Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Pam Younghans – NorthPoint Astrology Journal For Week 13th January, 2014

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NorthPoint Astrolody - 13 January, 2014



Highlighted Aspects this Week

MON: Saturn quintile Mercury; TUE: Mercury square Nodes; WED: Neptune semisquare Venus, Chiron semisquare Sun, Full Moon 8:52pm; THU: Sun square Ceres, Mars square Venus, Neptune trine North Node, Uranus quintile Sun, Uranus sextile Mercury; SAT: Neptune sesquisquare Mars; SUN: Jupiter quincunx Mercury, Sun enters Aquarius


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Thanks to Petra and Lejo

Traveling through the transitional zone – the ‘no-man’s-land’ between the old energy and the New (the actual awakening process), is one of the most difficult and challenging times. It is a time where it’s easy for us to feel completely lost, extremely vulnerable, very confused and so very alone.

We are now traveling in a strange new land that is outside all of our previous experience, boundaries and comfort zones. A land where nothing is the same as it used to be, and nothing works like it used to work – a land where our dependable old tools are useless, our treasured old books are obsolete and all our infallible old security systems fail. Even when we understand what is happening, it’s so easy at times to believe we are ‘losing it’ and on the verge of going completely crazy.

However, qualified help is at hand. And I emphasize qualified because this is not second-hand knowledge that’s been handed down the line, but first-hand knowledge that’s been gleaned from gruelling personal experience at the front line.

I trust that the following hints will help to make yours a (mostly) painless transition.

John McIntosh ~ Encounter with an Angel

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Revealing the Light - January 12, 2014


When I was in my young teens I was often depressed. I felt helpless to change my life, which was tinged by a kind of subtle anger, judgment and shame. The screaming matches between my parents that often included smashing walls and breaking dishes left me in a kind of perpetual trauma that simmered beneath the surface. Although I didn’t realize it until many years later, I was feeling responsible in some way for fixing my family and ashamed of myself that I could not.

This subtle essence of gloom colored everything in my life but had somehow slipped far enough below the surface of my consciousness that I had no idea why my life was so sad. When I looked back at it, the encounter that special day may have saved my life. For certain it embraced me tenderly during many dark moments from then on.

Shanta Gabriel ~ You Are a Radiant Spirit of Light

OdiStar's picture - January 12, 2014

Our current theme for Inspiration for the Week is going back to the basics.

The Gabriel Messages book and the companion cards continue to be basic tools for me that are powerfully relevant for these challenging times. We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages now to provide insight each week as we move into the New Life that 2014 promises.

For this week's issue, the card I chose is about acknowledging and accepting the truth of your being.

The Gabriel Message card for this week

Accept that you are a Radiant Spirit of Light who is growing stronger every day in patterns of wholeness and truth.

A Vision for Stewardship~ The Intenders of the Highest Good

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This Vision was one of two beautiful Visions sent to us from our friend, Pua, in Hawaii. Mahalo to you, Pua!

I see a world where the earth's soils are restored to abundant, vibrant health; where soils that have been depleted and eroded away, the hardpan is soothed and healed; where desert boundaries are shrinking again and true soil is restored to each wounded place; where the microbiota, the plants and animal life unique to each place return to home and thrive; and where the plant and animal life out of place return to home or to the soil; each to its place, in balance in spirit and space. 

Renewed soils and forests call out to the mists, the rains and the dew and they respond in kind. Streams and springs are running full, clean and healthy. Our reefs and coastal stretches are cleansed of decades of soil and oil. We harvest and recycle the plastic patches in the sea. Our oceans and all that reside there are cleansed of toxins; the ocean teems with life again. The amazing biotic and energetic networks that once held all ecosystems and organisms in graceful and elegant balance are reconnected. Our hands work together and we all take up this loving work, this healing, in recognition of the blessed relationship we have with the earth and the universe. 

~We've entered a week-long zone of feminine power~

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Earlier today, a cosmic rite of deep renewal took place in your life. It happened so far beneath the surface of your outer life that you may not even have noticed.  Believe me, though, this was a shift that will soon make itself very evident in your life.
At 7:26 a.m. EST today, Venus, who brings the energy of Love from our Star to the Earth, moved into the same degree of the zodiac as the Sun.  She's now reached the halfway point in the vision quest  that began on the Winter Solstice.  Over the last three weeks, the ancient Goddess of Love has been searching the boundaries of who, and what, and how you love and the structures you create from those values at your very core.

Deep within you, Venus is looking for something that you need to build your life around what you love most deeply. It's right there, but you've forgotten it. Maybe you've lost touch with it.  Perhaps you've overlooked it.  Whatever the case, Venus is re-connecting with you with the values that go deep enough to sustain your life.
When I talk about Venus, I'm not referring to something that is separate from you. Whether you're male or female, the goddess of Love is a deeply vital part of who you are.  Your relationship with her shapes every choice that you make about who and how and why to love.  We call her a goddess because of her feminine nature,.  Her magic is receptive, and it allows her -- and all she touches -- to be transformed. 

BEWARE OF THE PEDESTAL ~ White Cloud by Eileen Coleman

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10.1.14 – I asked for love and healing to be sent to certain parties and near the end I saw White Cloud.

In all honesty we have to say, we have no heart for these proceedings!  No one person shall be placed on a pedestal and given adulation, for at some point in time they will fall from grace in the eye of the beholder.  It is not our way to get involved in such proceedings and we continue to deliver our messages to those on Earth who wish to hear our words and we come in faith and all sincerity, bringing you upliftment and cheer in a world grown weary from trials and tribulations that beset you all.

 This is a time for casting off that shroud of sorrow, for dissolving the darkness and negativity that pervades your soul.  We govern proceedings and induce in you a state of ecstasy; this will bring peace and clarity, unfolding the greater mysteries that surround you.  We ask you not to be sad, we ask you to think about the reality of what you are facing.  We ask you to think about your mission on Earth that path you tread with your brothers and sisters from other dimensions, and we all come and gather together, uplifting the hearts of mankind, bringing in a clearer vision so that you may accept us as we are, your true friends and neighbours.


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