Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~Responsibility and the New Earth~

Lia's picture

Many of you at this time may be in much chaos,  many of you may be scratching your heads in total confusion as to what is unfolding upon and within planet earth at this time.  Under the old 3d earth at ALL times you were TAUGHT to hand over responsibility for your actions and your thoughts to those around you. This is a very, very deep teaching and one that may be blinding many of you at this moment in this your human life experience.   It is a constant exercise to begin with to accept responsibility for your own actions and thoughts as the teaching seeks to place “blame” for all that occurs around you, through you and within you at the feet of others.

Personally I have just experienced this, in my outer waking life there are many who would have me believe that they understand me beyond where they actually do.  It is to be noted that the universe AND YOUr SOUL will check with you at a human conscious waking mind level to see how much you have shifted your frequency, especially when you reach the denser lower dimensional frequencies. Many of you may still be looking to those around you to somehow “help” you achieve your dreams, you may be “waiting” on people, “waiting” on situations unfolding etc and all is but illusion for the only person YOU are “waiting” for in TRUTH is SELF.

Stephen Cook: Feeling Tired? That’s January 2014′s Celestial/Solar/Lunar Troika ~ Comet ISON, Solar Flares and the Full Moon

Lia's picture

Thanks to 

Celestial Solar Lunar Troika - Comet ISON Sun and Full MoonBy Stephen Cook, the Golden Age of Gaia,

Feeling exhausted? Hardly keep your eyes open? Well, you’re not alone. I’ve spoken to many people from around the world over the last day or so who are literally ready to lie down and go straight back to sleep – almost as soon as they’ve  woken from a good night’s rest.

So, what’s the cause of this overwhelming struggle to keep your eyelids up, your eyes wide open and your brain functioning all at the same time?

This week is a BIG week from a celestial, solar and lunar aspect – and we all know how anything going on ‘up there’ can affect us ‘down here’. I’m calling it the January 2014 Celestial/Solar/Lunar Troika, comprising Earth’s voyage through Comet ISON’s orbit, the impact of the recent Solar Flares and this year’s first Full Moon.

~White Tara, ISON and it's role on ascension~

Lia's picture

Commentary from The Galactic Free Press, This is a Beautiful Message but he does again mention Comet ison as a starship, Comet ison was a comet! Love The Earth Allies


My beloved White Tara once again blesses me me with her presence and message of love.
Blessing my family of light.


My beloved White Tara once again blesses me with her presence and message of love.
Blessings my family of light.


It is with such tremendous love and joy that I approach you in this NOW my deeply loved child.
Some time has now passed since you last wrote my words or even sensed my presence. There were few reasons why you were not allowed to connect with me. Although I was never really gone from your side but a small veil needed to be placed in order to see how you could grow without my presence or the presence of most of your teachers and guides. Know that some channels were left clear and opened in order for you to receive communications when needed. Specially the unbroken bond you posses with the divine feminine that no veil can ever stop your heart from feeling and sharing the love with the Mother of Mothers.

Odile ~ Message from Mary Magdalene ~ January 13, 2014

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Channeled by Odile



Dearest Souls,

I am Mary Magdalene and I am here to provide you with insights for these coming times and what you will be facing.

The time has come to put down what you are doing, to reflect upon your inner being, to feel the True you, as you will fully emerge as True essence at this next shift beloveds.

What will follow will be nothing short of amazing. If You can already feel the anticipation of that moment, tap into and feel these energies rising. It truly is a magnificent time to rejoice.  With these changes in yourselves, your whole World will shift.  You will feel exhilarated when starting to go about your day, being in a constant state of Joy, loving everyone and every part of this beautiful planet and this is when you will truly feel as One. 

Welcome Home Loved ones, we wait with great anticipation.  

~Proof that Group Meditation can Change the World~

Lia's picture

Meditation has the potential to literally transform the world. In 1978, what is known as the “Maharishi Effect” took place when a group of 7000 individuals over the course of 3 weeks were meditating in hopes of positively effecting the surrounding city. They were able to literally transform the collective energy of the city which reduced global crime rates, violence, and casualties during the times of their meditation by an average of 16%. Suicide rates and automobile accidents also were reduced with all variables accounted for. In fact, there was a 72% reduction in terrorist activity during the times at which this group was meditation.

Almost 50 studies have been done further confirming the benefits of global meditation and it’s direct impact on everything in the world, even so far as to have the results published in the Journal of Crime and Justice in 1981. We know meditation has endless health and psychological benefits, but it is now being explored by politics and sociology because of its undeniable energetic impact.

For example, a day-by-day study of a two-month assembly in Israel during August and September of 1983 showed that, on days when the number of participants at a peace-creating assembly was high, the intensity of an ongoing war in neighboring Lebanon decreased sharply. When the number of participants was high, war deaths in Lebanon dropped by 76%.

~Archangel Jophiel speaks to New Structure Alignment and Purification~

Lia's picture


Dearest hearts,

Greetings and our deepest love to you today as you shine your light and love in ever purer ways.

Yes, purity is the focus of this message today as we wish to support your consciousness more deeply as you integrate and continue to open to the energies streaming to you from the sun in this, the new year of 2014, and also in the wake of the new moon that was aligned with the beginning of what you know as the calendar year. These are powerful energies, dear ones, and the power and strength of them is ever-increasing, as you call forth ever-greater purity of Creator-light, and these exciting times are the result and continued potential of your expanding capacity to embrace and embody these increasingly impressive vibrations and frequencies.

Dear ones, you are beautiful powerhouses and we continue to be awed! But then you know this...*wink*.

Interdimensional travel through the blue pearl ~ Part 2 By Ishante

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Over the past week I have been camping out in nature and meditating in an attempt to experience what the Pleiadians have been teaching me about the blue pearl. I can honestly say that it is as magnificent as it is mysterious. Words can’t describe the peace and bliss that is felt as it begins to expand in your 3rd eye area. Yet to hold it steady in order to pierce through it was quite a challenge for me. Thankfully I have made some progress, and hope to one day raise my vibration enough to be able to fully merge and journey through it.
In closing, whilst I am grateful for everything the Pleiadians share with me / us, it is my strong belief that our ascension as a species is an inside job, and not something that is going to happen to us or for us. As the saying goes “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for,” and whilst channelled messages are helpful, always trust and rely on your own internal guidance and intuitive intelligence ~ Ishante
The Pleiadians

Sandra Walters~Massive Light Flows entering Gaia this week ~

Lia's picture


I was guided to go up on Shasta yesterday and do Gatekeeper work. Every time this occurs, we get a wave of light – witnessed sometimes as magentic storms, flares, or solar wind blasts – within 48 hours. Between the light entering right now (good litmus test for your process. It is VERY strong today), the Full Moon on Wednesday, and the intersection with the path of ISON on the 16th, it’s definitely a high-vibe week.

ISON’s dust trail is highly charged with new light particles bringing new forms of life and support for the upcoming masks-off-kachina months. It is also billions of years old and highly radioactive, so if a rock lands in your yard, don’t touch it. And don’t call the News. Let it anchor what it is supposed to anchor and keep it outside on Gaia.

More division of experiences
(note: this isn’t judgment, it is Spiritual Maturity):

1. Folks on the Ascension Path will feel expansion, Light-Hearted, dizzy and giggly as our DNA and DMT kicks up a notch. Integrate the Higher Self as deeply as you can; your Higher Level may make you feel like you’re on psychedelics at times. Water, rest, exercise for the integration in the body.

2. Unawakened to the Light folks will be triggered emotionally, mentally and physically – that is ongoing as the frequencies increase. Confusion, outbursts, distortions are heightened in the lower levels.

Ashtar: The Love Transformation

Silver's picture

By: Philipp, 01/13/2014





AshtarDear Philipp, It is not that I have withdrawn from you. You are in a very intense inauguration phase which necessitates that you concentrate on yourself. We never withdraw in such a time [inauguration phase] but we do take a back seat. All those tasks linked to an inauguration phase – and we purposely don’t use the term “tests” since there is too much judgment and fear e.g. of not passing the test associated with it – need your full and undivided attention.


Each inauguration phase is a gift to you and it is only you that can accept and unwrap this present. We know very well how difficult this gift can be. You receive it and you are holding it in your hands, shaking it and wondering what could be inside. You want to unwrap it immediately but you struggle with the tie fastening. Therefore, you go through phases of anger and frustration which could last for days, weeks and even months.



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