John Smallman

Messages from John Smallman

It brings to you a new and magnificent reason for living

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It brings to you a new and magnificent reason for living

October 14, 2012 by John Smallman

Your awakening process is moving ahead smoothly just as divinely intended, so do not be upset or disturbed by the mainstream media reports that focus on the pain, suffering, and disasters around the world.  They are happening, but other, much more wonderful things that are not being reported are happening as well. Large numbers of people are finding compassion, forgiveness, and love in their hearts where before they seemed to be weighed down with fear, worry, and even bitterness.  This is a gigantic step forward that many are embracing enthusiastically despite the unsettling mainstream news that is flooding your media.

Saul: In every interaction expect to find a loving response

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In every interaction expect to find a loving response

10/14/2012 by John Smallman

Your awakening is divinely assured, and you know that deep in your hearts.  Make a point of going to that place within frequently each day, where awareness of your divine nature dwells, to remind yourselves of how dearly your Father loves you, because it is very easy for you to be wholly caught up in the distractions of daily living, and so forget your reason for being on Earth right now.

The most significant event ever to occur in your space-time continuum

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The most significant event ever to occur in your space-time continuum

October 12, 2012 by John Smallman

The excitement mounts as the moment for your awakening draws ever closer.  It seems that you have been waiting a long time and that there have been many delays and disappointments, but this is not really the case.  Time is illusory, as you well know, and so although it appears to you that dates for various events have come and gone without anything of note occurring, enormous changes have been happening on humanity’s inner or spiritual levels in preparation for the most significant event ever to occur in your space-time continuum.

What awaits your awakening is utter joy

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What awaits your awakening is utter joy

October 10, 2012 by John Smallman

We are all rooting for you here in the spiritual realms – which truly are not a series of mythical realms set apart from yours in some alternate universe or energy field – as we watch you heading firmly and vigorously towards the moment of your awakening.  As you have often been told, there is only Reality, in which all of creation (which includes humanity) has its eternal existence.  You have just temporarily closed your eyes to this truth and therefore to your awareness of it.  But eternal sleep is not part of the divine plan for anyone, so you will awaken into the joy that is your birthright.  And the moment for that awakening is almost upon you.

Saul: It demands great strength not to be drawn into the drama of egoic ambitions

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It demands great strength not to be drawn into the drama of egoic ambitions

10/10/2012 by John Smallman

The divine energies enveloping the planet continue to strengthen and intensify as increasing numbers of humans start opening their hearts to receive what they have been seeking for eons, namely a sense or awareness of the fact that they are eternally loved by their infinitely kind and generous Father.  As you open your hearts further and further this awareness, this certainty grows, and the divine energies respond by expanding and extending.  Your determined intent to be aware of God’s Love for you is recognized by Him, and so He strengthens and intensifies the energy field enveloping you, and it is this that is moving you forwards towards your inevitable awakening.

It is time for developing trust by practicing it

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It is time for developing trust by practicing it

October 7, 2012 by John Smallman

Humanity is on schedule to awaken as divinely planned, and that schedule will be maintained because it is your will and God’s.  Focus on that knowledge and release any doubts and anxieties onto which you are holding because they depress you and lower the frequency of your energy fields.  When you open your hearts to the Love that is surrounding you, your frequency rises and your energy becomes stronger and aligns itself more fully with the divine One.  You are one with your Father, but the distractions of the illusion lead you away from your memory of that and hide it from you, which is why you feel alone and separate.

Jesus ~ Through John Smallman. October 5, 2012 The Great Event

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The great event – awakening – continues its approach, and as it does so more and more of humanity is feeling the need to change attitudes and behaviors so that longterm peace may prevail all over the planet.  The energy from the divine Love field is penetrating areas of human thought and activity that would seem inconceivable to the majority of you, and yet the darkest and most carefully hidden domains, from which Love has been locked out for eons, are being gently and most effectively permeated.  This is not readily observed by the population at large; nevertheless, it is most definitely happening, and as a result those who would maintain and strengthen the old dark ways are falling into confusion and disarray.

As you are constantly reminded: Love changes everything! Love — the power and energy of creation — is indefatigable and, ultimately, irresistible.  You are eternally enveloped in Its warm embrace, and you all will succumb to Its captivating and enchanting appeal, leaving the illusion far behind you, because it is where you belong and where you truly want to be.  Every thought, every ambition, every hope, and every desire that occurs to you is to bring to your attention your ceaseless intent to awaken, to experience Reality, oneness with God your divine Father.  You seek nothing else.

Focus on listening and attending to others lovingly

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Focus on listening and attending to others lovingly

October 5, 2012 by John Smallman

The great event – awakening – continues its approach, and as it does so more and more of humanity is feeling the need to change attitudes and behaviors so that longterm peace may prevail all over the planet.  The energy from the divine Love field is penetrating areas of human thought and activity that would seem inconceivable to the majority of you, and yet the darkest and most carefully hidden domains, from which Love has been locked out for eons, are being gently and most effectively permeated.  This is not readily observed by the population at large; nevertheless, it is most definitely happening, and as a result those who would maintain and strengthen the old dark ways are falling into confusion and disarray.

Never doubt that you are doing invaluable work

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Never doubt that you are doing invaluable work

October 3, 2012 by John Smallman

Our honor and respect for you grows as you continue, despite the travails of the illusion, to hold your Light on high.  It is a demanding task that you have set yourselves, and yet you hang in there – sometimes with a rather grim determination! – intending to bring love, peace, and abundance to the planet and all her inhabitants, while it seems that all around you people are hollering, blustering, and fighting insanely to protect themselves or to destroy others. Knowing, as you do, that all are one, the insanity of it all can be very disheartening for you.  Nevertheless, you proceed determinedly to spread love – even as many still insist on denying its existence and attempt to dissuade or discourage you from your path – demonstrating to all that in every heart there is a divine spark waiting for the breath of spirit to blast it into flame.


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