John Smallman

Messages from John Smallman

Your future is taking on a glorious golden hue

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Your future is taking on a glorious golden hue

09/12/2012 by John Smallman

All sentient life — and all life is sentient — is divinely created, divinely loved, divinely honored, and divinely cherished.  Consequently, to judge yourselves or others is totally inappropriate.  However, not to do so is hard for you because, within the illusion that you have built and continue to maintain, you see people, bodies, egos, working mainly self-centeredly to improve their status, their wealth, their power, and seeking happiness as a result of these unreal but dearly-hoped-for achievements.

When you chose to believe in and enter the illusion, you chose to leave behind your wisdom and other spiritual aspects that would cramp your style.  You could not, of course, really leave them behind because they are eternal and inseparable aspects of yourself, but as it was an illusion you were able to pretend that you had.  And having invested in that pretense you were able to play a very intense game of improving your situation at the expense of others.

Saul: You are on the Edge of a Massive Disruption to Normal Life

Lia's picture

John Smallman

You are on the edge of a massive disruption to what you call normal life, which will be sensational in its unfoldment while inspiring and uplifting you. You have been working very hard to reach this point in your spiritual evolution, and you have truly earned the monumental accolades and honors that are shortly to be bestowed upon you. You know all this, but while you stay within the confines of the illusion the memory of that knowledge remains hidden from you. What is required of you is that you continue to hold the Light on high as you trust your Father to deliver all that He has promised you, as you truly know He will.

The Light that you are bearing before you with such forbearance and determination is a beacon to many who are aware that something strange is in the air, that all is not as it seems. Your constancy and imperturbability are amazingly effective stabilizing influences on all in your vicinity, and on all who know you, even though you yourselves are mostly unaware of the powerful and supportive presence that your loving behavior constantly demonstrates.

Love is the power, the energy, the creative potential that gives life its spark. Life and Love are one — a divine dependency that is infinitely fertile and infinitely abundant. Within the illusion, you experience only the smallest intimation of what this means. You have writers, painters, poets, composers, and performers who manage to pass on to you a mere inkling of the fantastic possibilities that life offers you, but until you dissolve your illusory reality and awaken fully, your understanding of what this truly means will continue to escape you.

You are on the edge of a massive disruption to normal life

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You are on the edge of a massive disruption to normal life

09/05/2012 by John Smallman

You are on the edge of a massive disruption to what you call normal life, which will be sensational in its unfoldment while inspiring and uplifting you.  You have been working very hard to reach this point in your spiritual evolution, and you have truly earned the monumental accolades and honors that are shortly to be bestowed upon you.  You know all this, but while you stay within the confines of the illusion the memory of that knowledge remains hidden from you.  What is required of you is that you continue to hold the Light on high as you trust your Father to deliver all that He has promised you, as you truly know He will.

You are heading for experiences of amazing wonder and beguilement

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You are heading for experiences of amazing wonder and beguilement

September 2, 2012 by John Smallman

Love, God, the Source of all, is infinitely powerful, comforting, uplifting, accepting, healing, and inspiring.  You have been told this by mystics from various religions and cultures who have experienced and been overwhelmed by the presence of God.  And your awakening will re-introduce you to this blissful state.  It is your divine destiny and cannot be avoided, but only — if you so choose — be delayed.

The illusion has seduced you most efficaciously, as was your intent when you constructed it.  However, its time is past.  It is being gently dissolved so that you will awaken gently into eternal joy, whereupon exquisite excitement will fully engage you.  What you are to experience can neither be imagined nor satisfactorily described, as the mystics themselves have told you.

You are all Love incarnate

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You are all Love incarnate

August 31, 2012 by John Smallman

Humanity’s awakening is the most significant and momentous event in your history.  It has been meticulously planned and is being perfectly executed.  Within the illusion it is very difficult for you to get a real sense of your approaching moment of awakening, although many of you are getting intuitive intimations that it is coming, and that it will be soon (that word again!). Trust those feelings, focus on them, and ask for help from the spiritual realms for the strength to offer love — and only love — in every situation.  You are all potential divine channels or conduits, so invite God to pour His Love through you into the world and into the hearts of all those who choose to open to Him.  It is the most powerful and effective thing that you can do to assist in humanity’s awakening, and it is one of the reasons for your being on Earth now.

You are all in the process of awakening.  It is a mass process in which you can help one another by honoring and respecting yourselves at all times.  Watching others, and judging their behavior – whether you judge them as good, not so good, could do better, or downright sinful – is not your responsibility; it is an unnecessary distraction.  In Reality you are all one, so judging another is judging yourself.  As I have told you, God does not judge, He Loves – everyone, infinitely, unconditionally, indiscriminately – and He wants you to do likewise.  To do so is your nature because you are divine beings.  When a judgmental thought pops into your mind, don’t act on it and don’t judge it!  Let it pass, and focus your attention on the flame of Love burning permanently within you.

When you invite your Father to use you as a conduit for His Love, the eternal flame of His Love within you burns brighter as a direct result, because you are aligning with His Will for you.  The more in alignment you are, the brighter burns the flame of your Love, which is of course His Love shining through you.  The effect that you have on others when you make a point of living like this is life-changing, for you and for those others.  And you will feel it, as will they.  It probably will not be physically apparent – the physical world is illusory – but in truth the effect of living like this wonderfully changes the way you, and others, experience the world.

You are all Love incarnate, bursting with the desire to share your love, and longing for others to share their love with you.  Make it happen by doing it!  Do not react to apparent attacks or offensive behavior; you know that these are desperate cries for love, so respond lovingly and quietly – not loudly and patronizingly – and know that what you are doing is God’s Will for you.  You have abundant help from your guides and angels to hold and act on the intent to do this, so do not concern yourselves with details — “how can I possibly be kind/loving/accepting of so and so after the way they . . .” — just let go of those thoughts and surrender into the stream of Love that God channels through you 24/7, if you have made the intent and have invited Him to.  Love is contagious if you do not seek to “vaccinate” yourselves against It!  Consequently, It will spread easily and widely as you open the God-fed conduit within you to allow It passage.

Opening yourselves to be a channel for God causes you to be suffused with the Light of His Love and to be absorbed more fully into the oneness that He is.  You arealways one with Him; however, the illusion was a space you made in which to hide from Him, and which effectively cut you off from your awareness of Him and of His Love for you.  This led to intense fear — something that does not exist in Reality — which seemed to remove you even further from Him, and caused you to experience a sense of impending doom.

You knew God, and could never completely forget Him, but because of the unreality and darkness of the space that you had made, He too became unreal in your minds — a god of vengeance, anger, and condemnation, who would impose horrendous, eternal punishments on you if you did not appease him adequately by constantly abasing yourselves.  Added to that terror was the belief that this all-powerful entity required you to judge and punish others who disagreed with what you knew to be the only way to please him.  Their gods and their beliefs were unreal and unacceptable, and they had to be forcibly shown that this was so!

Saul: The Apparent Interminability Of The Waiting

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John Smallman – August 28, 2012


We are all one. You know that. It means, among many other things, that we in the spiritual realms are constantly aware of you doing your best to awaken yourselves and all of humanity from the illusion.


It is a difficult and sometimes exhausting task that you chose to take on, and we honor you dearly for your courage and your persistence.


You are succeeding! It just seems that it is taking far longer than you expected to achieve fulfillment of that undertaking, and so it has become a chore for you, whereas when you agreed to do it you engaged with it with enormously high hopes and incredible enthusiasm.


There is no going back - 2012 by John Smallman

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There is no going back

August 29, 2012 by John Smallman

Excitement is rising among you — the Light-bearers and Light-workers — as you feel the energies of the divine Love field intensifying.  You are all doing a marvelous job of demonstrating God’s Love for humanity by living what you know is the truth, by exemplifying peace and non-engagement, and by refusing to respond with unloving words or actions when it seems that you are being attacked.  You are noticing that this approach works very well indeed, even though initially you had grave doubts about its likely effectiveness.  Love is the answer to every problem, issue, or situation with which you are faced, and that truth is being most positively brought home to you each time you respond lovingly.

It is this realization, and the resultant attitudes and behaviors that it encourages you to follow, that is changing the world rapidly and permanently in eager readiness for awakening.  The powerful flow of Love across the planet is engaging all in its path, and all are in its path.  There is no going back.  Earth and her inhabitants have no option but to awaken if they respond to the Love embracing them in any way at all.  There are a few who have closed themselves and who have refused to respond to this uplifting and inspiring energy field, but the majority have willingly engaged with it, and once they have done so and experienced the gentleness and generosity of it, they will find that there is absolutely nothing that could tempt them to disengage from it.

Your remaining task is to continue demonstrating love in action at all times, as you have been doing, and to enjoy watching the effectiveness of your behavior.

The apparent interminability of the waiting

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The apparent interminability of the waiting

08/29/2012 by John Smallman

We are all one.  You know that.  It means, among many other things, that we in the spiritual realms are constantly aware of you doing your best to awaken yourselves and all of humanity from the illusion.  It is a difficult and sometimes exhausting task that you chose to take on, and we honor you dearly for your courage and your persistence.  You are succeeding!  It just seems that it is taking far longer than you expected to achieve fulfillment of that undertaking, and so it has become a chore for you, whereas when you agreed to do it you engaged with it with enormously high hopes and incredible enthusiasm.

And those hopes and enthusiasm were, and remain, totally justified.  In the illusion the lack of a sense of the divine energies, the faintness of their essence, the apparent interminability of the waiting, and the lack of vitality many of you are experiencing is very draining.  You knew that you would have these kinds of draining experiences before you incarnated, but when you look at the picture from afar, as you were doing, it is impossible to imagine such contingencies in any meaningful way.  The experience is the experience.  Until you have had it, you cannot possibly understand or truly imagine it.  And that is another reason why you are so honored and respected in the spiritual realms.  It took enormous amounts of courage to accept this challenge, and you have measured up to it brilliantly.

Closure is imminent — as is disclosure!

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Closure is imminent — as is disclosure!

08/26/2012 by John Smallman

All of God’s children are being nudged towards awakening, and they are for the most part responding very positively.  The times of darkness, chaos, confusion, and suffering are drawing to a close as divinely intended; in fact, closure is imminent —as is disclosure!  The truth that humanity on Planet Earth is not alone in the vast universe surrounding and enveloping you can no longer be kept secret. So very many know this, have personal experience of it, and have shared that knowing with others, that the attempts to keep this truth secret are no longer feasible — they are in fact insane.

As Jesus told you, “In my Father’s house there are many mansions.”  “His house” is all of creation and the mansions are not billions of dead, sterile planets, but glorious, fruitful, and plentiful environments lovingly tended by His beloved children, living in gracious creative harmony and abundance.  These children are your brothers and sisters, and when you come together again and renew with them your familial rapport, your joy will be boundless.


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