A Segment of a Message Received from Sananda.
by Ron Radhoff
There are many very good people who are loving, giving, sharing, and peaceful at heart. However, they have no knowledge of what has been happening on the deeper levels on the planet.
Even so, their vibrations are such that they will qualify to be transformed and experience Ascension. When that occurs they will be very confused because they will have no idea what has happened now that everything is so very different. They shall need help in order to comprehend it all and this is where to Lightworkers come in.
Mission of the Lightworkers after Ascension.
Amongst other responsibilities a large number of Lightworkers will be required to become teachers[Guides] for these newly unaware beings after Ascension and what Ascension was really all about. For those familiar with the scriptures these ones will be reminded of the scripture referring to Jesus reference and promise regarding miracles. “These and greater things shall you do also.”