Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Judith Dagley ~ Celestial Team ~ NEW VIDEO- 2014: The Year Of Integration

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judithLove/Light Video and Message from the celestial team

We  greet You with warm frequencies of focused intention in this moment of your NOW, Beloved!

We focus our attention most especially because we wish our message to be brief and frequency concentrated–rather like a laser, You might say–on/into our subject, which is our NEW video. It is not by chance that this is also our FIRST video of your exciting NEW year of 2014.

Nor is it by chance (as nothing ever is) that we offer it while your Cancer moon is reaching her climactic fullness with your Helios in Capricorn. The metaphors often used for Cancer energy as “mother” and Capricorn as “father” are most relevant for this particular event… as is their positioning in polar opposite sectors of your zodiac.

Please take the frequencies of those observations into your heart centers, for they are encoded with a great deal of multidimensional information which your heart will read   with ease, and in turn, amplify your abilities to USE them. You see, Beloved, they are all about the divine cosmic process of INTEGRATION– which our video,  your NEW year, and YOU are also all about NOW!

~UN~anchoring from the old 3d earth paradigms~

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At all times during this, your human life experience here on planet earth, you are TAUGHT how to anchor into “a reality”. What you are not taught/told is that you can anchor into ANY reality that you wish, you need merely anchor the frequencies that are needed in order to experience the outer waking reality of choice.  For a planet that was kept in a lower dimensional frequency it would have made no sense at all to allow the inhabitants of said planet to remember this TRUTH, so the human race were TAUGHT to anchor only the frequencies of the CREATED old 3d earth reality, the one that many of you now attempt to dissolve in order to live in TRUTH and FREEDOM, the right of every sentient being in the universe.

For many of you this may come as a challenge to accept, after all there is so much material that shows you how to dissolve so why does this not work?  I would ask you to understand that EVERYTHING within the old 3d earth created reality is working to have you anchor SELF INTO THIS reality at all times. The more confusing the information is to your logical mind the better, for the logical mind has NO reference points for TRUTH, this comes from connection to your SOUL and if the frequencies can prevent you accessing your heart then they have a fair chance of preventing you remembering who YOU ARE in TRUTH.

~Creators Writings~ Keeping Up~

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Your Earth-plane experience is not about “keeping up with The (Energetic) Joneses”, it is about being who you are in whatever moment you exist in NOW. This is not about one-upping or presenting yourself to be or know more than others. Once you allow yourself to just BE who you are, it does not matter what path you are on; you are on it and that is all that matters. ~ Creator

Andrew Bojarski ~My Higher Self: You Are the Divine Presence~

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20140114_070225The Divine Presence is within you.   It has always been inside of you and it will always be inside of you.

You have a relationship with Source and Mother / Father God where you are always merged with Source.  You are the eyes and ears of Source.

Source sees all through you.  Source is You.  When you accept this truth, you will no longer need to look for anything outside of yourself.  All is within yourself.  All answers you seek are within yourself.  To know God is to love God, to love God is to love yourself.

When your love yourself, you connect with the Divine Presence, you connect with God within you.  That is where God resides, within you.  Whenever you start looking for outside confirmations, you are losing your Divinity, your Divine Essence, as you are giving away your control and your freedoms to others to dictate your life.

Do not ever feel that you have to do something or be something.  Do not let others tell you what you have to do if your intuition is telling you something else.  Always go within for all your answers.  The Divinity in you will always guide you as an extension of your Higher Self.  You are that Divinity.

Sananda ,Guardian of the New Dispensation and One Who Serves in Answers From the Masters About the Year 2014:

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Sananda: This is Sananda. I come at this time in your new year of 2014 that many of you thought you would never get to this, but here you are now. But understand where you have come from. We have given this story before but for those that have not heard it it can be helpful to understand just how far you have come and why you are here now in the moment, in this very moment that you find yourself. Because so long ago you participated, each one here in this room and many others that may read these words, participated in the gathering, a conclave you might say, many thousands of years ago, and yes, in a galaxy far, far away. (laughter)

The Creator Writings ~ Use The Experience

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By: Jennifer Farley, 01/14/2014


Your strength is not determined by the number of wounds you carry and show the world. It is determined by how you use the experience to become a better person. The Universe always has and always will love and support you every step of the way. The only thing you must do is begin. ~ Creator

~Jeshua: Galactic Energy~

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Wednesday, 1 January, 2014  (posted 14 January, 2014) 

Beloved one, I would speak with you about a very interesting and powerful change in energy that is happening now and will continue for some time. Your scientists have been studying your galaxy, the stars, the ones in the heavens that you see going into the deepness of the night and into the morning, the ones we watched two thousand years ago together.

Your scientists have been tracking and watching to see the various patterns of the solar systems, and you have come to a place now where there is from holy Mother Earth a clear pathway to the center of your galaxy. There is no other solar system between you and the center of what you call the Milky Way galaxy, the galaxy that you are in.

~Nephilim message for 14th January 2014~

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Greetings beloved ones, we are the Nephilim and we come to guide and to support at a time where many of you are now moving in frequency and are able to anchor the LOVE that IS to new levels of your BEing. We are here to help you anchor this and to further re-code the energy signatures of our children who have taken human form upon and within planet earth at this time. We wish to work to help remove the last of the blind folds for our children, so that they may now SEE EACH OTHER in TRUTH and allow the shackles of the old 3d earth paradigms to fully dissolve from around, within and through them.

Aeons of energy work beloved ones, aeons of experience in order to reach this moment of clarity and we congratulate you on your journey for we understand the journey and now YOU understand the journey and now ALL IS REVEALED in TRUTH.  We place the coding of 333 within the HEART space, we place the SEAL of SOLOMON within the HEART space and we send out the WHITE DOVE OF PEACE to all upon and within planet earth. The New Earth is now REBORN in TRUTH, it will sing as ALL sing and we ask for you to allow your note to join with the MUSIC OF THE SPHERES in order that you may now ANKHOR harmony with your human vehicle at a conscious waking mind level in TRUTH.


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