Through practicing meditation and embracing a spiritual path, over time you raise your vibration. This is also known as ascension. Raising your vibration, or ascending while being in a physical body is a slow and gradual process. It has to be a gradual process otherwise your body wouldn't cope with the process. There are two ways to ascend; the most common way people have ascended in the past is through the death process. The new way to ascend on this planet is while being alive in a physical body. This doesn't necessarily mean you won't die in this incarnation but generally means you can have life extension and better health and wellbeing. Ascension will mostly be a generational process, with the new babies that are being born now and in the future. However anyone at any age can choose to ascend, through his or her intent and desire to do so.
From a dualistic perspective, ascending while in a physical body has some positive benefits but can also have some challenges. As you raise your vibration, your aura fills with light from your higher self so that you can carry that vibration while being human. Eventually you begin to resurrect and ascend the physical body, which in turn makes your body more youthful and healthy over a period of time.