The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

~ We have entered 3 Days of the Wobble~

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, What a Solstice!!! The Energies were Wild and Intense! Many Received Downloads as Well, for the Creation of the New Earth preparing us for 2014.  Exciting Times everyone! We will be in the Wobble for the next 3days. During these days you may experience intense downloads and rememberances, dizziness, and intense ear ringing!

Quoted from Lisa Gawlas "If we can look at the entire energy of 2013 as the time before the curtain opens, everyone is putting on their new outfits, adjusting as needed, rehearsing their lines, getting them down clearer and more fluidly.  Some character placements have been changed out, alternates brought in, creating new and unexpected relationships and potentials and even more rehearsing for the “Big Show.”  The Big Show is really the fully functional stage of Shambhala, Heaven on earth.However, before the full curtain open (April) we’re going to have a pre-show, which relates to the first quarter of 2014.  Maybe a better word is a dress rehearsal before an audience (all of life....")

Is The Galactic Free Press Bringing You Love, Truth and Joy? Thanks for sharing and Honoring us in this Very Divine Mission! Humanity coming Home Into Love!  Total received 1765.77$ Goal 3000$

We have 9 days remaining to make our Goal, thank you for keeping us in 24 hour service!

If You Would like to mail a donation, we can give our address upon request

~Happy Solstice of Intense Waves of Light~ Yeehaw

Lia's picture

~ Solstice, Planetary Birthday, and Portal Opening Energies Intensify Today~

Lia's picture

Link to Today's Newsletter:

Greetings Love Beings, Waves of Intense light this planet has ever seen are now arriving in waves! The Solstice Energies Have Really begun Kicking in and will reach a climax tomorrow! You Could be experiencing Many different feelings right now, Let Go, Surrender and Embrace the Light and The Present Moment of Now!  This will assist You In these intense energies.

~ Solstice, Planetary Birthday, and Portal Opening Energies Intensify Today~

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, Waves of Intense light this planet has ever seen are now arriving in waves! The Solstice Energies Have Really begun Kicking in and will reach a climax tomorrow! You Could be experiencing Many different feelings right now, Let Go, Surrender and Embrace the Light and The Present Moment of Now!  This will assist You In these intense energies.

Quoted from The Earth Allies "~Greetings Love Beings~ We are In Some Interesting Spiraling energies as We are Moving very quickly towards our destiny. Those who do not know what is happening on the Planet are simply missing it. We have an intense wave of Light arriving and nothing can stop this! Those who are battling ego's and not trusting the Truth and Love through judgement are just missing it. Those of you who have Awakened Into Love are Now Joining the Unity Movement through Complete Participation in the Oneness Energy. Yeehaw~The Oneness Energy is the most powerful energy that is making its way contagiously across the Planet. This intense Light, has not been allowed to Be present for at least the last 13,000 Years. Look at us NOW, Humanity is moving at lightning speed from out of the illusion and into Reality. WOW!  Atlantis and Lemuria were the closest moments when this energy was Present. We are moving into even Grander energy then was present during those moments on this Planet. We are Moving this Planet right now into Complete Balanced Harmonics. Where Love is the Law, True Family on One Planet Living in True Equality and the True Experience of Joy in every moment is all that exists...."

~Love is Going to Explode Across Planet Earth=Heart!~

Lia's picture

Link to Today's Newsletter:

Greetings Love Beings,WOW Exciting High Frequency Energies Incoming~ We are Already beginning to feel the Solstice Energies,  Coming In Like Waves of Intensity!  AS Intense Electrical Currents throughout the body!!! .... and they have only just begun, more arriving! An Incoming Wave of the Most Light this Planet has Ever Experienced is Arriving! The Astrological Chart for December 21st, the clear Message was EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED! Anything could Happen, TRULY! Love is Going to Explode Across Planet Earth=Heart! WOOHOO!

Quoted from Caroline Aguiar ...." My sole intent for the words you read here are to encourage others as we move forwards together during this time of ascension, and wondrous occurrences everywhere.

I feel urged to write about it because I’m so sure, without the slightest sliver of doubt what is transpiring within all of us, is coming to a boiling point, like a volcano waiting to explode. This friends, is a volcano of love, and indeed it’s ready to explode...... BREATHE"

~Love is Going to Explode Across Planet Earth=Heart!~

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings,WOW Exciting High Frequency Energies Incoming~ We are Already beginning to feel the Solstice Energies,  Coming In Like Waves of Intensity!  AS Intense Electrical Currents throughout the body!!! .... and they have only just begun! An Incoming Wave of the Most Light this Planet has Ever Experienced is Arriving, Here we GO! The Astrological Chart for December 21st, the clear Message was EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED! Anything could Happen, TRULY! Love is Going to Explode Across Planet Earth=Heart! WOOHOO!

Quoted from Caroline Aguiar ...." My sole intent for the words you read here are to encourage others as we move forwards together during this time of ascension, and wondrous occurrences everywhere.

I feel urged to write about it because I’m so sure, without the slightest sliver of doubt what is transpiring within all of us, is coming to a boiling point, like a volcano waiting to explode. This friends, is a volcano of love, and indeed it’s ready to explode...... BREATHE"

~ Preparing for the Huge Energies of the Solstice~

Lia's picture

Link to Today's Newsletter:

Greetings Love Beings, We Are Still in the 72 hour Period from the energies of this past full moon which gave some very interesting Energies to us! AS We Process these we will go into our Next Huge Energies of the Solstice. Which will be Our Biggest Whammy Yet of Energies this Planet has Ever Seen. Join us Live today as we discuss this event in detail and with Cobra's information See Everyone there beginning at 10:30am Pacific at this Link:

Also, at the Above Link we will be hosting a Solstice Meditation beginning at 1:11pm Pacific On Saturday December 21st !

If The Galactic Free Press is Assisting You In Love, Truth and Joy Thank You for Your Support and Honoring our 24 Hour Service to You! We are Supported only by all of You as this Represents the New Paradigm of supporting and sharing with each other!   Total received 1587.66$ Total Goal 3000$

We have 13 days remaining to make this Goal, Thanks for caring and sharing!

~ Preparing for the Huge Energies of the Solstice~

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, We Are Still in the 72 hour Period from the energies of this past full moon which gave some very interesting Energies to us! AS We Process these we will go into our Next Huge Energies of the Solstice. Which will be Our Biggest Whammy Yet of Energies this Planet has Ever Seen. Join us Live today as we discuss this event in detail and with Cobra's information See Everyone there beginning at 10:30am Pacific at this Link:

Also, at the Above Link we will be hosting a Solstice Meditation beginning at 1:11pm Pacific On Saturday December 21st !

If The Galactic Free Press is Assisting You In Love, Truth and Joy Thank You for Your Support and Honoring our 24 Hour Service to You! We are Supported only by all of You as this Represents the New Paradigm of supporting and sharing with each other!   Total received 1587.66$ Total Goal 3000$

We have 13 days remaining to make this Goal, Thanks for caring and sharing!


~ Wow, Intense Energy On the Move~

Lia's picture

Link to the Newsletter:

Greetings Love Beings, Wow we have intense Energy Movement occurring on this Full Moon In Gemini! Love is ON the Move in a Big way and Heaven Is being Given to Humanity on a Golden Platter, Love Everywhere Present! The Real Christmas Present! ENJOY! We Love you, Love The Earth Allies

Join Us In the 5d Room at this Link:


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