A real intelligent person is not clever. When you have intelligence, what need do you have of being clever? Your very life shows your intelligence. The clever person is trying to show that he is intelligent, and only one who is not intelligent tries to show that he is intelligent. Remember it! Only the ugly person tries to show that he is beautiful, and only the ignorant tries to show his knowledge.
The man who knows never tries to show. It is seen by others; it happens on its own accord. When the spring comes and trees bloom, they are not advertising, "Come and see." But their perfume spreads to the winds; people start coming. And if people don't come - because people are so blind, they have lost all sensitivity - then at least bees will come, butterflies will come, birds will come, and that is enough. But they come on their own.
When the perfume is released to the winds people start coming. There is no need to brag about the fact.
The person who is trying to be clever simply shows that he is not clever. He is afraid; if he does not show, he will be caught. If he does not show his knowledge, he will be caught: people may come to know that he is ignorant. Before they come to know he has to make much noise.
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Friday, June 19, 2015 - 17:27