinkle in My eye. You are also My eye, My heart, My mind, Me.


From your vantage, I might as well be telling you a fairy tale. Yet you are aware that there is Truth even in fairy tales. This Truth I tell you has no exception. This Truth is Reality. Your perception of life on Earth is the fairy tale. Your whole life story is a fairy tale.


There is Truth in your life. You are learning. You are learning Who You are. You are coming to grips with all possibilities.


~ The Heaven Letters ~ Language Does Its Best ~ 23 January 2012

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Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ Language Does Its Best ~ 23 January 2012



God said:


I want to talk about you, and how much I love you. It is interesting that, in the English language, there is no differentiation between a singular you and a plural you. From one point of view, there is only one you. From a grander point of view, there is only one I.


It is interesting too that I in the English language is a capital letter, as if it were purely known by the makers of the English language that you, the seeming you, the you who is One regardless of how many there seem to be, is, in Reality, I.


When We speak of We — when We speak of an I and a you for convenience’s sake, perhaps of necessity’s sake, and We speak of a We, it is I speaking and there is, in reality, nothing but I. There is no you. There is no We. There is I. There is Oneness.


How could Oneness be explained if there were not an imagined singular or plural you? Yet, of course, Oneness cannot really be explained. Nevertheless, language does its best.



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