Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~Djwhal Khul ~ The Spiritual Dream~

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Terri Newlon  January 16 2014

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We have the Sun about to enter Aquarius and then we have Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday and some other kind of lovely trining in the Heavens and other things going on.

So this week the article is about the spiritual dream. It is important to have a specific dream for your … that is ROQ cat talking… a specific dream or focus that guides you such as a dream of a better world, a dream of being a better person, or a dream of seeing the end of pollution.

So I’m going to encourage you to identify your main dream and then all of the other dreams that you might share.

For example, amongst Light Workers there is often a desire to live in a community that is light based or to have a facility where you are co-sharing a common space or co-sharing a garden.

ROQ is talking and he says “Mama, I love you. Hello. Rono and Ronette”. Those are his main ones. Today he’s not exactly as clear as normal but he is doing very well.

~ A Multi-Dimensional Conversation~

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Rational Mind tried to understand the intricacies of this human holiday and could not, so it let go and allowed Intuition to take over and Feeling to be present and to guide the dance. Being replaced Understanding.”









AdaptingToGrace ~Eileen Meyer ~ Coming Out As A Contactee: Sam Joy And NDEs

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eileenmeyerBefore I get to Sam’s story below, I would first like to thank everyone who responded to my initial Invitation to the Starseeds, and for you wonderful other bloggers who helped spread the word! I have been happily inundated with all of the communication from you – both through this blog and via the new Facebook Page (see the column to the right – please consider “liking” the page so that I can create a further reach with people). I believe that I responded to everyone at this point, but if not, I’m sorry, and if you feel strongly about participating in my Skype/phone chats, please write to me again!

~Frequency and how it affects your reality part 3 ~

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In order to fully understand this blog please read part 1 of “frequency and how it affects your reality”. 

It is vital at this moment upon planet earth to understand the very basics of the human life experience, being in human form allows for a filtering system unlike any other, the very reason that you incarnated upon this planet in a human vehicle was to experience this for the ENERGY that YOU ARE in TRUTH does not have any of these filters. At SOUL level there is only the LOVE that IS and ONENESS, this is the KNOWING that ALL ARE ONE.  This concept has been distorted hugely upon and within planet earth deliberately and this blog will continue to reference PERSONAL CHOICE and PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY at all times.

KP~Rainbow with Coffee this Morning

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A green flash last night, and now a rainbow this morning (taken from, where else)”, Java on the Rock…). I sense something is up.

The energies the last couple days has been quite “blossoming”. Like something indeed IS blossoming. Of course, we are always blossoming from within, however, this “blossoming” feels like something Grander… Bigger… Broader…

~Frequency and how it affects your reality part 2~

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In order to fully understand the rest of this blog please read part 1 of “frequency and how it affects your reality”.

As I have stated ALL is frequency and ALL is energy, many at this time are still under the assumption that the information that I bring through is from my “higher self” and that as a channel I am channeling SELF. Nothing could be further from TRUTH, the races/realms that I channel ARE REAL, they exist off planet and ON planet earth and they have always existed.   I would ask that you process the words of this blog through the heart space and FEEL TRUTH for the human logical mind tends to filter out that which it cannot see and not “seeing” is the reason for this blog. There is a reason that you cannot see the races/realms that exist around you and it has nothing to do with disclosure or agendas.  This is a concept that is created by the old 3d earth in order to keep your frequency within a bandwith that will PREVENT you from seeing that which you will openly discuss and get into heated discussions about. For as you allow the fear to arise, as you discuss, you neglect to dissolve the very frequency that is blinding you to that which you seek.

~Part 1: My Recent Energy Healing Experiences and Clear Visions~

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imagesHello everyone.  I wanted to discuss some things that have been happening and shown to me to me during my most recent energy healings.  They are absolutely amazing.

My third eye is open and I have been shown so much during these energy healings.  Please note that I do not heal anyone.

I am a simply a conduit where I channel and bring in Source energy through my crown chakra, through my bodies (etheric, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) and chakras and meridians and out of my palm chakras into the person that is being healed.  This is done through the help of the many high light beings, Arch Angels, master guides and Ascended Masters.

The energies are then sent to the person that I am healing and the energies will do for that person what is for that person’s highest and best good consistent with what that soul has chosen to learn, experience and also based on what lessons still need to be learned as well as any karmic imbalance that may be present.

With that said, here is what I have recently experienced and seen during the energy healings.  This post is only one part of what I have been shown.  Other posts will follow in the next few days explaining more of the visions and experiences.

Creator Writings ~ Beginning To End

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By: Jennifer Farley, 01/16/2014


From the beginning to the end, I have been with you.  When the conscious realization of this blooms in your mind, separation disappears and fear dissipates until only Love remains.  This has always been my greatest desire for you; to know your True Self, the Divinity within and that you, My most beautiful creation, are powerful beyond measure! ~ Creator

~Frequency and how it affects your reality part 1~

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I continually guide/blog and write about frequency, conversations had over the past few days have shown me that there appears to be a very low dimensional frequency that is blinding the anchoring of this information.  This blog is therefore dedicated to helping you understand at a very human level what is going on upon and within planet earth at this time for it is now vital that you are able to anchor WHY your frequency is so important and why raising your frequency is vital in order to understand what has affected the human life experience here upon this planet for all in human form.


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