What is the meaning of "the great teacher"? The ordinary teacher only indoctrinates you, he gives you information. In the school, college, the university, that's what the teachers go on doing: they simply give you information, they feed you knowledge. Their whole function is to transfer knowledge from the older generation to the newer generation. They function as mediators between the going generation and the coming generation. They are agents of the past.
That's why your whole education system is always orthodox, conventional, conformist. It is never revolutionary. That's why revolution has not happened up to now, because revolution can happen only through education, only through right education. And your education is wrong education; it is mis-education.
Why is it wrong? It is wrong because it perpetuates the past against the future. It is wrong because it perpetuates the dead against the living. It is wrong because it goes on molding small children into patterns that their fathers and forefathers have decided. It is wrong because these children will not be living in the same world in which their fathers and forefathers had lived, so they will always be misfits. They are prepared for something, for some world, which exists no more.
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