
HEAVEN #4075 ~ All the Good Things ~ 21.01.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters 



All the Good Things

Heavenletter #4075 Published on: January 21, 2012

God said:


As you come closer to Me, you become more like Me. That's how it is. When you love, there is nothing to be proven. There is no proof to give, for love is. Be reassured in your heart that you are a being who loves. You know how to love, and you are love.


HEAVEN #4074 ~ GOD'S BLESSING ~ 20.01.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ God's Blessing ~ 20 January 2012



God's Blessing

Heavenletter #4074 Published on: January 20, 2012

God said:

Your dreams are beginning to come true. They are on the horizon. You can see them. Your dreams are sliding toward you. As you look at your dreams on the horizon, you may not be able to see that they are moving toward you. Their movement may be imperceptible.


Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ Raising Your Children ~ 19 January 2012

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 Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters ~ Raising Your Children ~ 19 January 2012



God said:

Love is meant to be amiable and no-nonsense. For example, love doesn’t mean giving your child everything he wants, and, yet, at the same time, love is not stern. Love gives all it has to give. Give your child all the love you have to give, and that is a lot. Acknowledge your child’s innate goodness and beauty a hundred times for every time you correct him. And hold him on your lap while you correct him.


There is no necessity for your being angry with your child any more than there is necessity to indulge your child’s every whim. Whatever you do or say with your child, do it with love. You can over-indulge to your detriment and your child’s, yet you cannot love your child too much.


HEAVEN #4072 ~ LOVE, LOVE, LOVE ~ 18.01.12 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Heaven #4072

By Love Reporter  Gloria Wendroff

Love, Love, Love


Heavenletter #4072 Published on: January 18, 2012

God said:

No matter what another person does or doesn't do, you are not to curtail your love. Love is not to be freeze-dried. I speak of the love within you. You are not to cut notches in your heart. I am not saying that you are to spill your love upon everyone or anyone. You do not have to be in love with anyone, yet the love in your heart is to remain intact. You are not to feel that you owe love. You simply are not to deny the full bloom of love in your heart. The love in your heart is independent of circumstances. Be friendly to love.

HEAVEN #4071 ~ It Is Blessed to Give ~ 17.01.12 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Heaven #4071

By Love Reporter  Gloria Wendroff

It Is Blessed to Give

Heavenletter #4071 Published on: January 17, 2012

God said:

So long as you require other people to be what you believe you need them to be, you will be let down. Love does not come from need. It may feel like love to you, this need you feel, yet love comes from giving, not from need. So long as you are needy for something from a relationship, you are controlling. You are making demands. You are putting pressure on another to be what you are sure they have to be for you. You have a picture of what they are supposed to do for you, and, when they did not fulfill this assigned role, you are sure that they have let you down.

HEAVEN #4069 ~ Love, Like Cream, Comes to the Top ~ 15.01.12

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Heaven #4069

By Love Reporter  Gloria Wendroff


Love, Like Cream, Comes to the Top

Heavenletter #4069 Published on: January 15, 2012

God said:

In the Fullness of Love, We ARE. There is no getting away from it. We are One. We are One lovely Loving One.

In the world, there are many diversions, many by-paths, many digressions.

1~14~11~~Space Weather Update~ M Class Solar Flare~

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M-FLARE: Today at 1318 UT, Earth-orbiting satellites detected an M1-class solar flare (SDO movie). The source is a new sunspot emerging over the sun's northeastern limb.


RE-THINKING AN ALIEN WORLD: A distant super-Earth named "55 Cancri e" is wetter and weirder than astronomers thought possible. The discovery has researchers re-thinking the nature of alien worlds. [full story] [video]


CORONAL HOLE: NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring a dark gash in the sun's atmosphere--a coronal hole. It's the dark vertical feature in this extreme UV image taken on Jan. 13th:


Coronal holes are places where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows the solar wind to escape. This yawning hole is about 120,000 km wide and more than a million km long. Solar wind flowing from its UV-dark abyss will reach Earth on Jan. 16th or 17th, possibly sparking auroras for high-latitude sky watchers.


HEAVEN #4066 ~ Chewy Caramels ~ 12.01.12

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Heaven #4066

By Love Reporter  Gloria Wendroff


Chewy Caramels

Heavenletter #4066 Published on: January 12, 2012

God said:

To all a good day. And why not? What trappings of the world do you allow to keep you back from having a good day?

So, you're in a bad mood? Should a bad mood keep you from having a good day, a glorious day, an illustrious shining beautiful day? Why would you allow this?


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