Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Owen K Waters ~ Alone In A Crowd

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Spiritual Dynamics December 22 2013


The Christmas and New Year’s Holidays are often a time of gathering together for friends and relatives. The holidays can also be a time when spiritually-aware people feel a certain aloneness, even in the midst of a crowd.

It helps to know what can cause such a sense of loneliness, and why it affects spiritually-aware people more so than others. Your outer personality is designed to focus upon the five senses and upon the experience of the outside world which those senses deliver. Your purpose here on Earth is to experience being an individual, and that is exactly why a sense of isolation can occur, especially during the holidays.

Just as each snowflake is unique, so is each person. Your primary purpose in life is to experience life from one individual, unique point of view. You are an expression of Infinite Being as it experiences itself from all possible viewpoints.

Because we are all connected within, we need to take a moment to go beyond the separated appearance of a room full of individuals and recall the inner connection that we share with the people around us.

Enlightened Beings ~ Guided Meditation Into The Heart Of Love

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Jafree Ozwald December 20 2013

sunshineHeartThis simple exercise is extremely profound. If it is done continuously and persistently, it’ll bring more peace and joy into your life with each grand and glorious day you have. Here’s how you do it.

Gently place your attention on your heart and visualize it as a powerful warm glowing source of infinite light. Like the sun, begin to sense the warmth that it radiates from the inside. Take your time with this, for whatever warm-feelings arise from this image, can become the foundation for your heart chakra’s future. If nothing happens, or a negative feeling occurs, continue to focus on this radiating light. It may take several days (or hours) before the bigger warm fuzzy feelings grow stronger, yet be persistent. Remember whatever we focus on will grow, and this is what we become.

Please take the challenge of bringing this heart-warming visualization while you’re eating, showering, watching TV, reading emails, walking, talking on the phone or working. Each second counts, because the seconds will add up into minutes and soon become hours in time. Once your heart is fully open to this ever-present moment, you reach a bliss-filled state where the mind and body begin to radiate a great light and love.

Ida Lawrence ~ The Missing Fullness

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Talk2Momz  December 20 2013


“A life without love is a waste. ‘Should I look for spiritual love, or material, or physical love?’ Don’t ask yourself this question. Discrimination leads to discrimination. Love doesn’t need any name, category or definition. Love is a world itself. Either you are in, at the center … either you are out, yearning.” Shams Tabrizi

I’ve seen it, deep down, in myself and in so many people… a life without love in the full circle. Many of us see the great value of spiritual love, for ourselves and our world. We’ve been dedicated to it as a life path. And of course material love is natural. It’s a material world and we love the earth in all her beauty. But the physical… true self in love with another true self… intimacy… this is the love that slips to the low rung on the ladder.

It would be nice, we imagine, but quietly we believe we don’t deserve. Or we fear it because this love goes so deep that perhaps we won’t live up, or we could go vulnerable and lose it. So we remind ourselves of duty and obligation to the other two loves.

Twelve Insight Journal ~Connection With Source Is The Plan For Achievement

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Larry Larson

LarryLarsonQ: What do the Twelve think about our holiday rituals and their significance on the larger scale?

Well it all depends upon what you are trying to create and that all depends upon what you are trying to feel. If you are attempting to make joyous contact with the Source of All in the present moment you are on the right track and you will benefit greatly from making that your daily ritual. A ritual is just a belief that you reenact over and over again. And to the extent that your personal rituals benefit you and enable you to make Source connection they serve you. To the extent they do not serve you, you should let them go. Attempting to maintain some action or some belief just because it seems like you ought to or because there is social pressure to do so, even though it feels bad, is going to manifest something equally unpleasant in time.

But if you are feeling disconnected from your holidays…Christmas or your birthday or anniversaries, it is you who is disconnected, you see. It’s not something that everyone else needs to heal—it is something you must heal within yourself. It’s your job to find the positive aspects and celebrate those in the present moment. You cannot recreate good old times unless you put the good in them. It’s your job to make those events celebratory and meaningful. And the beauty of it is you get to select the meaning.

All About Unconditional Love and its Abundance

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So much has been written during the last two years about Love ! Love as the Glue – solely holding the entire Universe together – being Love – and with all the aspects too deriving from the past dimensional realm of Dualities – it will all add up to some huge mountain of its various aspects and considerations.

Now, after having some lapse of tiredness these days and being again in some very idle mood I went for some rest in the afternoon – and when getting up again out of some deeper sleep I had such a new inspired sensation of that particular “Unconditional Love” disclosing its true secret to me – at the threshold of our new 5th dimensional realm where we strive to go to.

The changes of the Light and how we are stepping into the new earth paradigm

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My experience.

I wanted to share an experience of mine I had on the Eqinox yesterday and it was thrilling, and also left me feeling if I could of done more, I also ask the question should one have walked into the door way, or would that happen if it was ment too.?

Well I went to bed and only just put my head on the pillow, so was still very awake, and all of a sudden a form of my light body came in and seemed even more in depth the patterning very evolved so I knew there had been a vast change, as I cuddled up to my non believing partner I said are you ok he replied I just left my body, went to the wall and was blocked, then shot back into his body.

Well I smiled, to my self. He is still sitting in the winds, I form no judgment as it is his path.

Well after a little while right infront of my eyes, a large portal unfolded, and rippled open and it seemed almost magical, and I waited in silence as you do, as you never know what is to appear, and then I saw this huge like door way appear, it was more like a door port in the air,it was truely amazing.

That was it, on reflection today was I to go through this door as this would of occured naturally, surely. ! I had no fear, I just wondered how others felt yesterday and did any one experience anything as simular. 

Always in light, intrigued if any one can write to me if they are doing Christ ACTIVATION OVER THE FIVE DAYS and if so how have you felt.


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 Thanks to  Nancy B. Detweiler


By Sandra Weaver

Most crystal children were born in the 1990s. These children have taken the psychic and telepathic abilities of the indigos to even greater heights. Spontaneous unconditional love and psychic healing abilities are key traits of these children. Some crystals were born in the 70s and 80s as scouts to see if the world was ready for these extraordinary children. Humanity must be ready to change…they’re here!

How are crystal children different from indigo children

Laura Bruno ~ James Gilliland ~New Age Denial And Death Sentence ~ 22 December 2013

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laura-of-the-rocksThanks to Mary for sending this my way. It goes right along with the series of posts here, here and here, along with many others. Wake up, get grounded, take action. Lather, rinse, repeat. As James says, “[D]rop the denial, the mind control, the spiritual ego and get busy we have a planet to turn around. It is time for right thinking, right action, right living, impeccable integrity and to stand in your own divinity leading yourself from your own heart and soul.”

A New Age Denial And Death Sentence
by James Gilliland


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