Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Jennifer Hoffman ~ Changing Our Perception of What Should Be

Eddie1177's picture

Although I am happier, and have more joy and peace this holiday season than I have in a long time, it  has been one of the most “un-holiday”, unusual holidays I can remember, where I feel the energy of the season and not much else. And for the first time in many years I am spending the holiday alone, without family or my children. I am not sad or lonely, quite the opposite, I am spending time with myself, to get clear and to be calm, rest, and relax. It has been a stressful, difficult year for me, with significant health problems that are finally resolved and I need the rest. That said, I wasn’t really looking forward to Christmas because of the focus on materialism but it turned out to be the best one ever, although it was much different than I expected.

~ Cobra ~ Return To Innocence Activation Report

Eddie1177's picture

Our Return to Innocence activation was a partial success. Although the critical mass on the surface of the planet has not been reached, we have still managed to anchor a lot of energy of innocence into the planetary energy grid. This will help dissolving the Matrix in the near future.

Our core group in Glastonbury was extremely successful, fully anchoring the energy into the Glastonbury vortex and transmitting it into the etheric planetary energy grid through the leylines. Instead of heavy stormy weather which was forecast, we created this:



The Creator Writings - One Bright Strand

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings



In the seemingly impenetrable web of ‘I can’t’ existing in your mind there is one shining strand of ‘YES, I can!’ The Universe asks that you focus on that one bright spot, watch it spreading from strand to strand until the entire web of your Earth-plane existence is engulfing in light. Then….let the manifestations begin! ~ Creator


Carolyn Baker, on Winter Solstice: Let us dance while our hearts are breaking

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 December 24, 2013   Ann Kreilkamp


Hopi Dancing Eagle Kachina

Hopi Dancing Eagle Kachina

Somehow, we must find the capacity within ourselves to expand to include darkness and light in equal measure. As we do this, a new, life-giving fire is kindled within. Let us spread this fire, let us share this warmth, with every lonely, separated soul we meet along our way.

Remember: your entrance into the world of light was preceded by fertile, nourishing germination and growth in the darkness of your mother's womb. So is the whole human family in this annual Northern Hemisphere darkness, impregnated with the mystery and primal power of ongoing life.

~ Isabel Henn ~ The Divine Mother: Merry Christmas

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(Translated from original language german)

My beloved child, all over the earth do you celebrate these days the birth of my beloved son Jesus. You have many names for him, but this does not matter. His mother, the Virgin Mary was my incarnation then, an aspect of me, on earth.


The annual celebration of the birth of the One whom you call Savior, shall remember also that he has so often said to you, You shall love your neighbor as you love yourself. Love is the ever most important thing and the most powerful force in all of Creation. Many of those who came before him and many who came after him, have always confirmed this.


Doreen Smith's picture


December 23, 2013  karen chrappa 

“Trauma leaves an almost indelible signature that a healer can perceive in the luminous field. Healers believe that this marks a person’s experience of health or disease for their entire life, like a cross that each of us has to shoulder. A shaman can help people to lighten their load, perhaps even help them understand the lessons they needed to learn from the original trauma they experienced, but it is up to each person to choose whether they carry their cross lightly, discard it altogether, or become burdened and overwhelmed beneath the weight.” 
Alberto Villoldo


I have worked with an aging population most of my life and one thing is certain. There are no definitive rules on aging. Time will certainly take its toll on the body but we accelerate this process by bearing the weight of our wounds with every step we take.

How can the burden of trauma affect the way we age?

Dementia, the general term for a decline in mental function, is believed to come with aging. Could dementia be a breakdown of mind that comes from a cross too heavy to bear?

Happy Holidays to All ~ Caroline Aguiar

Lia's picture


123By Caroline Aguiar

It’s been many years since I’ve felt this excited about Christmas.  Here we are, on the eve of Jesus’ birth, and what comes to mind and heart, is “rebirth” for everyone, and our beautiful planet.

We’re stepping into the heart, and essence of the new YOU, and the more time I spend with my Higher Self, and get to know her better, the more love I feel.  With each breath, more, and more truth is revealed, as love and well-being rapidly flood my heart.

To fully let go of the old ways of being, thinking, and believing might require that we face our greatest fears, and/or beliefs which are still buried deep within us.

We’ve heard from the Angels, the Ascended Masters, and our star brothers, and sisters who tell us, once we surpass the remaining debris we subconsciously hold onto, there is amazing, and radiant beauty waiting for us on the other side.

It’s that last step, which requires the greatest courage of all. Our complete trust in the loving energies which guide us, are needed. Above all, if we are to truly merge within the depths of our heart, and our very being, and know the truth of who we are, we must also love ourselves completely.


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