John Smallman

Messages from John Smallman

John Smallman ~ Jesus ~ God Loves Everything He Creates ~

Lia's picture

 22 August 2012


We in the spiritual realms are observing with joy your increasingly powerful intent to awaken.  You yourselves have to make and hold that intent, and whereas in times past you were unable or unwilling to do so and allowed yourselves to be distracted from that vitally important task, now that intent is being held powerfully and constantly by sufficient numbers of you to bring you forward to the moment for your awakening.  And your ongoing communications with others holding this same intent are further strengthening your collective will and bringing it more and more into alignment with God’s.


If it is your intent to awaken, then you most certainly will.  As you go about your daily lives focus on that knowledge – you do have it and know it! – because by doing so you express, extend, and share with everyone the loving encouragement that will make it happen.  Your individual energy fields glow with the light of your love for all of humanity and that softens and dissolves any unloving energies with which you come in contact, anywhere and anytime.


Saul~ Big governments are in a massive state of disintegration

Lia's picture

08/22/2012 by John Smallman



Truly wonderful things are happening all across the planet as the moment for awakening approaches.  Many of you can sense the energies of change that are infiltrating the mass consciousness and leading you forward into the loving embrace of the divine energy field now enveloping Earth and all the life forms that she supports.  You have only to relax and allow that energy to infuse you as you immerse yourselves in its soothing balm.  Doing so dramatically alters your individual energy fields, bringing them more and more into harmony with the divine one.  Harmony is spreading across the planet in a wave of peace and compassion, softening hearts that had become ever harder and more impenetrable during eons of conflict, betrayal, and intense suffering.


Not all of you will awaken in the same moment

glr_Andrea's picture


Not all of you will awaken in the same moment

08/19/2012 by John Smallman

Humanity’s awakening is at hand.  Of course you keep hearing that, because it is a fact.  Within the illusion however, time often seems to drag slowly and relentlessly onwards without an identifiable destination or purpose, as pain and suffering continue to plague your lives.  Time is illusory, and in your perception it generally slows down when you want it to pass more quickly, and it passes more quickly when you want it to slow down.  That in itself should demonstrate very clearly to you that it can only be illusory.

Reality is constant, without inconsistency or imprecision of any kind.  It is perfect, clear, transparent, and authentic, just as God created It.  Reality has no need of time, and within It there is only the eternal now, the permanent moment in which God and His creation exist eternally.  While you remain apparently enslaved within your illusory time-determined reality, that is an idea that is totally inconceivable to you: everything must have a beginning and an end; any concept other than that seems utterly insane.

The utter joy of returning to your natural divine state

glr_Andrea's picture


The utter joy of returning to your natural divine state

August 19, 2012 by John Smallman

Your awakening is a done deal.  Nothing can prevent it from occurring exactly as divinely intended.  Many of you are anxious, wondering when you will see some positive indications in the physical environment of the inevitable arrival of this momentous event.  You are all accustomed to drama – earthquakes, floods, revolutions, wars, accidents – and may well be expecting your awakening to be equally dramatic, possibly preceded by shocking or amazing revelations trumpeted by the mainstream media.

This is not the divine way!  God is Love, Peace, Compassion, Joy, Bliss, and any other loving Reality that you sense or feel – and every one of Those is experienced withinyourselves.  The external world is illusory; Reality is within.  It is within yourselves that you will experience your awakening, and when you do, it will be amazing! Looking outside is a distraction because it is an imaginary environment made up by your collective human consciousness.  When you awaken, it will be gone!

To awaken is to know yourselves as one – with each other and with God.  In your present dream state, filled, it seems, with fascinating and enticing distractions and billions of individual beings, it is impossible for you to conceive of the wonder that awaits you on awakening.  You can, at present, only conceive of situations and events that you experience through your bodily senses, and the extensions to them that your science and technology have provided.

Tremendous preparations have been taking place « Jesus through John

Lia's picture


August 8, 2012 by John Smallman


All in the spiritual realms are watching with fascination and excitement as humanity moves ever nearer to awakening.  Your collective unconscious is stirring, claiming you all for its own, identifying the oneness that you had forgotten and bringing it to your awareness.  This can be seen where many previously clearly differentiated groups with similar aims are now joining together, having realized that joined, they are far more powerful and effective than when they work alone.  When you truly work together as one, as more and more are doing, miracles occur.

The miracles occurring all over the world at present are a direct result of this integration and harmonization of intent and purpose.


~Saul~ Reacting to emotions is a choice you make

Lia's picture


MAGIC CLOUD - Luas*** -


08/08/2012 by John Smallman


We are getting very close to the event for which you, the Light-workers, have been hoping and praying.  It seems to many of you that the waiting has been interminable, even though you know that time and your experience of it are illusory.  But, as you have discovered, even though it is illusory, the illusion is a tough and frequently very unforgiving environment.  However, you have continued to hold the intent to awaken despite your anxieties and doubts, and as a result the Light you bear has brightened enormously and is helping others, as you demonstrate peace, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance, mainly unhampered by self-righteous discrimination or judgment.


You have an intuitive sense of the wonder that you will experience

Lia's picture

You have an intuitive sense of the wonder that you will experience

August 5, 2012 by John Smallman


August promises to be an exhilarating month for you as the essential changes leading up to your awakening come into effect, or occur more and more rapidly. It will be like a chain reaction as each change leads inevitably to the next, and they become closer and closer together in time.  And all of these changes are due to you, the Light-holders, doing such a marvelous job of raising your own level of awareness by addressing and releasing the issues of conflict and abuse that have lain buried deep within you.  They have been waiting for this moment, when you have so much help from the spiritual realms, to demand your attention so that you could deal with them quickly and effectively in the minimum amount of time.


Your awakening will allow you to interact fully with all of creation

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Your awakening will allow you to interact fully with all of creation

08/01/2012 by John Smallman

We are all one – there is no separation.  Your human perception of individuality is caused by the severely limited state of consciousness that you experience, and this makes it extremely difficult for you to perceive very much at all.  As individuals, you engage in apparently separate disciplines, areas of interest, of study, of entertainment, of activity, etc. which further emphasize your sense of separation and hide from you the all-encompassing oneness that is your original and eternal state of existence.  Your awakening will remove those severe limitations, allowing you to interact fully with all of creation and to offer all your diverse skills and talents to enhance God’s ongoing creative enterprise, in which all participate gloriously and harmoniously.

Something of enormous significance is shortly to come into view

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Something of enormous significance is shortly to come into view

August 1, 2012 by John Smallman

Excitement mounts as the most pivotal moment in all of human history draws ever closer.  Examples of previous pivotal moments in your more recent history have been: the telephone; the establishment of an electricity grid; the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria leading to the first world war; radio broadcasting; the nuclear bomb; worldwide travel for all; computers; the Internet. And all of these are as nothing compared to what is about to occur.

Many of you are spending a lot of time attempting to imagine what will happen to humanity and the planet as you all awaken from the illusion.  If it excites and encourages your optimism about your future, then that is very appropriate because optimism is an essential frame of mind with which to embrace and move forwards towards awakening.  Your most creative imaginings of what is about to come into being are but the palest shadows of what is actually to occur.

Optimism is a very powerful energy that includes enthusiasm, cooperation, and harmony, and which brings with it happiness as an added benefit.  You all have every reason to be extremely optimistic as the changes and developments leading to awakening unfold all across the planet.  Make a point of focusing on the marvelous events that are bringing people together in friendship and love on a scale never before been seen on Earth.  It is most definitely going to be a defining moment in humanity’s ongoing evolution as you awaken into the boundless Reality that is your eternal Home.


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