Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Stephen Cook: The Avalanche of Truth Has Finally Begun

Lia's picture

As we get to the pointy end of 2013, I’m personally delighted to see that it seems the avalanche of truth that we have long been hoping for – and have been told was coming – has finally begun.

The NSA revelations continue to fall out, day after day, courtesy of one very brave young man, Edward Snowden (see separate story below). Revelations of this. Revelations of that. More spying. More intrusive invasions of privacy for both public and private individuals. Foreign governments, leaders and even charities under the NSA surveillance’ microscopes. And, yet, I just ‘know, there is WAY more to come…on many levels.

We’re also seeing the uncovering of many other truths, with the media covering some of the many cover-ups of recent years… 9/11. Lockerbie, corruption in governments around the world. Even forgiveness and debt forgiveness are now being talked about openly.

So, yes. it’s Christmas and the truths are snowing down. Let’s look at some of the various aspects of this avalanche of truth within the past two weeks alone.

This week, we’ve seen this major expose (1), NSA Declassifies Bush Era Documents – ‘”Bush Authorised Spying”:

~ Ariah Velasquez ~ For Christmas: Celebrate the Spiritual Avatars and the Inner Christ Light

Eddie1177's picture

Many feel that Jesus wasn’t really actually born today. If the bible talks about shepherds tending to flocks around his birth, then Jesus was born in a warmer time of the year.  Yet, we don’t always even know how accurate the bible is with so many misinterpretations.  It’s like the game telephone, you whisper something in my ear, and by the time it gets to the billionth person, someone has heard something else.    The pagans tended to celebrate the solstice, and this time was to celebrate the SUN, not a son! With all these different messages, it’s hard to know what to think about this holiday other than you get to be with family and friends.  However, it’s a wonderful thing, that free will, and consciousness has allowed us to choose what we want it to be about.

David Wilcock Comment on the 12-24-13 Benjamin Fulford Update…

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David_Wilcock_Search61Here’s what David Wilcock had to say on Ben’s post:

“Great to see this. In my new book I show how the events of the history of the Roman empire are repeating in modern American history. There is a ‘time fractal’ across the so-called “Age of the Zodiac” of 2,160 years.

“I predicted openly in “The Synchronicity Key” that we would see the Cabal fall apart in 2014. It has already started and nothing seems to be stopping the momentum.

“It’s the greatest football game on earth right now…

“- David”

~ Polona Aurea Dawn ~ Ascension update: The Golden Ray of Christ & new energetic year

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Dear Ascension Pioneers!

Welcome to my Holiday special Ascension update! I AM focusing around what was important in this current year, and what energy are we moving into next. Remember that all is a potential of Self expression, and we are the ones who need to make it our current reality.

We are now in an intense integration wave, which will last until the end of this year, and end on January 1st. We are fully integrating the Golden Ray of the Christ Self, along with our planet. We will now finally be able to hold this Light on a steady level, and walk in our full Ascension Light. We need to be ready and well prepared, of course. We need to become the "crystal children" ourselves, because this is what this is all about ... it's a level of awareness and a conscious choice of vibration. Because everything is a personal/Soul based choice, none of this happens through wishful thinking, but only through a complete devotion to the process, Self awareness and mastery, and doing the work of embodiment.

~ Anna Merkaba ~ Update from Galactics :) Happy Times Ahead :)

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messagefromgalacticsDearly beloved children of the universe,

We come to you today in celebration of the new beginnings unfolding on your GAIA. Many of you have been waiting this moment of eons, those of you who are first timers on earth and the ones that have come to liberate this planet from the veil of forgetfulness who are the first wave to arrive on this planet, understand the preciousness of this moment quite well. For this is indeed that which you have been striving for, for so long, finally it is to unfold before you.

What you are about to see is the unconditional love that all of you have been harmonizing within your hearts, spread to many finally all at once. For you are to see the acts of kindness of humans to one another and to their nature brothers and sisters (animals), unfolding daily before you. Many a stories are to be published in your journals, many a stories are to appear on your Internet and in the news announcing this and that se experience, of humans being kind and understanding to one another.

The holidays that you are about to experience, are unlike any other you have ever dreamt of, for not only your beloved GAIA but many distant stars and galaxies are to be affected from what’s to occur here , in the present moment of NOIW right before your very eyes.

Yes indeed the ISONic energies will herald the birthing of the new beginnings, truly as it was meant to be eons prior.

The Creator Writings - Opt Out Of Fear

Doreen Smith's picture


  The Creator Writings


There will always be those around you that attempt to play on your fears. Once again, you have a choice; let them pull you from your center or remain steadfast and true in your faith in The Universe. This is one shell game you may want to sit out. ~ Creator


~Future Mission of Lightworkers~

Lia's picture

A Segment of a Message Received from Sananda.

by Ron Radhoff

There are many very good people who are loving, giving, sharing, and peaceful at heart. However, they have no knowledge of what has been happening on the deeper levels on the planet.

Even so, their vibrations are such that they will qualify to be transformed and experience Ascension. When that occurs they will be very confused because they will have no idea what has happened now that everything is so very different. They shall need help in order to comprehend it all and this is where to Lightworkers come in.

 Mission of the Lightworkers after Ascension.

Amongst other responsibilities a large number of Lightworkers will be required to become teachers[Guides] for these newly unaware beings after Ascension and what Ascension was really all about. For those familiar with the scriptures these ones will be reminded of the scripture referring to Jesus reference and promise regarding miracles. “These and greater things shall you do also.”

White Tara, ISON and heart portals~Jose Sanchez

Lia's picture

Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~This is a Beautiful Message about the gifts Comet Ison Brought to Humanity, He does Mention Comet Ison being a Ship, however it was not a ship it was a Comet which is a Celestial Body and Has Disinegrated despite any mis~ or dis~ infomration claiming otherwise. Love THE GFP


It is with the great love I greet you my dear family of light. Mother Earth and humanity are beautiful and shiny and look like a Fourth of July majestic sparkler from our heavenly perspective.
Many are now awakening now with incredible speed and your beloved planet is doing an amazing job in her divine service of supporting you in your growth to become the creators you have always been intended to.


Lia's picture




What would a conscious Christmas look like? It would look like the Christ – loving others, caring about others without second agendas, no attempt to impress, patient, and caring. It would not be limited to a day, evening, or night. It would not be a special event. It would be a life-long endeavor, focusing the power of goodness, compassion, and Divinity onto to every interaction and experience. It would be willful, not mindlessly habitual. It would demand commitment and an elevated perception. It would be the experiences of love, wisdom, and compassion brought into the matter of your life.


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